12th Day of Christmas – 12 Winners!
Jan 05
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Day 12 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration!
Today we are giving away … 12 patterns to 12 separate winners! Each winner can custom select 12 patterns from the Liberty Jane Collection (this means the pattern brand is Liberty Jane Clothing). You will have until January 31,2013 to make your selection, so any of the new LJC patterns that are released before then can also be included in your prize. Pictured below is a collection of LJC patterns currently available for purchase.
To enter simply respond to this post in the comment box below and complete this sentence:
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been [insert here...] but would be even better next year if [tell us how...]“
Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific), today, 1/5/2013.
One entry per person. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment. We will choose a winner and announce it in tomorrow’s post to let everyone know who won.
Merry Christmas,
Cinnamon, & The Liberty Jane Team
Ps. The winner of yesterday’s give-away is Sarah! Congrats Sarah, we will contact you through email…
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if there were more winners!“
The twelve days of Christmas has been a wonderful opportunity for everyone to get to know Liberty Jane better, but it would be even better next year if you included one of the OOAK gowns that you create, either in pattern form or the gown itself as a grand prize!!!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to follow but would be even better next year if you offered 12 completed outfits from your patterns!”
The 12 days of Christmas has been a blast! Would be even better next year if I won
thank you for having this!
The The 12 days of Christmas has been fun it would be better next year if you offered a ready-made outfit for one of the days
The 12 days of Christmas was amazing, but it would be even better next year if more accesories were offered!
The 12 days of Christmas were fun to follow, but would be even better next year if I were lucky enough to win!
I haven’t sewn in almost a year it would be nice to get back into it with your patterns
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun but would even better next year if it started 12 days before Christmas. I missed some days because I was out of town with no Internet connection.
This was fun but would be even better if I could remember to enter every day!
The 12 days of Christmas were fun to follow, but would be even better next year if there were more winners.
The Twelve Days of Christmas have been lots of fun making sure I see all of the variety available at Liberty Jane. The only way to make next year better would be to make sure I win!!!
The 12 days of giveaway has been amazing! Great prizes. It would be great next year if you had more prizes, with all of these comments, I don’t know if I can ever win! Good luck to all!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been so much fun–I’ve learned things about Liberty Jane that I didn’t know! And the only way to make it better would be if I won…..Otherwise, it’s perfect!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been INSPIRING but would be even better next year if you could offer outfits!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun but would be even better next year if I could win something…other than that it was a lot of fun with some nice give-a-ways. Thank you!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fantastic and maybe just a little better if each day along with the giveawy, there could be one pattern on special for a one day only price or some special like that, because it is wonderful to win one of the 12 days, lets face it, most of us wont win and this way we can get something on special.
Julie, great idea!
Very good idea, I agree.
I agree! I never win anything, but it would be more fun if the losers got a consolation prize just for responding to the blog. Could be a discount, etc. that did not have to be mailed.
Like this idea!!
What a fantastic idea, Julie!
I also love that idea! Hope it becomes a reality!
Love this idea as well.
Julie this was what I was going to put for my entry. Lol. I agree with you on this. I never win anything either. Marian
Your 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun. It was exciting to think that some lucky person would win something. The only thing I can think of that would have made it even better would have been for me to be one of the winners.
Kidding aside, congratulations to all those who were lucky. It was great fun.
The 12 days of give-aways was great fun. Lovely idea, truly. I enjoyed ready the posts everyday. I suppose the only way to make it even better is to have more winners!
PS. I already own each if the patterns shown!!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun. The prizes were great. Would only be better if I won one!!! However, I realize not every one can win. I love your patterns and next year I think I will put a gift certificate for Liberty Jane patterns on my list to “Santa”!!!!
The 12the days of Christmas has been a great way to introduce people to your patterns, but would be better if I was lucky enough to win one of these beautiful designs.
The 12 days of Christmas has been a highlight each day. It’s been fun to see what new thing you are giving away. The only way to make it better next year would be to have comments where we can get ideas for where people buy supplies or blogs they enjoy to get ideas from
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun but would be even better next year if the posts were up earlier. It’s so hard to wait half the day to see what the next prize is. I do love that you changed it to after Christmas.
The twelve days of Christmas has been fantastic!!!! Next year could be fun if you had more winners…such as on the eighth day eight winners get to choose 1 free pattern. …ninth day nine winners get 1 pair of shoes! Seventh day.. seven winners get a pair of tights!!!! Thankyou so much for this fun contest!!!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been a blast but would be even better next year if . . . hmmm . . . hard to think of it being better than it has been (unless I won, of course) . . . but I’d say it would be even better with more pattern give aways. Even if it was that # of different winners would win two LJ brand patterns or specific patterns. No matter what, I think we’re all winners that you have this site and that you are coming out with new patterns before the end of January!
The twelve days of Christmas has been great! I see two ways it could be even better: First, if I’d been able to get online and enter every day instead of just a few of them(!), and second, if perhaps you offered a half-price or discounted pattern each day, or to everyone who entered, or something like that.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing! i have loved exploring your sites in even more depth. But would be even better next year if I won! Or if during those 12 days you offered a dicount on a different pattern everyday. Each new day would bring a new pattern at a slight dicount.
I LOVE this idea!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if you had a buy one get one free day!
Awesome! The 12 days of Christmas, in my opinion, is wonderful just the way it is. I love the fact that not only you do all 12 days but the number of items given away keeps increasing.
The twelve days of Christmas has been lots of fun! It was exciting to see what the prizes were each day. It could only be better if more prizes were offered.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to enter but would be even better next year if (I won and ) … More accessories like the shoes.
Oh, I like that idea, too!
it was really good:)I had a lot of fun and did check every day:):) I was hoping for more patterns as I dont live in usa and delivery would be to expensive…maybe next year you can do some competition?it would be good to have it:)but in general I love it like all your ideas:)kind regards
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun but would be even better next year if I was in town the whole time and could enter every day.
Really, the prizes have been great and it’s been fun to see how it has shaken out!
The twelve days of Christmas have been fun, but more fun if I am lucky enough to win! More chances please!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been lots of fun! but would be even better next year if there were more winners. On the sixth day of Christmas six people won a pair of shoes or eight people won a pattern each on the eighth day of Christmas. Thanks for this giveaway!
That would be cool! I totally agree!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been inspiring! I love the posts where we shared ideas. It would be even better next year if you gave away an American Girl doll (maybe the new Girl of the Year?). I’m sure many of us would love a new model!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been [a wonderful idea] but would be even better next year if [if we give away one or more patterns to all]”
Thanks and happy 2013
The 12 days of Christmas has been wonderful. The gifts were great ideas, so I really can not think of an improvement. Thank you for the fun.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been an incredibly generous undertaking. It’s also been fun to read the comments from all the participants. I’m not sure I can think of anything that would make it more fun than it has been this year, but I think it might have been enjoyable to have at least one day where we all shared a picture of one of our outfits made from the LJ patterns ( I love being inspired by others work).
I also second one of the earlier commenter’s suggestion of discounts each day on a selected pattern for commenters.
You can share your photos anytime…at Liberty Jane Clothing on Facebook Cinnamon often asks people to share what they’ve made
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awaited for with much anticipation, but would be even better next year if everyone received a gift…maybe a new release of a free pattern or a day where everyone receives a discount on a pattern of their choice.
The twelve days of christmas has been amazing but it would be even better if you gave away more completed outfits.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a learning experience. The tips Cinnamon shared on fabric, and supplies was great. Reading other post was also interesting,but would be even better next year if not sure how to answer this because I thought it was great and was fair in amount of gifts that were given away. Perhaps adding one blog on sewing tips and techniques to share (especially with us newbies to sewing).
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun but would be even better next year if I win…” thanks Cinnamon for doing this for us, it has been a blast and I have enjoyed it so much, even though I didn’t win anything. so glad that you had such good comments and positive remarks. you truly deserve it..
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to follow but would be even better next year if I had been one of the winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been incredible, but would be even better next year if you had a day for signed copies of your books!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of FUN, sort of like a present for me! I, also, was without internet for several days but had a good time checking all the responses each day when I got home. Making it better would mean I would win next year! HA! Sincerely am happy for all winners this year–Congrats! Thanks LJ!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been really amazing, but would be even better next year if…I won a prize! Really though, I thought this was fun and loved all the prizes you picked. More fabric giveaways would be my choice. I’m a fabric junkie.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun, but would be even better next year if I’d win!
The 12 day of Christmas have been gear fun but it may be better if you include a already made outfit! Thankyou
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if there were more winners and more days of winning.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if I had found the giveaway sooner!“
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and generous but would be even better next year if some supplies for doll clothes were given away (little zippers, buttons,etc).
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun and exciting each day it may be better next year if I can actually remember to enter each day and win! Thanks!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been simply one of the best blog post/giveaways I have seen! So many wonderful items and some great comments. It would be even better if you offered some BIN outfits as giveaways or some accessory pieces…one of a kinds! Please keep up the excitement and fun on this blog…it is a blast!
The 12 days of Christmas has been Great but would be even better if it were more than a drawing. I like several of the ideas like the one day special pattern, successive increase of prizes in correlation with the day’s number. Perhaps you could have an essay contest. One for the children who own the dolls: “I(heart) liberty Jane because….” in 25 words or less; best slogan wins an outfit.
The l2 days of Christmas would have been better if I had known about it. I do alot of entertaining over the holidays and actually did not check my email for 7 days….would be cool if someone could post (or contribute) their own doll pattern.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if there were a pattern offered every day at a special price for that day only. That would be awesome. Thanks for the fun!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun but would be even better next year if a different pattern would be discounted each day. Then we all would win! Anxiously awaited each email to see what was next. Great ideas, great tips, great fun! Hope everyone has a great year! Cinnamon and team – thanks for all that you do!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been “The Loveliest Celebration” with other doll lovers! What a wonderful way to brighten up the loooong days of Winter. My 7 year old niece Thea has followed along with the blog also. Her quote is “The 12 Days of Christmas has been FUN!” I think it could be better next year if you had a free downloadable of ANY kind on one of the days as a surprise (like a Libby magazine or a simple free patten). Thea said “It would be better if there were prizes for younger girls to win”
New idea… How about a real simple pattern for each girl under a certain age to win just by entering. A skirt with elastic waist or a simple shift…etc.
