Day 4: Four Doll Sized Starbucks Cups…

Dec 04

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Day 4 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration!

Today we are giving away … 4 (AG Doll sized) ceramic Starbucks Cups in a cute little 4 pack. Of course they could be Christmas tree ornaments, or doll sized props for your video & photo projects.

This would make any AG Doll Happy! And would make a fantastic Christmas present!

To enter simply respond to this post and complete this sentence:

“My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is [insert name] because [tell us why] … “

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific), today, 12/4/2011.

One entry per person.

No purchase necessary, void where prohibited.

The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment.

We will choose a winner and modify this post tomorrow to let everyone know who won.

Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

Merry Christmas,

Cinnamon, & The Liberty Jane Team

Ps. Thank you to everyone who participated in yesterday’s giveaway. The winner of yesterday’s give-away is Elizabeth L. Congratulations Elizabeth!!



  1. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is tea because I think it’s a soothing drink and warms me up.

    • My favorite drink on a cold winter day is Double Dutch Hot Cocoa. My grand-daughter and I love to sit in front of a roaring fire and drink our hot cocoa together. It’s a nice bonding moment!

    • mary pietrafitta /

      My favorite hot drink on a cold day is warm apple cider with a cinnamon stick. The cinnamon gives it a nice aroma and the warm cider is very comforting.

    • My favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot apple cider because it is both hot and sweet and I love the spices.

  2. Kiara Green /

    my favorite holiday drink is salted carmal hot coca because it makes you feel warm and toasty inside on these winter months! Thanks again for doing this give away!

  3. luciekat /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa because I don’t drink coffee.

    • Cinnamon & Team /

      Hi luciekat!

      Congrats, you’ve been selected as the winner of this giveaway (Starbucks ornaments)! We will contact you through email with more detail.


  4. Julie Williamson /

    These are adorable! Starbucks is our favorite. :)

  5. Abigail /

    My favorite holiday drink is a hot chocolate with cinnamon and a giant, fluffy marshmallow because the chocolaty warmth feels so good on a snowy day!

  6. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is ghirardelli hot chocolate because it wakes me up and energizes me during these cold days when you feel like you just want to cuddle in your bed the whole day.

  7. Jennifer /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with lots of whipped creme and marshmallows!

  8. EmmaClaireBear /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a peppermint mocha (starbucks)because the taste is delicous, and perfect for a coffee date with friends!

  9. Samira /

    My favorite hot beverage on a winter day is hot chocolate because its keeps me nice and toasty and it warms me with every sip! i just love the marshmellows:)

  10. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Apple Cider because it just seems to warm the soul.

  11. My fav beverage on a cold winter day is a gool ol’ cup of hot coffe, little creamer and 2 sugars…ummm!!!

  12. Stephanie /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is white chocolate hot chocolate, because it makes me feel warm and cozy and I love chocolate.

  13. my favorite holiday warm drink, is good ole’ original hot chocolate! I really love it because when me and my loving family sit my the fire and drink it and roast smores, It gets me in the holiday spirit! (:

  14. my favourate hot beverage on a cold day is a latte becuase its so milky and smooth !

  15. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee with vanilla ice cream because the combination of the cold and hot is awesome.

  16. Candy Lacy /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Chai Latte from the Keurig that my kids gave us last Christmas because not only is the drink awesome, every time I use the machine, I am reminded of how much I love my kids! Warms my heart inside and out.

  17. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a peppermint mocha latte because it warms me up and tastes delicious.

  18. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is the SBUX Peppermint Mocha because it reminds me of the wintery holiday season and it tastes like candy canes!

  19. Abigail /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is peppermint hot chocolate because I just love being warmed up by a nice steaming cup of hot cocoa? And the peppermint adds nice flavor to it.

  20. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because its so creamy and chocolaty and I especially like to put whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and marshmallows on top.

  21. Kate Anderson /

    My favorite drink on a cold day is peppermint hot cocoa because it’s like drinking Christmas…(If there were such a thing!

  22. Kristen W. /

    My favorite hot beverage is a skinny cinnamon dolce from starbucks! Mmm!

  23. These are totally adorable cups!! My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is either hot chocolate or Earl Grey tea.

  24. Rebecca /

    My favorite hot beverage on a winter day is apple cider with a touch of vanilla vodka because it is a great drink to enjoy on a chilly friday evening with a few close friends.

  25. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is homemade hot cocoa (from scratch!) with a splash of eggnog and a mini candy cane. Yum!

