12th Day of Christmas – 2014
Jan 05
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Day 12 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration!
Today we are giving away … 12 patterns to 12 separate winners! Each winner can custom select 12 patterns from the Liberty Jane Collection (this means the pattern brand is Liberty Jane Clothing). You will have until January 31,2014 to make your selection, so any of the new LJC patterns that are released before then can also be included in your prize. Pictured below is a collection of LJC patterns currently available for purchase (most of them anyway…).
To enter simply respond to this post in the comment box below and complete this sentence:
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been [insert here...] but would be even better next year if [tell us how...]“
Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific), today, 1/5/2014.
One entry per person. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment. We will choose a winner and announce it in tomorrow’s post to let everyone know who won.
Merry Christmas,
Cinnamon, & The Liberty Jane Team
PS. Day 11 Winner was Hiedi, she won the Britex fabrics and trims! Congrats!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! Thank you so much for sharing again this year. I can’t think of any way to improve it as it is so much fun and I have enjoyed the pattern and ebook very much. All the best for 2014 and God bless you and all your endeavours. I look forward to the Design Academy next month, so excited.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if I win a prize! It has really been interesting to read the comments left by others.
I enjoyed the 12 Days of Christmas because it was fun to see what the prize was each day. I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. Some of them were filled with useful information and some were just plain fun to read. I think it’s perfect the way it is. Thanks for doing this again this year and Happy New Year to you and your family!
This is the best giveaway ever. 12 patterns would be wonderful to win.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been super fun but would be even better next year if I could win!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been incredible but would be even better next year if you include a pattern each day!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun–I love reading comments and seeing LJ things that I didn’t even know about. It would be even better next year if I won! I also like someone else’s suggestion to give away a free pattern everyday–just a fun little incentive to keep the comments coming.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and the sharing from others who participated was great but would be even better next year if winners were announced after each day. It also would have been nice if my having to work hadn’t gotten in the way of reading and responding to the blog. Thanks so much for doing this contest.
The twelve days of Christmas has been exciting! It would be even better next year if you added more patterns, I love your patterns!
The twelve days of Christmas was a neat idea. It would be even better if I remembered to enter more often!
The 12 days of Christmas has been a wonderful way to feel connected to other people who love AG dolls and sewing for them. It would be better next year to win a pattern or two.
The 12 days of christmas was awesome. My favorite part was seeing the awesome prizes. It would be even better if you posted the winning quote so the winners feel more person.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun! It would be even better if you had a slot in the design academy as a prize. I’ve taken your design academy and it is wonderful!
I’m sad to see the 2013/14 12 Days of Christmas ending, but I guess all good things must come to an end. Thanks for all you do for this community!
That would have been a great prize!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun – thank you for your generosity. I especially enjoyed reading the comments from others. I don’t think you need to change a thing. I am looking forward to see what other great designs and patterns you come up with this coming year.
The twelve days of Christmas has been wonderful , but it would have been better had i found this company before now, next year will be better if its 25 days long! Then it gives everyone longer chance to actually win something awesome!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been informative as I have seen the range of items available from LJ. It would be even better nest year if I could be one of the winners!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been tremendous, and you have been so generous. I don’t think there is any way to improve on it except like others have said – if I could be a winner. Thank you for your inspiration in making these clothes and for the joy it brings to so many.
Hi Laura, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The twelve days of Christmas has been great. I learned a few new things from all the comments. Next year have even more peope share comments, special helps and techniques for sewing and creating doll clothes. Thanks for the fun!
The 12 Days of Christmas LJC is a fun way to connect with you and other doll clothing enthusiasts, but I’d like it even better next year if each days’ number of winners corresponded to that day number. Ie. day 1 = one winner, day 2 = 2 winners, day 12 = 12 winners. I know some (even most?) have, but it’d be cute to have all of them that way. And having more pattern prizes is a cool idea too. Thank you for running the contest this year! I’d found you last year, but somehow you slipped out of my bookmarks list, and, being a “bear of very little brain” as Pooh would say, I forgot. This gave me a wonderfully fun way to reconnect. I never win (anything, anywhere – it’s not you!)so I think I may reward myself and go pattern shopping.
Thanks again, Cinnamon, et als.
The twelve days of Christmas has ben fun and I learned some fun facts from reading the posts, but would be even better next year if you had more multiple winners each day. Maybe then I might have a chance of winning something. (LOL)
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be even better next year if there were more winners each day.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if there were more winners.
No, I don’t think everyone should win one of the fabulous prizes.
But how about if everyone won a special offer. How about everyone won an offer for “Buy one pattern–Get one free”. It could be a reward to those who posted an entry for each day of the 12 day contest. Or it could be a reward for linking to other social media each day.
As an aside, my favorite day, and prize, was the one where people listed their resources.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if there were more winners.