The 12 days of Christmas have been super fun but would be even better next year if I would win! It has been fun to follow!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fantastic but it would be even better next year if I am one of the lucky winners!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun. Next year would be even better if we could have flash sales for discounted patterns. I LOVE sales!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun and exciting! It would be even better next year (of course, if I won!) if there were more doll accessories, scarves, bags, that kind of thing.
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun and exciting every day it may be better next year if I could actually win something of course I need to remember to enter each day ad not just one time
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderfull but would be even better next year if each day of the give away that many people were given the prize.
Interesting but it would be better next year if one day your offered a free pattern.
The 12 days of Christmas has been a very generous promotion, and has demonstrated to all LJ fans how much we are appreciated. We love Liberty Jane too! Well, I do anyway! I honestly can’t think how you could improve on this next year. I’ve gained inspiration and motivation just by entering the draws, and by reading others’ comments.
The 12 days of Christmas have been WONDERFUL this year but would be even better if for one of the days you get a jacket, pair of pants, a vest etc., that you’ve designed, made for you if you win. Thank you for all the awesome giveaways you’ve done!
The 12 days of Christmas was wonderful, but it would be better if on one of the days you released a pattern or idea for everyone, that way everyone wins!!!:)
The twelve days of Christmas were fun! I liked reading the sewing tips and where to get fabric. I agree with someone who wrote that they would like to see comments on supplies for sewing the outfits (zippers, etc). I also liked the idea of seeing pictures of outfits that people made! My own idea is to ask for comments on organizing my sewing area! Thanks for the 12 days, Cinnamon!
The 12 Days of Christmas couldn’t be better because we were all given a chance to win amazing prizes and next year it could be better if you do it all over again.. lol
Thanks Cinnamon & crew
Congratulations to the winners…enjoy your goodies..:)
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun. It was very generous of you. Thank you! I have looked forward to checking my email everyday to see what you were giving away that day. It would be even better if you had a few patterns for sale at a special price or a downloadable for free.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but next year it would be nice if you could announce the new blog posts and winners daily on facebook. Sometimes I would forget to check the blog, but I check facebook daily. Unless you did post on facebook everyday but facebook hid the posts from me for some silly reason
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting, and would be even better next year if everyone got a free pattern on the last day for participating!
The 12 days of Christmas has been enjoyable, but it would be better next year if the pattern winners could choose any pattern from the entire LJ site. Thanks for the giveaway!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been Fun! but would be even better next year if there were more winners, or maybe 24 day?!?!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if you would have a hunt for a pattern and everyone would get it.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a new experience for me and has been a lot of fun reading blogs and entering, but it would be even better if there were more winners and LBJ keep up the good work on patterns and cute outfits and the contests. You guys are awesome.
The twelve days of Christmas have been great! Next year I would like to see special price offers to all that participate so that even if you aren’t lucky enough to be a daily winner you get something for participating. Thank you so much for doing this each year. I really appreciate all the hard work and generosity that goes into a giveaway like this. Thank you for sharing your skills with all of us!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a wonderful idea but would be even better next year if ”every contestant could received a pattern as a gift”
Thanks and happy 2013
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting, and would be even better next year if I would had won.
The 12 days of Christmas has been inspiring! It would be even better if you were to have it several times a year; for example, 7 days of Easter; 10 dog days of summer; etc.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun, it has made me think about starting a local business of making doll clothes, and has inspired me to get busy on it, but would be even better next year if Of course I won! But I don’t think there would be anything to improve on”
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic, but it would be even better next year if a ready-made outfit had been a prize.
12 days of Christmas is awesome! Next year it would be better if I had found your company earlier! Merry Christmas.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and a learning experience (1st time leaving comments on a blog), but it would be better next year if more people could win prizes.
The 12 days of christas givaway has been a great time to learn from others posts but it would be better if you had different post ideas each year. ( if you dont already )
The 12 days of Christmas has been alot of fun but would be even better if maybe there was a discounted pattern for people who don’t win. And it might be fun to follow the song. I thought that this 12 days of Christmas was really awsome and diddn’t feel bad about not winning. Maybe I will get lucky next year .
Congratulations to those who did win. It’s been fun.
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting, but it could be even better if there were some small free thing each day, like directions or a pattern to make an accessory, for the people who don’t win any prizes.
Hi Rhiannon, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and inspiring. I like the suggestion some others have made for offering a discount at some point. Thanks for offering the impressive giveaways.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and exciting, but would be even better next year if there were more winners. The days, like today, when you offer prizes to a bunch of people are great. But it’s still all great fun. Thanks, Cinnamon.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if I could win something!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting to follow to see what prizes were going to be offered and to check back to see a winner – how excited that person must have been! I like the idea next year of having a pattern for a special price each day next year. I so want ALL the patterns but have to pace myself because the cost of the patterns adds up pretty quick! Thanks for your generosity and a fun 12 Days!!!
12 days of Christmas has been so much fun! Next year it would be better if I found the site sooner and started sooner! LOL!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME but would be even better next year if the 12th day winner got 1 item from the previous 11 days.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if an LJ outfit was one of the prizes.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun! Of course, if would be even better next year if I could be a winner on one of the days, but … I’m grateful to Cinnamon for being the “sponsor” for the program!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun the days I was able to take part but would be even better next year if the time for commenting was just a little bit longer to enable more to participate. I also like the idea of a special discount or a special pattern for all participants for a limited time.
Would be great to win those patterns!…:)
The 12 days of Christmas was exciting, but it would be even better next year if the number of the days corresponds to the number of winners. For example, on day six there would be one pair of shoes for six winners. I’m not sure if this is possible (more postage cost) but it might be fun. You have been so generous and given us fans so much excitement!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway has been gracious on your part, next year make it better by doing what you are comfortable doing. You have made it possible for me to create and thanks for that gift. I want to try to buy more patterns from you as money and time allow. Thanks for the opportunities.
just forgot leave my website on my last post!
The 12 days of Christmas here has been awesome! but next year it would be even better if you offered a special for your followers.
The twelve days of Christmas has been special. Next year would be better if I had remembered to figure out how to blog and enter everyday.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very enjoyable and would be better next year if smaller amount of prizes and more winners, or even a per Cent Discount on your patterns for NON WINNERS..
Was enjoyable and Thank you so very muuch Cinnamon… God Bless you
The 12 Days of Christmas was great-I looked forward to it every day! I have to go along with other’s and say that next year would be even better if there could be a pattern special each day as well! Thanks for a fun 12 days!
The 12 Days of Christmas have been awesome! But it would be even better if you gave away some already-made outfits. Cause as much as I like all the patterns, I don’t have much time to sew them.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting! but would be even better if I had learned about Liberty Jane earlier so I could have participate sooner
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun as this was my first year of entering (I watched on th esideline alst year!) but would be even better next year if you had the 25 days of Christmas from December 1st thru December 25th
BTW my favorite day was Day 4, the prize was wonderful but reading everyones challenges and hints were great – going to save that string for future reference!
The 12 days of Christmas this year were great but would be better next year if I was one of the lucky winners. (not trying to be a parrot or copycat, just bein’ honest!) Thanks for all these days of fun giveaways, it was very generous of you!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be better if each day there was a free tip/pattern link for everyone. Thanks for doing this :).
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting to watch. Each day the anticipation begins anew. I think it would be better next year if there were an autmated e-mail that we could sign up for to remind us to sign up. Sometimes the day got away with me and I realized to late the I forgot to enter.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fabulously fun, but would be even better next year if I won (ha ha). Really couldn’t be better as you were quite generous. A new free pattern would be nice (wouldn’t have to be anything fancy, a conciliation prize of sorts).
The 12 days of Christmas was great this year, but I think it would be even better next year if some completed outfits were given away.
The twelve days of Christmas has been something for me to look forward to each day with hopes of receiving that email saying I won. It would be even better next year if were to offer a second chance drawing for a smaller prize. Loved the contest any way and hope you do it again.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun, but let’s be honest, what would be even better next year if I won something. I agree with others on the idea of discounting a patterns each day. It will be less discouraging to participate again next year. Thanks for your generosity in giving away the things that you did. I loved the idea of giving away small portions of the fabrics you used! God bless you and your family.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be better next year if there were more winners each day.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year (or this year) if I am a winner. I love the patterns!
The 12 days of Christmas has been inspiring and I liked that it was after the holidays since before is usually very hectic for most people. The only thing that would make it better would be more winners! Maybe have a 12 days of Christmas in July would be fun too so we can get motivated to start projects for gifts early!
I thought of that right before I saw your post and I love it!!!
The twelve days of Christmas have been fun and informative. I really enjoyed your blog entry each day. Thank you Cinnamon. You have been so generous this year–would it be too much to have special one-day deals or free downloads for accessories like you’ve had on pinterest?
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if there were more complete outfits with patterns given away. Also next year, giving away the 2014 Doll of the Year on the final day would be awesome! Each person who entered during the giveaway could be eligible.
The 12 days of Christmas has been totally epic! Next year I hope I actually win something! =) Can’t wait!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been [a lot of fun] but would be even better next year if [you just do it again..]“
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun! Thanks for doing it.
The 12 Days of Christmas would be better next year…if we all continued to watch this incredibly creative site! Thanks for this special treat!
The 12 days of Christmas has been really fun, but next year I would make a stricter rule of one comment per a person, since I’ve seen a few of the same people commenting again, and to make sure more people win, if you have already won something, be kind and let someone who has not have a better chance by not commenting if it’s something you don’t want.If we did that I’m sure many people would enjoy it ( including me) if they actually won something instead of being annoyed about how they haven’t won something yet.Thanks for this amazing giveaway, and I can’t wait for next year!:)
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if there were more winners!“
The 12 days of Christmas has been really fun, but to make it better I suggest doing more complete outfits as prizes and I agree with others that you should have the GOTY of 2014 as the prize. Thanks so much for the giveaway, me and everyone else really enjoyed it, and please do it again next year!:)
Nothing! That’s what would make it better!!!
This has been fun. I won by reading the comments, challenges, and interests of all the other readers.