  26. Diane Brimmer /

    My favorite holiday drink is a hot chocolate with lots of little fluffy marshmallows because the chocolaty warmth feels so cosy on wintery days!

  27. My favorite holiday drink is a glass of nutella hotcocoa! :)

  28. sherry guitard /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a rich hot chocolate with a touch of decaff coffee added to it. Yummy yummy! Love these Starbucks cups – I have trying to get my hands on some for a couple years now.

  29. I love a hot chai tea latte. It reminds me of snowy days on campus and is a nice change from hot chocolate of coffee.

  30. Maggie /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is my mom’s homemade hot chocolate. IT is wonderful! I like it because when I drink it I feel a sensation. IT is great! (dont forget to add marshmallows)

  31. Peggy Anderson /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate made with whole milk and topped with mini marshmallows. yummy! It takes me back to Christmas mornings, trips to our Aunt’s house, and playing house with my dolls–we had hot chocolate instead of tea if they had been very, very good!

  32. Kailtyn /

    My very Favorite Hot beverage on a cold day is home made hot Chocolate with french vanilla and i even add sugar and chocolate! I like this a lot because it is good, and it brings me joy, especially sitting by a fire. Also because it makes me feel warm and cozy! (:

  33. Tiffany Austin /

    My favorite cold weather is a cup of peppermint tea with honey. Just sweet enough to be yummy and calming enough to relax you :)

  34. Katrina /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot apple cider with caramel and stirred with a cinnamon stick because it is delicious and warms me up.

  35. autumn /

    Mine is peppermint hot coffee at Starbucks

  36. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Stash peppermint tea because it is just so darn good…

  37. Sarah G. /

    My favorite hot beverage is coffee. Not only do I need it for the caffeine perk every day but it reminds me of my mom who would always have a cup of coffee nearby!

  38. My favorite winter drink is hot chocolate with marshmallows and crushed peppermint because it warms me up from head to toe and always makes me smile with it’s slightly minty taste.

  39. Chris Walden /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a chai latte because it’s a special treat that I only get a few times each year!

  40. Firinel /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is assam/ceylon mix black tea w/ milk and sugar, because it’s a traditional English drink that fixes everything. You’re a bit cold? Tea! Your boyfriend dumped you? Tea! Found out your mum has cancer? Tea!

  41. My fav hot drink on a cold day is,,, like a lot of others,,,Hot Chocolate.It relaxes me and makes me feel like people again!

  42. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with peppermint or coconut because I don’t drink coffee, I love hot chocolate. Adding peppermint or coconut syrup to it just adds that extra special something I don’t get at home.

  43. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it warms your heart and house after a long day playing in the snow!

  44. shylee /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is a starbucks peppermint mocha because it warms me up from the inside out . I love the taste of peppermint , just thinking about it makes me want one.

  45. beccaabug /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate. It just warms the soul.

  46. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a pumpkin spice latte because it is the perfect combination of pumpkin pie and espresso. Delicious! =)

  47. Nicole /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a hot chocolate with a peppermint stick and little marshmallows because I don’t like coffee but I love hot chocolate! And I love the peppermint because it gives it a little mint hot chocolate taste! And it makes me feel so warm inside and it makes me feel like it’s the holidays!

  48. my favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot coco with a pepperment candycane because it makes me feel so cozy and warm .

  49. My favorite hot beverage is coffee! I drink it year ’round for a break in my super busy day.

  50. My favorite hot bevarage is a Hot Chocolate made by my mom becaus My mom use to drink Hot Chocolate on cold days with her mom, before she died when my mom was 12.

  51. Lynette Oliver /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is peppermint hot chocolate because it warms me up and the peppermint is very soothing.“

  52. Karen R. /

    I love a peppermint hot chocolate on a cold, snowy day, and I like holding the warm cup and breathing in the wonderful aroma almost as much as drinking it.

  53. Molly F. /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because I love hot chocolate. I like to add vanilla creamer to it and a little cinnoman and mashmallows too to give it a very unique taste.

  54. JessicaS /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a nice and creamy hot chocolate made from scratch, powdered mixes just don’t cut it!

  55. Karen & Olivia /

    My favorite holiday drink on a cold day is hot chocolate with whip cream, marshmellows and a little bit of milk.

  56. My Favourite Hot Beverage On A cold Winters day Is Candycane Hot Cocoa With Whip Cream,,Milk,,marshmellows And A candycane Stuck In The Top!! I Like It Because It Keeps You warm And Toasty,, And it Lets you Get in The christmas Spirit!