Thanks a million. I’ve loved it – didn’t miss a single day. I’m sorry to see it ending.
Very inspiring that you would be so generous with readers. Thanks for sharing.
The twelve days of Christmas has been something I’ve looked forward to everyday. It has inspired me to try new patterns. Next year I hope to see more winners each day.
The 12 days of Christmas has been a fun opportunity but would be even better next year if I entered every day!!!
The 12 days of christmas has been fun checking out what is the giveaway of the day. Daily pattern specials would be great too as then everyone would be a winner! Thanks for all your hard work and inspiring us with these great patterns!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very cool but would be even better next year if each day also included an idea of a small way to celebrate the season (a craft, snack or party idea maybe?)
Thanks so much for doing this and for celebrating Christmas for the full 12 days! <3
the 12 day’s of Christmas has been fun, love seeing the patterns and especially love the shoes!!! What could make it better??? a fun in the summer sun theme to celebrate new spring and summer fashions.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if more people could win. How about multiple winners per day, even if the prize has to be smaller?
The 12 days of Christmas have been awesome, but would be even better if they were longer! More days, I mean. I hate for the awesomeness to end.
The 12 days of Christmas has been lovely…and I’ve been inspired to make some doll clothes on my last days of winter break. I cannot think of anything to make it better! =]
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very exciting but would be even better next year if…not really possible actually. How could you be more generous than you have been? 12 patterns to 12 people! Thanks for all the fun!
The 12 days of Christmas has been great and could only have been better if I were luckier :). Like Julie said above, it would also be nice if there was a “pattern of the day” at a discounted price.
the 12 days of Christmas have been inspiring. It would be better next year if I won a pattern or two.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be even better if you do it again next year! I think everything has been great.
Inspirational patterns and ideas for my granddaughter’s doll. Both front and back views would have been helpful.
Hi, The twelve Days of Christmas was PERFECT!!!
so much fun and lots of good prizes. Would love to see my name as a winner but the suspence was fun, kinda like christmas morning as a child. God Bless all this year………….
The 12 Days of Christmas has been something I looked forward to every day but would be even better next year if like Julie said above if there could be a discount offered on one pattern each day for those who entered that day. That way everyone gets a treat if they want it take advantage of it, we maybe would purchase a pattern that we had just in the past been thinking about purchasing but hadn’t made up our minds, you would make a sale…win, win, win. Not sure if that would be an accounting nightmare for you though or not, trying to keep track of only people who posted taking the discount. I personally want to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your generosity in doing the 12 Days, and for your giving spirit all year long.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! but would be even better next year if there were more pattern prizes
The twelve days of Christmas was awesome. The only way it could be better was if I was a winner! It was fun anyway.
The 12 Days of Christmas would be even better next year if I WON ALL THE PRIZES! LOL! Okay, I’m kidding, it’s been awesome and I’ve had lots of fun reading and commenting and anticipating. Thank you SO MUCH and Happy 2013!
The 12 days of Christmas has been very fun but it would be even better next year if you could post the giveaway earlier in the day!
Thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if there were more chances to win!
The Twelve Days of Christmas contest has been fabulous and I can’t imagine asking for anything more!
The 12 days of Christmas have been great. I love Liberty Jane patterns and would be even better if I could win 12 more.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but will be betted next year because I will know about it sooner!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if I had known about it sooner.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if we could purchase a pattern for half price! This has been so much fun and I have quite enjoyed the whole thing.
The 12 days of Christmas give away has been the highlight of my last 12 days with the exception of spending time with my daughter, but would be even better next year if you do it the exact same way. You guys are awesome. Happy New Year!
If I won
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if there were more winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun but it would be even better next year if maybe one of the 12 days was a special deal for the day so that we could all be winners! Thank you for an exciting 12 days of Christmas!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fabulous, but would be even better next year if I started entering on Day 1!!!
The twelve days of Christmas would be more awesome if I won something! Maybe a consolation prize for everyone who entered all the days? I agree wih the Julie above that a discount code or something for patterns each day.
The 12 Days of Christmas giveaway has been really fun, but it would be even better if you perhaps did a freebie each day. You could take a pattern or instructions for some easy to make accessory and have it as free for one day only and do a different one each day. I might remember to actually enter everyday, lol.
The 12 days of Christmas has been interesting reading everyones comments, but would be better, like others have said, if there was a discount on a pattern everyday.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if there were more fabric/pattern prizes!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be better next year if a pattern was offered on sale each day along with the winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun and really great but would be even better next year if there were accumulating winners (day 1- 1 winner, day 2- 2 winners, etc)
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! Great prizes!
Next year it would be better if more people could win. Loved someone’s suggestion earlier of a pattern discount for all us “losers”. Lol
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if there were dscounts for the non-winners
The 12 Days of Christmas has been FABULOUS! but would be even better next year if there were a couple of new free patterns or tutorials offered during the 12 days
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to watch, but would be even better next year if I actually remember to enter more of the giveaways!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if fabric were included with a pattern!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if, as others have said, a pattern or accessory or discount code was available each day.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be better next year if there were more accessories offered.
The 12 days of Christmas was fun and would be even better if we won ready made clothes.Thanks for having the contest.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing but would be even better next year if I win!!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but next year would be even better if there were a couple of winners each day. Even if the prizes were smaller, I’d love to win something. Seriously, all of the prizes were great & thank you for the opportunities to win!
The 12 days of Christmas was fun but would be even more fun if I won….;) One free pattern as a consolation prize would be nice, too.
The 12 days of Christmas was fun to enter each day and the way to make it better is on the last day have a free pattern so everyone is a winner. and I agree to have a special deal each day on the pattern or a certain type..
The 12 days of Christmas have been awesome but next year it would even be better if you had some of your clothing items as giveaways!
The 12 days of Christmas was so much fun, but it would be better if I had been able to enter every day. (I was out of town. :(. )
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and exciting but would be even better next year if one of the prizes would be one of each of the Liberty Jane patterns. I would love to have more patterns so that I can make a huge wardrobe of outfits for the girls I make gifts for and how about a “Christmas in July” sale so I can get a jump on the holiday gifts I need to make?
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome, but would be even better next year if there was one free pattern for all that have entered each day, or a 50% coupon code on any pattern of choice.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun, and you have been so generous. but would be even better next year if you gave an outfit. My little granddaughter would be thrilled if I won anything! Thanks so much!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun it would be better next year if you offered a ready-made outfit for one of the days.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun this year and would be better if you could include bigger and better prizes even though this were just fine.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a fun first experience for me but would be even better next year if you could send a email reminder daily with some awesome sewing tip or special offer.
Thank you for doing the 12 days of Christmas. God Bless.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been jolly but would be even better next year if there was a free pattern tied to the 12 Days of Christmas, such as a Santa Hat, a scarf and mittens, or Christmas socks. Love all of your patterns.
This has been so much fun! I think it could be even better next year if each day’s posting was made at 12:01 a.m. every day. (OK,I come by my E-mail address honestly!) I also think it would be fun to have a “freebie,” accompanied by a customer wish list/ballot of future items we’d like to see published. Hint, hint, can’t wait for that glorious blue coat from the fall line to pop up….:)
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been very interesting to me in advance of it but will be even better next year now that I know how it works and how to get entered in it. I was not able to enter in the beginning because of family illness and then I didn’t remember till last night. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this and in advance for the same chance next year.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and something to look forward to each day and you have been very generous to offer it. Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome goodies. I wouldn’t change a thing. By the time next year’s 12 Days rolls around you’ll probably have a ton of new patterns and other items for us to be excited about. I can’t wait!
The 12 Days of Christmas was fun to enter this year and would even be better if I could win one of the prizes for my granddaughter who has an American girl doll that I like to make clothes for from your patterns
The 12 days of Christmas was awesome! Liberty Jane Clothing was very nice and generous to do a giveaway for people on her website and it would be so much better next year if we all could send something to you guys for having awesome stuff on your website and thank you letters. Also, more giveaway’s soon!
This looks like fun! I love the few patterns I have. Can’t wait to try more.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been super fun but would be even better next year if there was some sort of flash sale on patterns. Like- “x” number of a certain pattern available at a discount.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would have been even better if, instead of giving ONE person 7 pairs of tights, you would have given 7 people 1 pair of tight.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very generous and kind of the LJ Team, but it would be even better next year if an outfit was one of the prizes!
Thank you! This has been a lot of fun.
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting and something to look forward to each day. I would put the link in the emails that you already send out. I have been finding them on facebook and it has been hit or miss as to whether I receive them.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! You all have done an amazing job with the “gifts” each day! Thank you!
I think it may be more fun though if you had more winners! Maybe “points” for entering that could be redeemed later or maybe 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes.
Again, thank you for the fun…
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun but would be even better next year if I could remember to enter every day!
the 12 days of Christmas was great but it would be even better next year if it was a 24 day countdown to Christmas
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome and amazing but would be even better next year if I can manage to find out about it before day Eleven!
The 12 days of Christmas has been AMAZING! But, It would be even more fun if you gave away a complete outfit!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been [insert here...] but would be even better next year if [tell us
The twelve days of Christmas has been awesome and fun, but it would be even better next year if you offered something else for those of us who aren’t lucky enough to win. Maybe you could put one pattern on sale for 1/2 price for that day only that those of us following your days of Christmas could purchase as a consulation prize using a special code.
That would be nice, but I enjoyed the opportunity to win anyways. Thanks!
The twelve days of Christmas has been a very exciting time. It has brought back the old tradition of enjoyiong in full the Holiday Season (Christmas does not end after unwrapping the presents), and next year it’ll be even better if I could be one of the winners!!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been loads of fun. I looked forward to your daily surprise announcement. You have been extremely generous with your give-aways. I wouldn’t change anything for next year as there will be new items and patterns. Although it would be extra special if I won something! I look forward to the coming year with Liberty Jane. Lynn
The 12 Days of Christmas has been SO MUCH FUN but would be even better next year if I WON! (unless of course I win today!)
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a great treat, but would be even better next year if all the patterns were included.“
Next year’s contest would be even better if you offered a pattern every day to all entrants at half-price perhaps or even a dollar off. Love your site. I didn’t even know American Dolls existed until this Christmas when I purchased two for my granddaughters and now I am so excited to sew doll clothes for them and with them. I look forward to sewing many of the patterns on your site!!! Thanks.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun for the ones I saw… Wish I knew from the start. It would be even better next year if there were more winners and if I was actually one of them… Hee hee.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing! Thanks so much for all the great chances to win. It would be even better next year if you perhaps gave away a special outfit for the last day…that would be interesting!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun for me to enter each day, but would be even better next year if we all won a special treat on the last day just for a treat*..a free pattern mabey. Not being greedy or comlaining though, I think you guys are so generous to have this special giveaway each year : ) Thank you!
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting and with GREAT prizes! This was my first year of participation and am grateful for the opportunity to participate! I actually set an “alert” on my phone for each day to remind me! Next year would be even better if…the winning entry was shared along with the winners name. Also maybe a grand prize on day 12 for a free premier membership?
I’d like to see the winning entry too!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and I appreciate your generosity. It could only be better if you threw in “a partridge in a pear tree”. In other words, I don’t think you can improve on an already good thing. Thanks!
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun, but would be even better next year if there were some free pattern downloads for everyone that visited that particular day. (Different ones than your normal free ones- although I probably have most of them anyway. So maybe they should be new patterns. LOL!) Thank you for everything, Cinnamon!!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been cool but would be even better next year if you gave away more patterns.“
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome, but would be even better next year if there were outfits. I am 7 and my mom is going to teach me to sew soon, and I am SO excited to have these cool outfits! :o)
Again, so many fabulous ideas!! The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun. I want to thank you for being so very generous. I think this could be more fun next year if You could feature a pattern at a special price each day. Or, maybe have two sets of 12 day give aways. One set geared more towards the younger kids or non-sewers and one for the crafters. I would be happy to donate a completed item or outfit to help with the give aways. There are a lot of good ideas being presented.
I think many of “us” would donate a craft or handmade clothing item for the younger kids giveaway….
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting..to see if your name was listed as a winner. But I came away with a lot of new ideas for my dolls even though I did not win…yet! BUt would be even better if next year, discounts were offered on the winning item of the day. Thank for such a great site for dolls <3
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if you had a YT design contest for 12 days of christmas.
The 12 days of Christmas was AMAZING! Next year maybe offer a gift certificate for Liberty Jane, that could be used for patterns or clothes, customers choice what they spend it on and they would have longer to use it!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been generous but would be even better next year if more people could win per day.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a great activity and it would be even better next year if I start to participate sooner! I just found out about your website right after NYE – so I’ve only played the last two days! But I am looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting! It would be even better next year if you gave away a custom outfit made by Liberty Jane!
the conest this year has been fun even though I didnt win I hope next year,you have more winners for the prizes.
The 12 days of Christmas was awesome, but would be even more awesome if you gave away a few of you completed outfits.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to read all of the comments and ideas from other bloggers as well as exciting to see if your name was chosen to win. But next yr. would be even better if you didn’t wait clear until Christmas and did give aways for other holidays as well (:
I have had a lot of fun with the 12 days of Christmas giveaways. I think it would be fun to have a new pattern on a discount on each of the days. That way everyone can be a winner. Thank you for all of your hard work on this!
The 12 days of Christmas was a lot of fun but would be even better next year if I could be a winner too!
The 12 days of Christmas is such a great idea…I would love to see a free years membership to the LJ Partners club. That would just be the ultimate prize. Thanks for this opportunity.
The 12 days of christmas was awesome! and next year I hope their are many more patterns and that we can do something like this again!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesine but would be even better next year if there were 30 days of Christmas. Just kidding. Can’t get enough of your patterns. They’re awesome. Thanks for all your giveaways, even if I didn’t win.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun but would be even better next year if it was earlier in the year to make use of prizes for Christmas and if there were discounted patterns.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderfully blessed and generous from the best pattern company in the world but would be even better next year when I can afford to buy more patterns from Liberty Jane doll patterns company! WOO HOO!
The 12 days of Christmas has been great! It would be even better if there were more winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if you had more winners!
The 12 days of Christmas was awesome, but would be even better next year if there were more winners. Just as Diana Simkins suggested, an additional winner for each day.
I agree with those who say it would be better if we won!!! Maybe a free pattern for those who entered every day of the contest and didn’t win…
Just keeping it the way it is would be good too :>)!
The 12 days of Christmas was fun, but could be better next year if there was more winners, may like one major winner and like 3 or 4 smaller prises each day or maybe on top of that if there was a sorry you didnt win prise to like a doznes people. If you participated EVERY DAY and was unfortinute to not win, then like 12 people…For the 12 days…would win like 3 patterns. There was days i didnt particapte because I want that intrested in the prise, but Im ALWAYS up for free patterns. So i would have particiated if I had a chance in the end for more patterns. Thank you and have a great year!!! Til next year
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and it would be even better next year if I could remember to enter each day!
The 12 days of Christmas has been a blast! Like most everyone else has said, it would be better if we all won something, like commenter Julie said. I saw that last year, for example, you gave away a cookie recipe! I also like the idea of a pattern on sale, or a discount code or something. Or even like 100 discout codes to be won! ( That would be a lot of names, though…:) )
Obviously I realise that not everyone can win, but next year this would make it a lot more fun, I think, if there was a real chance of winning something, no matter how small it is!
Thanks for this great experience, though!
The twelve days of Christmas has been VERY gracious in its generosity, but next year it would be even better if each day included a coupon or special offer to enable entrants to buy a pattern at a reduced price: that way EVERYONE is a winner every day!!!
The 12 days of Christmas was fun but could be better next year if there were more prizes.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if you also had another winner each day that would win like a 25% or a 50% off pattern coupon.
The 12 days of Christmas were very fun, but would be even better next year if there were even more winners.
The twelve days of Christmas is fantastic and would be even better if I won!
The 12 days of Christmas has been great, but would be better next year if a group of winners won an exclusive pattern before it was available for purchase.
The 12 days of Christmas has been,
a winner for some!
But would be even better,
if I had won!
Liberty Jane has done a wonderful job,
Keep up the great work on this blog!!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been something to look forward to on these cold Oregon winter days, but would be even better next year if you had a buy one pattern and get one of equal value free each day. That way we can all be winners and are able to spread the love that you have created so beautifully. Thank you Cinnamon.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if I could get more time to sew dolly clothes!
The 12 days of Christmas has been great–a wonderful and generous idea!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun, but would be even better next year if more people could win!”
This has beena wondeful promotion, I don’t think it really needs to changed.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun and I am going to miss it a lot! It would be even better next year if you did special offers for all entrants, as suggested above. It wouldn’t have to be much of a discount… if I had a code for a tiny amount off a particular pattern each day, I would be excited!! Thank you so much for all the chances to win x
The 12 days of Christmas was so much fun but would be even better if more people had a chance at winning something, anything.
Seriously, I love that you have such great and generous gifts and would love to see you give away a completed outfit at the end.
Thanks for everything!
The twelve days of Christmas has been a boost to my day but, would be even better next year if there were more winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if more people could win. -Hannah
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome and fun. It would be even better next year if you offered LBJ completed tees as prizes. I already have so many of your patterns, but I would be ecstatic if I won this prize!!!!
Ooops! So, excited I left the wrong email address.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun. It would be better next year if…. I can’t think of anything better than getting free stuff!!
I wish I had know about this sooner!
It sounds exciting and like fun!!
I love dolls and dolls clothes!
I wish I had know about this sooner!
It sounds exciting and like fun!!
I love dolls and dolls clothes!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome (what a great idea!) but would be even better next year if it were done the same! Seemed to work out great! I liked the giveaways too.
The twelve days of Christmas giveaways have been fantastic! It would only be better next year if I either won something, or if one of the days was a free download for everybody, maybe like something simple and exclusive just for us!
Love all the patterns! Would like to see some discounts or sales.
The 12 days of Christmas has been lots of fun and inspiring, but would be even better next year if someone could win a limited design outfit and the patterns to go with it!!
Thank you for all the giveaways and joy, even though I wasn’t one of the winners. Happy new year to everyone!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun to read but would be even better next year if I had found the correct button to click on as my inbox has been flooded and I have had complaints from my hubby about his having to clear out his inbox on his iPad ;o)“ You have some great marketing skills and this is one superb idea! Congratulations to you and your hubby on a great business idea. May God bless you richly in 2013, so you may continue to bless others!
I would love to see more fabric included; it would be so much fun to “copy” your outfits!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really AWESOME! but would be even better next year if you gave a doll along with some of the clothes and/or patterns. Thanks for your hard work.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been not as exciting as some of your other contests but would be even better next year if well — I don’t really know. like some of the above posters I didn’t enter everyday because some of the prizes didn’t interest me — I would really enjoy winning your patterns the best or maybe your design workshop. Shoes, fabric, notions, etc are great but let’s be honest — I follow this site because of the creativity and patterns — what you are famous/popular for and not stuff I can get elsewhere…
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if you also offered some discounts in addition to the winners. It has been very interesting reading everyone’s comments through this 12 days of Christmas as well.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so sew much fun, but would be even better next year if I would have seen the name Teresa as being a winner!!! It was a wonderful time, I would have liked to have one cut out outfits of some of your designs–I would gladly sew them up, but to have them precut out of your fabrics would have been a really fun thing, and also a Liberty Jane t-shirt would have been a fun gift too. All your gifts were wonderful!! Loved it. How about 12 days of winter now?!!! Totally enjoyed it!!!!
Hi Teresa, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through emaail in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to follow! It’s great to see what others think -I especially enjoyed the day where everyone gave their favourite sewing tips – !!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome but would be better if those of us in the east could enter earlier in the day.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun but it would be even better next year if you give a highlight of some of the cool ideas picked up from the comments!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been much fun! I especially like that you actually celebrated the actual days of Christmastide. Many people do not realize that Christmas is an entire season! I believe this celebration would have been better with more people able to win. The prizes are great and I would have loved to have won several shoes/patterns/tights etc, but would have also been delighted with just one and been able to “share” the winnings with others as well. That said, I’m still excited about the possiblity of 12 patterns just for me!”