  57. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate because It’s chocolate (can’t go wrong there!) and it makes me feel warm and cozy…

  58. Olivia /

    My favorite holiday drink on a cold day is salted caramel hot cocoa with Williams Sonoma Marshmallows!!!! Soo good!

  59. Sydney f /

    My favorite holiday drink in eggnog hotchocolate! Instead of making hotchocolate with milk, you use milk! It tastes even better with a couple squirts of whipped cream and a candy cane!

  60. Gracie /

    My favorite holiday drink on a cold day is eggnog with one of my mom’s homemade sugar cookies!!!! It is really yummy!!! :)

  61. VickiT /

    On a cold day my favorite drink would be a big cup of Cinnamon Hot Chocolate. YUM! I cannot get enough of that stuff. Had never had this drink until about four years ago and from that point on, I’m totally hooked.

    Those Starbucks cups are adorable. I would really love those myself and may have a very hard time letting them go to my Granddaughter for her AG doll. I may have to flip a coin on those since Starbucks is my FAVORITE place.

  62. My favorite holiday drink is a hot chocolate and coffee because they warm you

  63. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with marshmellows because it not only warms me up but it always makes me feel like a kid again!

  64. Jenna Hanson /

    My favorite hot beverage is a Starbucks peppermint mocha. But, since that’s 30 minutes away, I usually settle for star bucks coffee and the peppermint flavored creamer.

  65. Marlene /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a mug of Constant Common Tea because I just love the spice of oranges and the scent. The added bonus Zero Calories!”

  66. Rachel /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is 0-carb Hot Cocoa because me and my mom drink it together, she’s got me hooked on it!

  67. Johanna Sawan /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it warms my belly amd makes me feel all roasty toasty warm inside!!! :)

  68. Kelsey /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is raspberry cheesecake hot chocolate because its a family tradition every year that on the first big snow day we build a snowman, a small igloo, and go sledding. Then after all the fun we come inside and drink raspberry cheesecake hot chocolate while watching a Christmas movie!

  69. Shoshana /

    my favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot apple cider i love the taste of the spices

  70. Kathleen Y Thomason /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate because it brings back memories of when I was a child in cold Iowa and my mom would serve us 7 children Hot Chocolate. I miss my mom!

  71. Peppermint mocha because it is just super yummy and such a treat!

  72. My favourite hot beverage on a cold day is hot hot chocolate because you can do so many things to it including hot chocolate floats!

  73. Joan D /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is cinnamon apple natural herbal tea because cinnamon and apples just go together.

  74. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate, mostly in the morning when I wake up! I like it because you feel chilly first then when it goes through you it just gives you this warm good feeling! Tastes well too! hehe

  75. my favoirite hot beverage on a cold day is hot apple cider with whip cream because I only drink in the winter. The taste reminds me Christmas is coming!

  76. my favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot chocolate because it reminds me of when I was a kid, and we’d go sledding in the snow. Mom & Dad always brought thermoses of hot chocolate. mmmmmmmm

  77. KellyF. /

    I love a Chai Latte, most specifically Starbucks, but I can make a pretty good one at home too.

  78. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is chai latte because its almost like hot coc but kind of spicy and yummy! :)

  79. love a stop by the drive through to pick up a hot coffee seasoned and stirred by someone else. when at home – oooo hot chocolate with marshies

  80. Sue Dougald /

    My favourite hot beverage on a cold day is starbuck’s white chocolate mocha because it just tastes soooooo good! :-)

  81. Kaylynn /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is white hot chocolate with mini marshmallows because they look like floating clouds that make me feel warm and fuzzy.

  82. Emily Henry /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because I love CHOCOLATE!!!

  83. Sheryl /

    On cold winter days, I love cinnamon hot chocolate! Yum!

  84. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is english breakfast tea with some extra Vanilla and cinnamon because it heats up my cold hands while I hold it and the sweet taste.

  85. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot chocolate with marshmallows and stirred with a candy cane because I love the warm feeling I get when it’s shared with my daughter!

  86. Sophie /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa with a bunch of marshmallows, because marshmallows and chocolate make the best combination ever! :)

  87. mine is hot chocolate with a mini York peppermint pattie melted in it … and whipped cream on top is the ultimate!

  88. Taylor /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate because It Make Me That know That Christmas Is Coming!

  89. Liese Brouwer /

    My favourite hot drink is hot chocolate… because I love chocolate and it is so comforting!

  90. Allison taylor /

    Hot chocolate with marshmallows,cuz it’s yummy!:)

  91. “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is pepperment hot cocoa because it’s something I don’t have any other time of year which makes it special (and it warms me up :) ). “

  92. adele powers /

    My favorite hot drink is Starbucks Hot Carmel Cider! The whipped cream tickles your nose and the warm carmel coat your throat like a warm blanket!

  93. Bella C /

    My favorite hot drink is hot cocoa with marshmallows and graham crackers because it practically the only hot drink I know of :]
    Bella :]

  94. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it is sweet, delicious, and warm! I also love chocolate!

  95. Liesel /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it reminds me of childhood and the good old days.

  96. sharon /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is chocolate mint mocha latte because it makes me feel all warm and suny inside even tho the weather is icy!

  97. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is french vanilla hot chocolate with wipped cream and marshmallows, becuase i love anything french vanilla or vanilla. I also like marshmallows and wipped cream in any hot chocolate.

  98. Nicole Gauvreau /

    My favourite hot beverage on a cold day is mint tea, because it is soothing, relaxing, and still warms you up!

  99. Jill H. /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is a big mug of chai tea, because it warms me up and I don’t get jittery like when I drink coffee.

  100. My favorite warm drink is hot chocolate
    Because it warms me instantly and I feel warm inside too..

  101. Suzi More /

    Godiva Hot chocolate mix…..and lots of mini marshmellows or a big dollop of Marshmellow fluff is my favorite Hot drink on a cold day here in Kansas.

  102. Rebecca C. /

    My favorite beverage on a hot day is a Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks!!! LOL They are the best! :)

  103. Nancy B /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows, It reminds me of coming inside after ice skating & sledding down the hill at my Grandparent home.

  104. Mindy Turley /

    My fave hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with mini marshmallows because…IT’S CHOCOLATE!

  105. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Apple Cider with a delicious cinnamon stick because it tastes sooooooooo good. The sweet apple flavors make your taste buds dance and sing. The cinnamon spices things up with a sweet and unforgettable taste. Apple Cider I s delightful beverage that tells you it is Christmas.

  106. cheryl /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is white chocholate cocoa with…adult beverage only from here…toasted marshmallow vodka! YUMMY~~~~

  107. “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee because it is soooo yummy when I use my homemade hot chocolate mix as creamer! “

  108. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Mint Tea because it is a family tradition on Christmas Eve to drink mint tea. We all sit around the war, glowing fire place, listening to the Christmas songs and drinking our homemade mint tea.

  109. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a hot chocolate with a peppermint stick, some mini marshmallows, some milk little sprinkle of sugar and some whipped cream to go on top because it so sweet and delicious it makes me fell all warm and joyful inside! And it reminds me of the holidays! The sweet taste makes your taste buds go hallelujah!! And dance all over the place! It’s so yummy and delicious and so sweet!

  110. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Caramel Cider because it has a different taste. It is delicious. It is gooey and sweet an it makes you think of Christmas time.

  111. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is a skinny peppermint latte .

  112. Beverly /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is my Mom’s hot cocoa because it reminds me of when we were kids. She made us hot cocoa for the 7 of us and then some, we always had a lost kid or one or two of our friends staying with us. She made the best hot cocoa with marshmallows. Although she is gone now, I always remember those evening when we had her hot cocoa!

  113. Jessica /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot cocoa because its the perfect drink and it warms up the heart.

  114. Katrina N. /

    My favorite warm drink on a cold day has to be hot cocoa. Its so warm and the sent fills the room with joy.

  115. Melissa /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is; hot apple cider stirred with a candy cane!!

  116. Lindsey S. /

    My favorite warm drink on a cold day is a mug of Mint Chocolate tea because not only does it bring warmth and joy, but I can drink it from my favorite mug (a Christmas gift from my sister.)

  117. SE Bowser /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa because it warms you up as you drink it.“

  118. Ramona Curtis /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a Cafe Mocha!…pure, unadulterated comfort!!

  119. Angela /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it makes me happy and warms me up. I put wip cream in it and put two fluffy marshmallows in it as well.

  120. Carol Greenbank /

    My Favorite Beverage on a cold day is hot black tea with a little kahlua, very relaxing and warms the tummy.

  121. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a cup of raspberry royale hot tea because it warms me up, heart and soul. We are in Nebraska and it’s COLD.

  122. My favorite hot beverage, is of course, Hot Cocoa! I like mine with lots of whipped cream(if we have any) and mini marshmallows. Sometime I’ll take some peppermint and crush them up in a bag, then dump them into the cocoa as well. So good!