The 12days of Christmas has been amazing it is mostly about entering and getting a shot to win.it would even be better next year if we still have a contest and collect money to give to the children in need.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been full of surprises and FUN! but would be better next year if ….. I can’t think of how you could get any better than it has been! You have been more than gracious with your talent and giveaways, don’t change anything!
The 12 days of Christmas has been creatively inspiring, and would be even better next year if there could be a contest for everyone to make an outfit from a special holiday pattern and send in the photo for display.
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun but would have been better for me if I knew about it from the beginning! Maybe some more advance notice reminders during such a busy time of year would help.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if one of the prizes was a fancy Christmas dress. A complete outfit, like the pine gap, would also be a really good prize.
The 12 days of Christmas were really enjoyable and exciting. Each day I looked forward to seeing the next post! Since each giveaway was simply a gift that we did nothing to deserve, no prize could seem too small! I do think it would be fun though if one of the days it was possible to make something that doesn’t require shipment availible to everyone – like a certain pattern for that day.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been wonderful, but of course would be even better next year if more people could win!
Seriously, even though I haven’t been a winner, I think this has been a great promotion. Thanks for all you do!
The 12 days of Christmas was great. No idea on how to make it better. I thought it was great. Even though I didn’t win. I enjoyed it. Thanks!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a special treat to look forward to but would be even better next year if people didn’t put sore loser comments and possibly a discounted pattern offered each of the 12 days“
The twelve days of Christmas is a wonderful surprise and great prizes.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a special treat to look forward to but would be even better next year if one pattern was discounted each of the 12 days and also if less people put sore loser comments.”
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun, but would be even BETTER next year if more people could have won
The Twelve days of Christmas was exciting but it would be even better if you had a 24-hour window for entering.
the 12 days of christmas has been great, but would be even better next year if there were more prizes and/or consolation prizes for everyone who responded. just a little something that didn’t need mailed, because most of us don’t win.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been exciting, but would be even better next year if there were more winners! (But you have been very generous so far, so I am not complaining too much!)
The 12 Days of Christmas have been very fun and enjoyable! What would make it even better next is if there could be more winners, or more accessories, or a complete outfit givenaway!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fab! It would be better next year if I remembered to enter each day!
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun, but would even be better next year if you would offer a picture printout of all your patterns. Sort of like what is at the top of this blog page. This way I could mark or circle the patterns I already have so I could see at a glance the patterns I’ve collected. Then everyone would be a winner.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been GREAT but would be even better next year if…. I think that what you have done this year has been very generous and I am not sure I would change a thing. Of course it would be nice if I could say that I had won one of them :-).
This years 12 days of Christmas has Ben so fun! But next year it would be better if you had more giveaways that would be for more then one person.
The twelve days of Christmas has been great fun but it will be better in 2013 if everyone would be a winner by giving tips on how to modify current Liberty Jane Patterns to give that pattern a new look.
The 12 days of Christmas has been great, but it would be even better next year if there was a “special” of the day for those that don’t win…I know this is not an original idea but most of us don’t win…I never win!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been fun but would be more fun next year with more winners ,and I was one of them. Really enjoyed this
The twelve days of Christmas would be better next year if you offered a custom made outfit as one of the prizes. I love the 12 days and would love some new patterns! Pick me, pick me!!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome (I learned some great sewing tips from day 4)! But would be even better next year if a small discount code was offered each day for those who don’t win. Thanks!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting and fun but would be even better next year if you gave away a pattern a day in addition to each themed prize so there could be even more winners. I also love the idea of a special discount so everyone could feel like a winner.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very fun but it would be even better next year if I won and you gave away a doll on one of the days!
The 12 days of christmas has been AMAZING! And just about nothing could make it better but it would be pretty cool if you had more then one fabrics days.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a nice treat to look forward to every day. It would be better next year if a pattern was featured with fabric suggestions and pictures with a discounted price for the pattern for the many of us who do not win and who are new to the doll clothes mania! I love the fact that I can actually make tendy things for my grand daughters dolls and go to the fabric store with them to look at fabric!. The new release for the outback dress–forgot it’s name!- is fantastic and can not wait to get started….once grandson #3 arrives on Friday!
Off to baby sit, no sewing now.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun but would be even better next year if I could win. Thanks so much.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but could be even better next year if you eliminated the fans of the singing group giveaway and kept to Liberty Jane products, and maybe had more winners each day. Love your website, patterns, designs and everything.
The 12 Days of christmas were great but would be even better if you gave away new patterns not released yet. Like a coming out, or gift certificates for new patterns, that would be a great x-mas gift.
The 12 days of Christmas was exciting but it would be even better if you would tell newbies who have never heard or entered before as to how you go about entering. I looked and looked on first day to post but could not find it. I like a lot of others posted on the 12 days post where you announced it, but nobody ever went there who knew what was going on to tell newbies how to enter. What a disappointment to figure it out on my own after it was jhalf way thru. But I must say it is great of you to do this. Next year I will know how it works.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been more than generous of Cinnamon and Team and greatly appreciated by those of us who have participated. It would be even better next year if in addition to gifts Cinnamon offers that 12 of the Liberty Jane Partners make a complete outfit for a second winner each day; giving a limited edition pattern for all who participated would be a special treat or for just those who have entered all 12 days (that’s really difficult as life gets in the way but what a reward!) My other thought would be to have “Buyfive” discount with the fifth pattern free since finding ten new patterns we don’t already have is more challenging.“ My final thought is to be grateful for whatever Cinnamon offers and not make more work for her and her team at such a busy time of year! Thank you all!
I like your idea – but have a suggested tweak to it. What about a Buy5 where you get the 5th one for $2.00? This would keep the offer at the same percentage as the Buy10 where the 10th one is free (based on a $3.99 price).
Good idea.
Any and all tweaks appreciated!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a fun idea but would be even better next year if I would actually start on the first day and not the last!
The 12 days of Christmas has awesome but, how about a special everyone can be part of. Maybe buy 2 patterns and get 1 free?
The Twelve Days of Christmas is a wonderful idea! It would be even better if I start on the FIRST day next year!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to look forward to but would be even better next year if each day there would be a tip of some kind featured, something to really inspire or prompt us in doll-clothes creation… (and of course, it would be even better if I were to win something, hahaha!)“
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lovely and exciting but would be even better next year if there were more outfits and patterns given as prizes (although the prizes this year have been wonderful).
The twelve days of Christmas has been great, and could only be better if I won!
The 12 days of Christmas has been generous but would be even better if there were more winners! I <3 LJ!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if I won!
It has been very exciting, but would be better next year *if I was a winner* ha ha
Thanks for blessing us this Christmas season!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! It would be even better if I was a winner!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been GREAT but it would be even better next year if more people could be winners. For instance you could give away 1 prize on day 1 and 2 prizes on day 2, and so on. Thanks for a great contest!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and informative. My favorite day was reading everybody’s tips and tricks. I learned a lot. It would be better next year to give a “tip of the day” in every post.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been super fun, but would be even better next year if there were just a few more winners and maybe some of your fabulous ready made outfits were the prizes!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but it would even be better next year with some discounts or downloads available. Thank you!
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas…awesome! Consolation prizes for the losers would make next years contest even better…discounts on patterns or two for one or a special for each day.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun. I was excited to see each day’s topic. But, it would be even better next year if each day, there was a special offer, a “Daily Special”. % off. Buy one- get one. A limited edition item.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting because this play, but would be even better next year if i will be the winner just one time. I would like to gain something for my American Girls:-)
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome, but would be even more awesome next year if there could be more daily winners.
OR perhaps have a winner for X prize and say have 25-50 runner-up winners who get a free pattern or 25-50% off a $15 order, etc.
Thanks for the fun – I’ve had a blast with your 12 days even if I didn’t win anything.
Happy New Year, LJC!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if the time wasn’t a 12 hour range (from noon to midnight PST)…maybe 24 hours instead? I live in Germany and so most of it took place when I was asleep. But really, this has been great and I just want to say THANKS so much for all the effort and generous prizes this year. Blessings for 2013!
Hi Rebecca, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
Thanks too on the feedback about the time range
that’s helpful to know…
The twelve days of Christmas would be better next yr if one of the days was a 1/2 price pattern to all participants.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and filled with great ideas but would be even better next year if one day everybody won something, like a new free pattern or a BOGO special.
The 12 days of Christmas giveaways were fantastic, but they would be better if next year there were more winners each day.
The 12 days of Christmas IS new to me, but I have enjoyed browsing your site and learning about LJC. How could it be better next year? Maybe offer some accessories. I love accessories for my granddaughters dolls. Happy New Year!!!!!
The 12 days of Christmas have been a lot of fun, it could be better next year if there could be more winners (like me :o) ). Thanks for the opportunity, it has been fun.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but they would be better if next year I was a winner!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the 12 patterns!! I have many of the Liberty Jane patterns and have used them repeatedly and love them all.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been a fun way to remind me to check out all the new patterns, but I think it would be better next year if there were also (or instead of) discounts available each day for everyone to order if they wish. Then we would all be winners!! I know the New Year makes me want to jump into a new project, but funds are meager just following Christmas. If I could order a half-priced pattern each day, it would feel like Christmas all over again!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun and enjoyable to read others comments, I also thought you had an interesting variety of prizes. I think next year could be even better if you gave away one thing on the first day seven on the seventh day and 12th on the 12th day.
Cinnamon thank you for being so darn inspiring. I hope your new year is full of wonder and possibility.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if Istarted planning and preparation earlier so I could enjoy it more!!!
Hi Babara, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
This year’s 12 days has been fun, wish next year’s would have more daily winners but guess that’s impossible..
The twelve days of Christmas has been wonderful, but would be even better next year, if I remember to tune in on the first day! Love all the things you make!
the twelve days of Christmas has been fun but it could be even better with more winners
The 12 Days of Christmas has been ok (only ok because I missed so many of the days!) but would be even better next year if it avoided the days right around Christmas and if you had an RSS feed so the giveaways would show up in my reader each day!
The twelve days of Christmas has been AMAZING and AWESOME but would even better next year if you had it so more people could win everyday!
Like maybe on the first day you have one person win and the second two winners, the third three, and so on. I think people would like that better because there are so many people that enter but not many get to win.