  123. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a cup of hot tea, with sugar and a splash of evaporated milk. It’s warming and soothing at the same time.

  124. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee. My fav beverage on a hot day is coffee, too. A little cream in the morning and for my afternoon delight flavored creamer. Yum. Curl up with a good book under a blankie and sip away. I’m not allowed to take coffee in to my sewing room any more. Tough choice! Sew or sip coffee? Hmmmmmmmmmm

  125. Louann /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate with marshmallows by a roaring fire because it is comforting.

  126. Ale Her /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa because it taste delicious!!!!!

  127. Megan M. /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is soup. Does that count? If so, I like to drink soup (Yes, i drink it. In a mug.) on a cold winter day because it makes me feel so comforted and warm. If “soup” is not an answer, (LoL) then my 2nd choice is Starbucks hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, caramel, and mini marshmallows. :) Thx for all of the EXTREMELY EPIC giveaways!

  128. meegan g /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Coffee because Keurig has SO many delicious flavored KCUPS!

  129. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a mocha. It can come from Starbucks but most often originates in our own kitchen. My husband makes a great mocha and serves it with whipped cream (the cats get a small share) and dark chocolate. MMMmmmm……

  130. Jennifer /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot chocolate with whip cream. Anything with chocolate is good and it warms the soul.

  131. Dana Ronevich /

    My favorite hot beverage is raspberry hot chocolate with a generous dollop of marshmallow fluff. It is a little bit of decadence to sit & relax. Definitely for some “me time”.

  132. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee…just coffee because I love it so much!

  133. Jennifer Schewe /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold winter day is a Starbuck’s white chocolate mocha!

  134. Cynthia D /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a gingerbread latte because it helps keep me in the holiday spirit, no matter how hectic things get!

  135. My favorite hot beverage on a cold winter day is mulled apple cider because it just taste like the holidays. It warms up my spirits too!

  136. nancy s /

    My favorite beverage on a cold winter day is hot chocolate, some days also need a little amaretto added.

  137. Heather /

    My favourite holiday is for sure Hot Chocolate. It’s really yummy, and I love putting so many marshmellows in my hot chocolate!

  138. Cecilia /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is Starbucks hot chocolate. There is a Starbucks at the end of my street so sometimes my friends and I go there after school :)
    merry Christmas!

  139. M. Stouffer /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Russian Tea because the hot citrus flavor warms me all the way through.

  140. Donna Root /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate with a boloney and mayo sandwich because it brings back the “Warm Fuzzies” from when I was a little kid.
    I would come home wet and Cold, and find the cocoa and sandwich waiting for me. Lol

  141. Last night at a party I had hot apple cider. It was light, warm, with a touch of sweetness. My favorite!

  142. Robert Zonis /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Peppermint Mocha because It’s my wife’s favorite drink and she’s gotten me hooked.

  143. My favorite drink on a cold day is chai(spice milk)tea. Especially from Starbucks.Its warm and creamy and the spices smell and taste fabulous!!

  144. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is hot chocolate! After I have been playing in the snow for so long, it is nice to warm up with hot chocolate!

  145. Julia C /

    My favorite drink on a cold day would either be hot chocolate or a french vanilla cappuccino with LOADS of cream. They are my favorite because they warm my belly and ignite my taste buds.

  146. Bobbie /

    My favorite beverage on a cold winter day is hot cocoa.

  147. My favorite drink on a cold day is Russian Tea – so flavorful, warming, and it also smells wonderful! But….you can always talk me into a white chocolate latte from Starbucks, too!

  148. Cassy Dellinger /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a Cafe Mocha from Starbucks because it reminds me of all the great times I’ve had with friends and family members sitting around sipping a good warm drink on a cold day!

  149. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is Mayan Hot Chocolate. I make it with real Mexican chocolate that is melted with cream, piloncillo (Mexican brown sugar), vanilla beans and infused with hot red chiles. It is served in tiny little cups with fresh whipped cream and is sooooo delicious — very chocolatey with a little chile kick at the end. I make it on snowy days here in New Mexico.

  150. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is ginger pear white tea because when I hold it in my hand and it warms me up!

  151. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is my grandmother’s cinnamon-apple tea. It is the best tea ever! We usually all sit down with tea and some cookies and have a lot of fun! :)

  152. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is piping hot vanilla coffee in my Starbucks holiday mug because it holds a lot and I can wrap both hands up around the deep cup to warm up my fingers.

  153. Makala /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is red tea because…I like tea! XD

  154. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot apple cider with extra cinnamon because it is sweet and hot and yummy. Not something I would have in the summer, it is special for the cold ones.

  155. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa because chocolate is my favorite candy!!!!!

  156. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is pumpkin spice coffee because the smell invigorates me from the winter blahs and the hot coffee warms me body and soul!

  157. My favorite beverage on a cold day is a Starbucks Vanilla Chai because it warms my heart inside and out.

  158. Sharon /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is creamy hot chocolate because it reminds me of sitting in the kitchen talking with my mom when I was young.“

  159. Emmy Ziegler /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a hot “dark” chocolate with tiny marshmallows floating on top, because I love the smell of the chocolate and I love the squishy marshmallows!

  160. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Starbucks
    Hot Chocolate. It is delicious.

  161. Tiffany Fox /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a skinny vanilla latte because iit makes me feel nice and warm from the inside out!

  162. Pam VanAustin /

    Hot Carmel Macchiato, either from Starbucks or made at home. It’s something that I don’t normally drink anytime during the year, but there is something about the sweet carmel creaminess, that feels like a special treat!

  163. hot soup!!! any kind!!!

  164. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is
    Starbucks Hot Chocolate as it is the most delicious.

  165. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Chai Latte. Just the smell of it warms me up.

  166. hailey Gould /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot chocolate because I dont drink it when its warm and its a nice refreshing drink when your cold also its really yummy

  167. My favorite beverage on a cold winter night is making a cup of hot cocoa with a big dollop of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles shared with my two granddaughters…..

  168. Kathy Jones /

    My favorite drink on a cold day is fresh brewed coffee with sweet cream because it warms up and keeps me moving!

  169. My favorite beverage on a cold day is coffee with peppermint mocha creamer because I just love coffee! I will admit, it is much better shared with a good friend though.

  170. My favorite drink on a cold day is sipping chocolate.

  171. Sharon /

    My favorite drink on a cold day is fresh brewed flavored coffee, this morning I had “White Christmas”. It gives me a pickup and keeps me warm!

  172. My favourite drink on a cold day is certainly tea. Especially with lots of sugar and milk… yum :)

  173. Stephanie /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cider because it is really yummy and warms you up too!

  174. Pat McKenzie /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it makes me warm inside… and after all it is chocolate

  175. Tracey /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is a hot Mocha from Books A Million! Add some whipped cream and surround me with a stack of books and I’m in heaven!!!

  176. Julie B /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it warms me up.

  177. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is very hot cider with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Reminds me of when we used to pick out our Christmas trees when we lived in MN and then would have a cup or two of cider.

  178. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee because it warms me up and starts my day!

  179. Brenda /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a Salted Caramel Frappucino because it tastes yummy like a chocolate covered pretzel!

  180. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a nice hot mug of tea because it warms up my body and my soul.

  181. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it warms my insides, and who doesn’t love chocolate anyway?

  182. Virginia /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa with a dash of almond creamer because the cold weather is my excuse to add on a few extra pounds of warmth while indulging in my chocolate love affair!

  183. My favorite drink on a cold day is hot cocoa because it warms you from the inside and it smells so sweet and comforting.

  184. My favorite hot beverage is hot chocolate with my daughter!

  185. Amberly /

    My favorite beverage on a cold day is warm chocolate milk, because it makes you feel all warm and cozy, not depressed and gloomy!

    <3's for everyone!

  186. My favorite drink this time of year is Snowman Soup…:)
    Hot Chocolate…marshmallows a couple Hershey kisses and stirred with a candy cane.
    Why because it’s Christmassy….:)

  187. Hot chocolate.

  188. Marilyn /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it is my comfort drink.

  189. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot white chocolate mocha because I love chocolate and coffee! My favorite latte stand always give me a little extra whip cream in a cup for my dachshund so he doesn’t try to steal my mocha!

  190. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is mocha mint coffee because it makes me feel wintery!

  191. Colleen Maala /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a cup of hot soothing tea. Warms my soul while I spend my time joyfully sewing.

  192. My favorite drink on a cold day is Starbuck’s Peppermint Mocha because it’s like Christmas in a cup.

  193. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Jasmine Tea because it smells as good as it tastes! :)

  194. Kirren /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a mocha because coffee is not coffee without CHOCOLATE! :)

  195. Jeniffer K /

    My favorite hot drink. Hot mint green tea. It’s toasty and invigorating. But if it’s Starbucks, Grande White Chocolate Mocha with extra whipped cream and brown sugar. Yum.