The 12 days of Christmas has been AWESOME, but would be even better next year if at least half of the money people paid during the 12 days was given to families in poverty. =)
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if there were more winners!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome, but would be even better next year if you give to AGTubers.
Hi Angela, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! But would be even better next year if I could win at least once!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun! I especially loved the day when we learned tips and tricks for sewing from everyone! It would be better next year… if I would win something! =)
The 12 days of Giving was fun but it would have been better if there were more winners instead of many gifts going to one person.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been fun with even just the possibility of winning but would be even better if everyone who didn’t win could buy a pattern at 1/2 off on day 13.
The 12 days of Christmas have been amazingly fun for me–even better if I won!!!!! I only discovered Liberty Jane patterns about a month ago and I can’t get enough. I’m hoping for a new year of many new patterns. Thanks for all your designs!
Great fun! Thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been stupendous but would be even better next year if you had many more new designs to tempt us with.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing but would be even better next year if there could be a sale on a pattern or item in the shop. Other than that I can’t wait to participate next year.
The 12 Days of Christmas was exciting, but would be even better next year if a freebie or two were thrown into the mix.
I just started sewing doll clothes last month. I think your patterns are awesome. I have enjoyed the 12 Days of Christmas give aways. I think it would be better next year if you offered daily special discounts also.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if I’m selected as a winner.
You’ve made it easy to remember with the daily email notice. Thanks for all the treats to your Liberty Jane followers
The 12 days of Christmas was awesome but it would be even better next year if there was more than one winner everyday like day one would be one winner day two would be two winners and so forth.
The 12 days of Christmas have been awesome, but would be even better next year if there was a special (small) free pattern (or deeply discounted) for people who came to the blog to enter. It would also help if I remembered the contests in time to enter, but it is wonderful to see how happy everyone is with their gifts
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so exciting but would be even better next year if had more winners each day!
I totally agree with a lot of previous comments. It has been fantastic but would have been even better if I had won something LOL! Maybe next year, there can be consolation prizes like other stated. Discounts or maybe a free pattern to everyone who posts instead of the prize lots given away. Something that would benefit everyone, not just the few, who unlike me, were fortunate enough to win. Still love the patterns and am grateful for the opportunity to try to win.
Twelve Days fo Christmas has been a highlight after the holiday hustle and bustle.
The twelve days of Christmas was fun but it would be nice to have the number of winners correspond to the day of Christmas. Thank you for your generosity in running the contest.
The Twelve Days of Giveaways has been Awesome and if would have been even better if there were more SHOES… I love my doll shoes.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun. It would be even better next year if I remembered to enter the contests each day.
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome, it gave me something to look forward to everyday, but it would be even better next year if one of the give aways was a new free pattern on the site or code for a free pattern for everyone who checks the blog on that day. =)
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing (as in even better than last year) but would be even better next year if … I don’t think you should change anything, but the really awesome thing to add is a custom outfit to win. Like on day one, the winner would be able to send in a drawing of what they’d like Cinnamon to make? Or even something Cinnamon already made, special and new like the seasonal lines, but not available to the public (other than patterns later on). I think that would really work up a lot of hype.“ =)
Thanks for running these contests!!!
the 12 days of christmas was awesome even though i only knew of it on the 9th day XD will i think it could be better if you gave away an outfit and some Janes
Its been a lot of fun. Can’t think of anything to make it better!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun and would be even better next year if after you entered the contest you were given a daily download of something like a doll sized appliqué for a 12 piece quilt or a simple accessory such as: mitts, beret, neck scarf, belt, panties, vest, apron, oven mitts, chef hat, spa wrap, hair band, toque.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun. I enjoyed it last year and was looking forward to another year. I’m not sure there is anything you could do better next year.
The twelve days of Christmas has been fabulous! I loved getting reacquainted with your website and patterns. Improving would be difficult, but maybe having a different pattern a day either free or for a discount. There are so many I like!!! Thanks for the great time!
Your 12 Days of Christmas was great!!!! and it would only be better next yr if I could be a winner,
12 days of Christmas has been fabulous. It would be even better next year if it included a private tutorial or something like that. Or a ‘kit’ to make one of the fabulous outfits including embellishments.
The 12 days of Christmas has been news to me! I just heard about it today. I did look over the previous 11 days to see what I missed; you were very generous. Next year: I’ve no new ideas to add but like the suggestions for a different pattern discounted each day and like what Marlene Giese said also. The LJ finished Tshirt sounds great to me too. I like that this started rather than ended on Christmas day. To run a 12 day give-away in this tough economy is very generous indeed and expensive prizes seem a bit excessive and unnecessary. Thank-you for doing this.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really FUN. I missed out last year as I had just found LJ patterns so I don’t know what was or should be better for next year. I missed a couple of days when we were out of town for New Years but have had a great time with the days I could comment on. Maybe a coupon for %-off a pattern order if you participate in all the days??
Just a thought.
The 12 Days of Christmas celebration has been amazing,but would be even better if you gave us the patterns,the fabric you used for the patterns,and all the supplies needed to make the outfit!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been totally awesome and addicting, but would be even better next year if you had the same number of winners per day as the days of Christmas (e.g. 7 winners on the 7th day, 8 winners on the 8th day)…yeah, I can dream.
Hopefully I win a set of patterns…that would be totally awesome!!!
Hi Jess, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 days of Christmas was great this year, but would be even better next year if we were able do a poll to pick the prizes.
The twelve days of Christmas has been an enjoyable daily activity and it is great to read so many comments and know that there are lots of people out there who enjoy sewing your beautiful outfits. Thanks for generously hosting the twelve days of Christmas
Are always fun to respond and read all the replies…next year maybe I will be a winner
The 12 days of Christmas have been amazing! It would be even better next year if you could give out a gift certificate to libertyjaneclothing
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if I won a contest
The 12 days of Christmas has been a fun idea, but would be even better next year if you give away more AG doll clothes!
The 12 days of Christmas is just not long enough for all the great stuff you have and would be even better next year if I won a prize! LOL
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been informative, fun, and interesting to see what tomorrow will bring but would be even better next year if we could have some specials on your patterns maybe a bundle day at a discount? Love you patterns and the little misses that I sew for think you are a genius to have such “cool” stuff.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fantastic but it would be even better next year if I were lucky enough to win! Thank you for offering such great prizes!!
The 12 days of Christmas have been exciting but it be even better next year because there would be more prices. Hopefully I’ll win a pattern.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so exciting!! It would be even better next year if I could win! Congrats to all the winners. Love your site.
The 12 days of Christmas has been really fun! But I would like if next year I won patterns for american girl dolls since I got my 1st sewing machine for Christmas! That is, if I don’t win these!
I just found out about the 12 Days of Christmas so I’m tickled that I have a chance to be a part of the 12th day of Christmas celebration. Therefore, I’m not sure how it could be better next year.
The twelve days were soooooo much fun. The only way to make it better if perhaps more people could in ( me included).
I thought the 12 days of Christmas just right. I wouldn’t change a thing.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if I had known about it sooner.
The 12 days of Christmas has been inspiring for a newbie like me. I enjoyed reading all the comments, and learning. I would love to win 12 patterns to help me start a new obsession
I think this would be great again next time, and maybe give away a premade Liberty Jane outfit. Thanks for making my 12 days of Christmas special!
The 12 days of Christmas was great but would be better if everyone could have been a winner !!
The 12 Days of Christmas contest was fun. I agree with others about having free patterns for people who enter.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a challenge since the prizes often weren’t available when I signed on but would be even better next year if there were more chances to win!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if you make it maybe 25 days of Christmas…I would love to win something!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun as it allowed the anticipation of Christmas to continue after the actual holiday. The anticipation of possibly winning. But would be better next year if there was a reward for entering, possibly a percentage discount for each participant.
Loved the whole concept! Sad to see it end.
I liked getting the 12 days of Christmas emails each day, but my only request for next year for change is that this is the first time I realized how to enter. I saw it on Facebook, and via email, and went to the website, but I never thought of the blog:( My fault, but big buttons or links are always nice. I’m one of a few confused folks I’m sure, but it would have helped especially as I spent most of the holidays away from my computer and used my phone instead for viewing. I wish I had been faster on the uptake as this is my only entry. Fingers crossed! As always, love your patterns & ideas.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a surprising bit of fun for me but would be even better next year if there were more winners! Thanks. Lois
The 12 Days of Christmas has been pretty low-key, but would be even better next year if everyone stays well.
The 12 days of Christmas was wonderful this year but would be better if ther were some discounts on patterns or accessories during the 12 days.
Hi Emma, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through emaail in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 days of Christmas was simply amazing and would be even better next year if there were more winners. Maybe 3 people could win 4 pairs of shoes, for example, or 50 winners win 1 pattern. Thank you for an amazing 12 days of giveaways.
12 days of Christmas give-a-way was great it would be better next year if I remembered to enter every day. Thank you for your generosity.
This was like Christmas for adults. I enjoyed watching everyday for what the prize would be. And then waiting to see who was chosen. Thank you so much for the fun. It was especially nice to read all the answers to your questions, liked getting to know the LJC family better.
Ok, the 12 days of Christmas has been AMAZING!!!!! And I can’t think of anyway it could have been better!!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really cool but would be even better next year if there is even more real liberty jane stuff
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if it were LONGER! (and if I won!)
Oh this has just been SO COOL!!!! It’s just fine the way it is! ^_^
The 12 Days of Christmas has been alot of fun, but would be even better next year if I won a prize. That would make it so much better next year. Thank you for the one this year. I had lots and lots of fun.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been pretty good! but would be even better next year if there was a complete outfit on one of the days.
thanks for holding this
p.s I love your patterns and doll clothes! They are so nice!
The 12 Days of Christmas give away is wonderful but it would be really fun if I won the last one because I am a second generation American Girl doll clothing designer. My granddaughter has her mothers “Molly” and is so in love with that doll ! I wish there had been a place like Liberty Jane Clothing the first time around. Thank you !
The 12 Days has been a blast. I would like more patterns to be given away. I like making the clothes to make the clothes, not to be given or used. It might be fun if one day was an “Instant Winner” day and we could download a free pattern that day (your choice of the pattern.)