  196. Kirsten /

    Coffee for sure. I especially like the Peppermint Mocha around Christmas time. BTW, those are the cutest cups ever!

  197. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is vanilla cappuccino because it is just amazingly delicious- I was introduced to it at my skating rink…I get so addicted to it in winter that my tongue is always burnt!! Ahaha!

  198. Marilyn Wilson /

    My favorite hot drink is hot cocoa. It reminds me of warming up after ice skating with my family.

  199. Melinda Cieslinski /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold December day is white chocolate raspberry mocha topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. The warm cocoa flavor warms me inside and the whipped cream resembles the snow drifts, and the hint of raspberry is the whisper of summers to come. Oh yum!!

  200. My favorite hot drink is a large coffee with lots of half and half and 3 sugars. Its super sweet and gives me tons of energy!!!

  201. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is grande white chocolate mocha because it warms me up with just the right amount of sweetness!

  202. Jeanne /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is french vanilla cafe because it tastes like candy.

  203. Irene M /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a hot cup of tea because it makes a nice drink while sitting around the table with friends

  204. My favorite hot drink is chi tea because my friend many years ago taught me how to make it cause i loved it so much. she would bring me a cup every Thursday when we worked together and finally she invited me over to teach me how to make it on my own.

  205. Heather /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it warms tummy and it’s perfect for sipping slowly while studying.

  206. Cynthia S /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it reminds me when my mom would make it for me and add lots of mini marshmallows on top!

  207. My favorite winter beverage? Probably a drink called Russian Tea–it’s made up of a bunch of different spices (including Tang XD) that I absolutely adore. I think I’ll have some right now, actually…

  208. michelle /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate with a peppermint stick & Whip Cream topping because it gives me a sense of my childhood & warms my soul.Yummy!

  209. My favorite hot drink on a cold day is Ibarra hot chocolate because it is hot chocolate but with a little something extra.

  210. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is made from scratch hot chocolate with a whipped cream topping because it feels so rich and special.

  211. Who doesn’t love Starbucks? My favorite is a Chai Latte – any and every day of the year!

  212. My favorite beverage on a cold day is a Starbucks double latte with a splash of mint and topped with whipped cream because it warms me up and I love good coffee. :)

  213. Tricia /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a peppermint mocha with whipped cream and a chocolate covered peppermint stick– because it looks pretty and tastes even better!

  214. Amanda K /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is apple cider because it tastes like Christmas and warms me up.

  215. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is my grandmas hot  chocolate.  She would always make it up while we were shoveling the snow off their sidewalks and stairs.  My brother and I would be all tuckered out and there was grandma at the door with two cups in hand.  We just got our first snow and had to shovel them out and sure enough she had hot chocolate waiting!  I hope to have many more years of hot chocolate waiting for us.  

  216. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it’s warm, sweet, chocolaty and fattening! What more would I need?

  217. Marissa /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is my sister’s hot chocolate, or Mom’s peppermint tea because they’re both warm and soothing after being outside sledding or making snow angels :) and they’re both made with love by two of my most loved relatives!

  218. Caroline /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate/cocoa with marshmallows AND a porous stick of peppermint (one that lets you sip the drink through it) because its just fun and heartwarming as well as body-warming.

  219. My favorite beverage on a cold day is a nice cup of hot chocolate with whip cream

  220. why is it that things are ten times as cute when they are 1/10th the size!
    Would love those bitty starbucks!

  221. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is Hot Chocolate, because I’m not aloud to drink coffee (Yet!)and I love to put lots of Marshmallows! It’s fun to watch them melt in the Hot Chocolate! =)

  222. My favorite beverage is coffee, black no surgar/cream, there nothing better to start a cold morning.

  223. Stephanie J. /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks because it puts me in a holly-jolly-Christmas type of mood!

  224. Deborah Zack /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold is Warmed lemonade with fresh cinnamon stick in it because it makes your throat feel good and the lemonade makes you think summer is right around the corner.

  225. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a Carmel Macchiato because it just makes the day go better

  226. Jennifer Seace /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is dark chocolate hot cocoa with mini marshmallows because it reminds me of my childhood coming inside after playing in the snow!

  227. My favorite drink is hot chocolate because it helps the chill of the day.

  228. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a cup of black coffee with a spoonful of hot cocoa mix and a dollup (love that word!) of whipped cream because it is the best of both worlds blended together in a mug…chocolate and coffee…can’t beat it!

  229. valarie /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is a Starbucks vanilla steamer with Caramel syrup added. I got hooked on them when I was pregnant and couldn’t drink coffee. They make me feel all cozy inside!

  230. my favorite hot drink on a chilly day is (of course) COFFEE :) add some hazelnut creamer and i am a very happy lady! i’m always cold and it warms me right up!

  231. My favorite beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because it’s choclaty and super sweet. It’s so refreshing and it warms your whole body.

  232. Debbie Misner /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day would have to be French vanilla hot coca, with french vanilla marshmallows. It warms me up and makes me nice and toasty.

  233. Ann C. /

    I love Starbucks and so does my dgd and her AGdoll, Sarah. Sarah would love to have her size cup!!!

  234. Ann C. /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is coffee because it awakens me and my memories of good times with family and friends!

  235. I was just at Starbucks this past weekend. I love their peppermint hot chocolate! I saw the ornaments in the store and they are so cute. I did not buy them but would love to have them for my tree. I have collected Christmas ornaments for years and would love to add these.

  236. Brandi /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with mini marshmallows because it’s sweet and delicious!

  237. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate with a few peppermints stuck inside. It gives the minty flavor of Christmas and makes a good ending to a cold, but fun, day in the snow!

  238. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is hot cocoa with marshmallows because it reminds me of decorating the Christmas tree with my children when they were small. Great memories!

  239. My favorite way to warm up is with a hot cup of a black tea with cinnamon blend. The cinnamon is very warming.

  240. Charyll /

    My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is strong black coffee. It warms me up and gives me energy to shovel snow!

  241. Bonnie /

    “My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is any kind of coffee! I prefer a chocolaty or caramely type, but I love it all!”

  242. My favorite hot beverage on a cold day is creamy hot chocolate because it’s really really tasty! Think of all the marshmallows, whipped cream, and caramel…YUM!

  243. Great way to make the most of my favorite drink…just bring on the snow!!!

  244. Taylor /

    My favorite warm drink on a cold day is wassle. Wasele is a warm drink with cinnamon, orange slices, apple cider, and cranberry juice. Wassle is originally from Germany. My mom always makes it when we decorate the christmas tree. It makes me so warm and it brings my family together after a hectic day.

  245. Donna Cowan /

    My favorite hot drink is green tea. I was introduced to it on a trip to Taiwan so when I have a mug of it it makes me think of the great time I had over there.

  246. My fav is Hot chocolate topped with loads of Peppermint whipped cream, snuggled in a soft cozy blanket with my granddaughter.

  247. nellana cook /

    I really love hot chocolate with some sort of creamer in it.

  248. Cheryl Rich /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is good old fashioned homemade hot cocoa because it’s one of those childhood comfort food things! Some days with marshamllows, some not. A peppermint stick to stir it during the holidays of fun too!

  249. Joanne /

    Our favorite drink on a cold day is hot chocolate poured over a cup full of marshmallows because it makes my kids think that I am the best Mom/Aunt in the world!

  250. My favorite drink on a cold day would be hot cocoa with marshmallows and whipped cream because it makes me feel really cozy while I snuggle up in a blanket!!!

  251. eleanor r /


  252. My favorite warm beverage on a cold day is hot chocolate because I remember playing outside in winter and my mom making home made hot chocolate to warm us up when we came back inside. My mom passed away when I was ten years old so all those old memories are special. Now when my grandchildren play outside in winter I always meet them at the door when they’re coming in with hot chocolate.

  253. Brooke w. /

    My favorite hot drink on a cold day is the caramel apple cider because it reminds me of picking apples at the orchards I grew up around in New Hampshire and the smell of the fresh hot apple cider that you could always get around the holidays. It’s what makes the holidays what they are!

  254. My favorite drink is warm peppermint tea with a chocolate chip muffin yummmmm!!
    that my favorite because i can sit and watch the snow fall snuggled up in a blanket
    And drink my hot tea and muffin

  255. My favorite drink is guatumalan hot chocolate with marshmallows and lots of whiped

  256. chanel /

    My favorite drink is nice warm to sitting next to a fire also milkberry its not a drink me and my family made it up cause we got bord of hot chocolate so we mixed it up with berrys tea hot chocolate and marshmallows and it tasted very good.

  257. Gail Kimball /

    My favorite hot drink is tea – generally English Breakfast or Irish Breakfast. Why? Because there is nothing better than a steaming cuppa on a cold blustery night!

  258. i <3 this i wish i can get it for my daughter

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