12 days of Christmas has been ok. But it would be better if there was more than one person who could win and maybe a ale on patterns.
Hi Ginger, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The Twelve Days of Christmas have been alot of fun! Fun questions to ponder, great answers from all who’ve participated, and generous prizes. Being part of the doll-loving, doll-clothes-sewing community is the best. Thanks for making your website such fun for all!
I am new to this site and to making doll clothes, but I appreciate your generosity to share your tips and designs. Thank you for inspiring me.
the 12 days of Christmas has been a lot fun! Thank you so much for doing it. Not sure what would make it better next year. I’m still smiling from all the other doll clothes sewing fanatics out there.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if everyone could win, even if it’s a discount on a pattern or a B1G1 free or something. Thanks!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, only wish I had started on the first Day!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been lots of Joy,
But would be even better next year if it were before
Christmas, so I can make clothes for christmas gifts
that would make a few little girls jump for joy.
Thank you
HI Jennifer, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
What great news your patterns are cute and easy to follow.
Thank you so much
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if there were daily email reminders. Oh, and more winners would be awesome! Even more so if I were one of them!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if one of the prizes were a freebie of some sort (new free pattern, tutorial, printable, etc.), so that one day everyone is a winner!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been interesting but would be even better next year if there was one day where everyone could download a pattern! That way we all win something!
I think that the twelve days of Christmas has been a lot of fun as I am a huge christmas fanatic and the thought of Christmas going for longer makes me happy. I think that to improve this next year you could do more patterns as I enjoy putting something on a doll and saying I made that because otherwise its just another outfit and it has nothing special.
The 12 days of Christmas was nice but would be better if I hadn’t forgot to enter each day. Thanks for all the great patterns and keep up the good work.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a wonderful way for people to get to know what beautiful patterns there are for American Girl dolls. It would be even better next year if you would give away one pattern on one of your 12 days of Christmas to all who who get your blog.
I think the twelve days of Christmas has been great because your patterns and clothes are fantastic and my daughter can now sew. I think that to improve this competition you could have an instant winner day, or just include more patterns. I feel that personally this is a great competition and just look at how many people know about LJC, it must really be great to know how many people LOVE your patterns and clothes.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fuput ringing out the kd in me…hoping for the prize,
but would be even better next year if a few non winners get a discount on a purchase“
**. “bringing out the kid in me”. Spell check is killing me. Lol
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if some tutorials were included.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been way better than I expected, considering I didn’t figure it out until it was almost over, but would be even better next year if I started from the first day“
The 12 Days of Christmas has been inspirational and a great opportunity for a select few to win great prizes but would be even better next year if for us “non-winners” a consolation gift such as a free pattern download was made available. Thx
I think the twelve days of christmas has been fantastic as I am a huge christmas fanatic and the thought of christmas going for longer makes me excited. I think that to improve this great competition you could make everybody win and offer more patterns as I live internationally and shipping is so expensive. I love all your patterns and clothes and your patterns taught me how to sew, truly your site has been an ispiration to me and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without having seen your site.
The 12 days of Christmas has been amazing it would even be better if we could continue this all year and let everyone get something.also donate some to the homeless
The 12 days of Christmas was great fun, but would be even better next year if there were more winners. Such as some previous responses mentioned, like one day where everyone could download one pattern for free.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if there were more patterns to give away
The 12 days of Christmas has been amazing! It would be even better if you offered a special sale during the same time. Love your generosity, & have enjoyed all 12 days, even if I don’t win anything!
The 12 days of Christmas has been inspirational but would be even better next year if there would be more winners each day. I think today’s giveaway is the best yet!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if you had a fun to make freebie for everyone – could be something simple like how make a tutu on a ribbon
Well the twelve days of Christmas was very exciting and great thing for Liberty Jane to do! The only way I think of to make it better is to make me a winner, although I am honestly happy for anyone who has won!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been something to look forward to each day for 12 days after the rush of the holidays is over! It would be even better next year if each day included a sewing tip or hint. That way we’d all win something each day
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun and informative reguarding favorite sewing supplies and sewing challenges. It would be even better next year if there were more discussions on troubleshooting, favorite fabrics and what they are used for, how to sew and work with different fabrics. A good contest would be to have people use Liberty Jane patterns to make their own outfit, then have everyone vote on their favorite!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if it were combined with the eight days of Hanukkah.“ How about calling it “The 20 Days of Christmukkah”?
The 12 Days of Christmas have been something fun to look forward to after the hustle and bustle of my family’s holiday. Next year may be more exciting if you gave away an original outfit (no pressure).
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AMAZING but would be even better next year if I won. LOL
Thank you for all of these wonderful opportunities, they are awesome. Congrats to the winners so far, best of luck to those entering and most of all, THANK YOU!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be even better if next year you include one day discounts or a free pattern. I love checking each day, but I agree with those who have said that it is a bit depressing for so many of us who have not won. On the other hand, given a discount code, I know I would be buying patterns. That said, thank you for having such a fun holiday activity for us.
The Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway has been A BLAST! but would be even better next year if there were more opportunities to win something (e.g., instead of 6 pairs of shoes, how about 6 winners of a pair of shoes?). Just a thot!
The twelve days of Christmas was amazing It will even better next year if you offered a complete original outfit <3
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! (and super nice) but would be even better next year if you did 24 days of Christmas!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been something I should have been paying attention to! It would be better next year if I win or a sew for charity was included. I would love to sew up some patterns to donate to something like Toys for Tots or Salvation Army.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if there was a new tutorial each day for a simple project.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very fun, but would be better next year if you offered more completed outfits and more winners.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been inspiring! But they would be even better next year if more of the sentences to complete in the comment section each day encouraged more sharing–like Day 4 this year. I learned so much from everyone’s comments! I really enjoyed checking in each day to read the comments! Thank you, Cinnamon, for your generosity.
The 12 days of christmas was amazing but would be better next year if you had 1 day where you rewarded all the customers with at least a coupon code for a % off.
The 12 Days of Christmas would have been more fun of course if I would have won but also if I would have gotten more than the 1 reminder just before the end of the 11th day. ;-(
The 12 days of Christmas has been great fun and really made me think before I commented. I guess the thing that would make it even better would be if everyone won a little something, like a free pattern. You already offer some free patterns, so maybe just one special one for Christmas. Thanks for all you do.:)
12 days of Christmas was extremely fun but it would be better if I would win so I could sew a lot of outfits!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great and I loved it that it was after Christmas but would be even better next year if there was more winners – even if there were 15% coupons for patterns or clothes.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been incredibly exciting and enjoyable. It could be made better if there could be more winners. I know today’s was 12 winners. Perhaps each day could have the same number of winners as the number of the day (5 on day 5, etc.)
The twelve days of Chrhistmas has been fun, exciting and inspiring! To make it better, more winners!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been absolutely amazing but would be even better next year if I didn’t keep forgetting about it and there were multiple winners for each of the giveaways.
One thing I would change is the amount of time each day people could enter. Maybe the next day’s post could go live at midnight and everyone would have 24 hours to enter?
I love the idea of a different discounted pattern each day! I think that would have probably inspired a nice boost in sales for you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun but would be even better next year if I could win something!
The 12 days of Christmas has been amazing and fantastic but would be even better next year if included more clothing.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun, but would be even better next year if I actually WON something!! LOL!!
Seriously, this has been great fun!! Thanks SO much!
the 12 Days of Christmas has been very inspiring, but would be even better next year if I get everything sewn for my my (soon to be) 4 granddaughters American Girl dolls before the end of the year. Pick me!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been the norm, butwould be even better next year if I were to winn the 12 patterns. You see, I would be out of the norm and into the creative flow and making outfits for my American Girl doll as well as outfite for my granddaughters dolls. The combinations would be endless. Therefore, no more “Norm”!
The 12 days of Christmas have been really fun it was great looking forward to prizes. I think it would be even better next year if some of the prizes were pattern gift cards so you can share your gift with others, too! Thanks–I have really enjoyed this!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great, but it would be even better next year if you sent out a few more reminder emails.
Your patterns look great & the one that I tried had easy to follow instructions.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME (especially since AG Saige came today!), but it would be even better next year if it wasn’t so bitterly cold and smoggy outside.
WOW! What a l-o-n-g list of commenters for the last day! Everyone r-e-a-l-l-y wants those patterns.(Including me) This has been an interesting exercise: thought-provoking questions, stimulating responses…. I’ve had to think hard for some of the challenges. The only improvement for next year might be a custom outfit for one of the prizes.Your choice or the winner’s choice? Otherwise, back to the sewing room….
I have loved the 12 days! I especially liked reading everyone’s comments. I don’t have any new ideas for making it better next year. Some of the one’s mentioned that I like are: offering a special on a different pattern each of the 12 days, and instead of offering something like 7 pairs of shoes for 1 winner, pick 7 winners to each get a pair.
Another idea is to ask folks to post photos of the LJ patterns they’ve made. Thank you for these wonderful contests!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if it were longer than 12 days
The 12 Days of Christmas was such an AWESOME idea, but it will be even better next year when I pay closer attention so that I do not miss the START of the contest or if we are automatically notified since we took place in this one!! Thanks, and keep coming with all the AMAZING PATTERNS!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been alot of fun. I especially liked getting to dream up my own doll character. I might have to write her story. What would make it better, always more winners as everyone says. But truly that you do this every year shows us how important your fans are to you! Keep it up Cinnamon!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a treat, especially since it was the real 12 days, celebrating Christmas into the New Year, but would be even better next year if I win something too!
the 12 days of Christmas has been a blast. Your prizes have been amazing and thoughful. The only thign I can think of is you pick your top 3 choices of the day and let us vote for the winner. That way you could see what your costomers are intrested in buying or seeing on your website. I think the feed back could be very valuble. Thanks again!
The 12 Days of Christmas have been amazing, but would be even better next year if complete outfits were given away, more patterns given out, a sale day for everyone, and a more fabric giveaways!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been absolutely wonderful, but would be even better next year if the contests were more hands on, like doll photoshoots or things like that. (: ~Eve
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun for my granddaughter and myself but would be even better next year if you would put a new free pattern on your site available to each of the people who commented.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to see all the posts people have responded with but would be even better next year if you plan a new pattern to come out for one of the days. It would be the prize for x number of people. Then a few days later it would be available for purchase.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if I won or there were multiple winners! Ha! Okay, maybe that was greedy of me. Let’s see. I would love to see some actual outfits or a variety of accessories to win. Thanks so much! It has been fun.
The 12 days of Christmas has been truely fantastic I loved the daily questions and maybe could be just a little better if I could remember each day lol and maybe there could be a pattern on special for a day or something special for those who don’t win, but participate.
Thanks for the fun!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting to try to win one of your patterns but would be even better next year if more people could win.
The 12 days of Christmas has been an exciting adventure. Everyday I was anxious waiting for noon to check and see what the next item given away will be.But it would be even better next year if you start earlier in December and just keep doing what you do because your patterns are the best, you have a lot of great ideas and I am sure you have many more surprises in store for us.
The 12 days of Christmas comments have given me so many ideas. I feel a winner just from reading them. Cinnamon alias Libery Jane has given postage and several great prizes. I would like to see a give back to the relief fund in Zambia. A pattern offered with your purchasefull or a percent going to….. This could be an old pattern no longer offered but brought back just for the 12 Days. A new pattern that may need testing?
The 12 Days of Christmas has been simply AMAZING, but would be even better next year even if you changed nothing! I LOVED every minute of it — especially Day 4 when I copied/pasted a ton of fabulous tips/tricks to use for the rest of my sewing days — AWESOME!!!
Thank you SO MUCH, LJC, for all your hard work to not only bring us the BEST AG patterns, but to take time out to conduct these fabulous 12 giveaway days — here’s to 2013 being your best year yet!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been such good fun! but it would be better next year if the number of winners matched the number of the giveaway day, instead of some days having only one winner. I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s answers to your interesting questions, though! Thanks for making this so fun!
12 Days of Christmas has been a reminder of how blessed I am but would be even better next year because I thankfull won’t have to be going through a divorce anymore.
The 12 days of christmas has been fantastic! But what could make it better would be to have more winners a day or to have special discounts so everyone can “win”. Thank you for these giveaways!
The 12 days of christmas has been lots of fun! But what could make it better would be to have 25 days of Christmas!!!!!!!!!
The Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway has been so generous! It would be better next year…I can’t imagine how. Thanks for the fun!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and generous, but would be better if next year if a deeply discounted pattern was offered for all of us who participated but didn’t win anything..that way we are ALL winners!
(maybe for those who commented all 12 days?) Thanks!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been interesting but would be even better next year if I actually won something
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun. The only thing I can think of to improve it would be to have multiple winners every day. Say, instead of one person winning 12 patterns, 12 people each won one pattern. I can understand if, other than patterns which can be electronically sent, the logistics of sending that many prizes would be too great.
Seriously, thanks for a wonderful 12 days of Christmas! It was fun logging in every day to see what new idea you had cooked up!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, and it would be better next year if you had two winners each day instead of one!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and should be the same next year. I enjoyed reading the comments and feel that I’ve WON great sewing tips! I’ve already purchased fray check! Thanks!!!!
The 12 days of Christmas was fun. I am new to this site and have just started sewing clothes for my girls AG dolls. I think this was a great way to get people to your blog and ultimately, your commerce sites. Winning would have made it better, but I enjoyed posting each day. Thanks
It has been a new beginning for me I just joined the site. Next year would be better if we all got a newly released free download pattern or one of our choice patterns for free.
Hi Kina, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome to follow but would be even better next year if you would have a giveaway of a doll with clothing where your readers could submit a name of a little girl that cannot afford a Liberty Jane and her clothing/accessories due to the neediness of her family.
The twelve days of Christmas has been amazingly fun, it could be better if it were held sometime before Christmas! Maybe the twelve days of December?
The 12 days of Christmas has been sew exciting and it would be better next year if there could be more winners, including me! You have done a great job. I love to sew & I love LJ patterns!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been interesting and fun but would be even better next year if there were more winners!
The 12 days of Chrristmas has been a lot of fun! But next year would be better if during the 12 days you could also have a sale every day on maybe a particular pattern or clothing item or something. Otherwise you were extremely generous and it was all greatly appreciated. Thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been super awesome but would be even better if maybe, on the last day, you could make a prize available for everyone, such as a certain pattern for free that day. I think it would make everyone happy!
The twelve days of Christmas have been fun. I have been making clothes for AG dolls for a while now. My daughter has really enjoyed the patterns that I have purchased from Liberty Jane. Keep up the good work..Glad that you have thought of us..
How about a BOGO for those who don’t win? Even without, it has been interesting to read all the different comments.
It was lovely, and I could not ask for more. I can’t wait to see what you’ll design in the new year!
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome, but it would be even better if there were that number of winners each day instead of 1 person winning 12 things, etc. But thanks for the offers and the chances to win things. Happy New Year!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been super but would be even better next year if Libby made awesome videos for each one like she used to do about the contests!
12 Days of Christmas has been an extra little fun something to look forward to each day! Thank you for offering so many gifts! Ditto an earlier comment,it could have been better if I had won!:) Thank you for sharing your talents!
The 12 days of Christmas this year has been fun to see the comments, even if I don’t enter! I think it could be better next year if you did clothing separates for prizes! Maybe more winners? Or even the winner can pick off a list of what they want?! I think you are awesome for doing this contest and being so generous! Thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting but would be even better next year if there were more ways to win some of these fun prizes.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if one of the days there was a “prize” for everyone who checked the blog, like a coupon code or something similar.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been extremely fun but would be even better next year iffy didn’t give away the secret of the prize until that day comes. I like the surprise!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas was wonderful!! But next year it would even be better if I could win, but of course, we all can’t win. I like the idea of discounted patterns for people who enter, so we all could feel like a winner! Thank you for the opportunity to enter. You are very generous.
The 12 days of Christmas have been exciting, but would be even better next year if it would be held BEFORE Christmas so that we could possibly use the prizes to either make Christmas presents, or give as presents.
The twelve days of Christmas has been quite delightful to be a part of but would be even better next year if it would start sooner so winners would have something under the tree to open and share with the litte girls who will truly benefit from your wonderful vision.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if I had found Liberty Jane before it started
(and I have now so no problem)
Hi Colleen, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a most generous and welcomed gift especially for those who were selected (I was not one of the few) but would be better if it was a seasonal exchange which began after Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve timeframe.
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun! Everyday I look forward to it but would be better next year to do it before Christmas so it gets people more exited for the holiday season. Thanks for the giveaways!
Last day of the fun. Thanks.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been motivating. I have really enjoyed reading comments from other sewers and crafters and, of course, just checking in on the web site. Love LJ! I think it might be fun if there could be a separate prize for those who enter all 12 days – like a pattern!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if I could win and if there would be more winners!
The 12 days of Christmas have been motivating as everyone is so excited about doing for others. next year could be better if each day you could creat a tutorial to teach us something new or share. thanks for your efforts and designs
Hi Kim, Guess what? You’ve been selected as one of the 12 winners of the day 12 giveaway, congrats! We will contact you through email in just a bit…. but in the meantime, have fun making your list of 12 LJC brand pattens
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME but would be even better next year if I had been able to follow it every day. With no internet connection for a few days, I missed out on a lot!
The Twelve Days of Christmas was a Generous Gift to your growing legion of followers. It would be even better if we could find a way to Thank You Jason and the rest of the folks who support this wonderful website! God Bless you all in 2013.
The 12 days of Christmas mad an awesome transition to the New Year and gave me some inspiration for projects. It would be amazing if next year there was a coupon code for patterns each day so everyone could get something.
You have amazing patterns! I would love to win some! I am more of a knitter than a sewer but I enjoy making doll clothes for my granddaughter and would love to add some diversity. Thank You for this chance1
The twelve days of Christmas have been a lot of fun. It would be better next year if there were more winners!
The twelve days of Christmas were very informative. It would be better next year if there was a question where people shared their favorite places to find tiny sewing supplies like buckles, zippers, overall fasteners, buttons, etc.
The liberty Jane 12 days of Christmas was exciting, it would be better if there were more chances for everyone to win, and if it were easier to follow
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if I can win something too
Just kidding… you have been very generous and congratulations to the lucky winners!
The tweleve days of Christmas was fun, but would be even better if it happened before Christmas. This was one of the rare times all our daughters/famlies made it home for Christmas, so not much time to try and enter a contest and since there are thousands entering, not much a chance of winning. I agree with most give everyone some sort of deal on a pattern. Most of us have a small fortune tied up in your awesome LJ patterns. Didn’t make it in time today for contest again; not that it matters; odds of winning not in my favor.
The 12 Days of Christmas were great. To make it better…hmm…more winners, consolation prize like a discount on different items each day or a 2 for 1 deal?
The 12 Days of Christmas were a welcome treat and great that it actually was during the 12 days of Christmas. To make it better I would like to know which countries people come from who love Liberty Jane and how many different time zones. Thanks for all you have done during this competition and to your generosity.
The 12 days of Christmas here at LJ have been extraordinary, but they could be better if there were more individual winners. Like, 11 people won a pair of doll shoes instead of one person getting a lot.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing but would be even better next year if you would have some custom outfits.
The 12 Days of Christmas was wonderful. Only recently learned of your blog. I follow you on Pinterest. Eac and every one of us wish we would have won something, however I as happy for those who did win. For me it was enough for participate each day. Leave it as it is and I look forward to this year’s 12 days of Christmas.
Thank you for your time and kindness!
the 12 days of cristmas have been so much fun but it would be better next year if there were more patterns
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun but would be even better next year if there were more pattern giveaways…or maybe a few free patterns! That way everyone “wins”.
The twelve days of Christmas has been great –it introduced me to Liberty Jane and got me sewing again. I am a quilter, and now I love sewing AG clothes for my granddaughter’s Samantha. The only thing that could make it better next year is if I were to be a winner!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWSOME but would be even better next year if the first (so many) commenters automatically won something.“
The twelve days of Christmas has been sew much fun to follow and has been nice for something to look forward to after Christmas instead of before Christmas when everything was so hectic. Next year would be even better if I was a lucky winner! Even if I don’t win, thank you so much for the opportunity to follow and learn more about your sie!