No, I don’t think everyone should win one of the fabulous prizes.
But how about if everyone won a special offer. How about everyone won an offer for “Buy one pattern–Get one free”. It could be a reward to those who posted an entry for each day of the 12 day contest. Or it could be a reward for linking to other social media each day.
How about having a feature pattern each day. How about if that pattern was offered for 25% off for that day. Surely, the added quantity of patterns ordered would offset the 25% loss of income for each pattern sold.
As an aside, my favorite day, and prize, was the one where people listed their resources.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME, but would be even better next year if I won something! ;D
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if hmmmmm…… I’ve enjoyed all the opportunities to win something. I appreciate all the links that were shared on day 10. I guess the only way it could be improved is if I actually won one of the giveaways! It was so generous of you to do this. Thanks bunches for the opportunity to win a great prize no matter what day it was.
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year obviously if I could win! It has been fun and it is very generous of you to do this! I love your patterns and I am so glad I found your website! Thank you and a Happy New Year to you!
The twelve days of Christmas have been fun and I think it would be better if every day it increases with the day. 1=1 prize winner, 5=5 prize winner, and etc. Also, if we have a reply for each of the 12 days a BOGO deal for those. Thanks for the fun!
The 12 days of Christmas was AMAZING but would be slightly better if maybe you did it before Christmas?
The 12 days of Christmas was a lot of fun! I just wish I had won (lol). Thanks for the day where we all won your list of resources. Love your website!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been a lot of fun. It has also made me stop and consider things that I may not have taken time to think about! Answering some of the comment elements took some thought.
Making it better, hmmmm…..I think your team has done a magnificent job, no modification needed! Happy New Year…
The twelve days of Christmas has been a lot of fun. It has also made me stop and consider things that I may not have taken time to think about! Answering some of the comment elements took some thought.
Making it better, hmmmm…..I think your team has done a magnificent job, no modification needed! Happy New Year!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better if everyone won something. Such as a buy one, get one, or just a straight 25-50% off one day only. This last giveaway is awesome, 12 patterns! Think of the possibilities!!!
After this whole 12 days of Christmas….I just realized that my name was misspelled!!!!
Sorry for the duplicate post…..
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun but I have yet to win anything. Hoping this will be the big day!Thanks for all the great patterns you have designed. Can’t wait to see what you come up with this year.
Me, too! I would love to win. Today’s my daughters birthday!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun and I learn a lot each year. I have followed the 12 days of Christmas Giveaway since the first year. But it would be even better next year if…..Hmmm, How do you make a giveaway better that is the most generous giveaway I have ever seen? I don’t think it is possible. Whether I win or not, Cinnamon Miles and her team are the most giving group I have come across. Thanks for all the advice you give out, the patterns you developed for the rest of us who can’t design patterns, and the patterns make doll clothes that girls young and old enjoy. Have a wonderful new year!! Can’t wait to see what is in store for 2014!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun. I have enjoyed the comments and they have given me some great ideas. Thanks for all you do at Liberty Jane and keep coming up with great new patterns. Happy sewing,
The twelve days of Christmas has been great, but I think that everyone that participated should be able to get a pattern. Just give away clothes, shoes, fabric!!! Maybe even some of your patterns printed out. I won a giveaway for a pattern, but it is too many pages for my mom to print out!!
Ask them to print it for you at school or a library with computer access
I am a school employee, and know that we are not supposed to print personal things…taxpayers do not like that! But maybe if you are using the pattern for a school-related project, you could convince someone to help you out. Also, see if your printer can print on both sides of the paper, or print the instructions in draft mode to save paper and ink. Of course, print the pattern out on a single page in full size!
I just print the pattern pieces and use my computer to look at the instructions:)
I just print the pattern pieces and use my computer to look at the instructions:)
If my computer hadn’t crashed and I had been able to enter into all of the Great Giveaways!
The twelve days of Christmas has been inspiring, but would be even better next year if you themed the days to different holidays. Ex. Day 1 January something for New Years, 2 February Valentines etc.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun, and I liked the information you gave us about doll sewing supplies (so helpful!) but would be even better next year iI would have won, hahaha! Well, also since I really enjoyed those tips about sewing for dolls, it would be great to have even more next year! Or maybe pair it with a Sew-along…
I have really enjoyed the LJ 12 days of Christmas. Next year it would be nice to maybe have all the winners posted in one place. It’s fun to see who won!! (And I hope it’s me!) Happy New Year, Cinnamon!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun, but would be even better next year if you could give a special offer for everyone who entered like you have when you are a premium partner a free pattern for each day instead of each month with a special code only to the ones who took the time to enter or like your buy10 do a special buy5 get one free.
Thanks for all you give and do for us
The 12 days of Christmas have been fun. The only thing that would make it better is if each day’s winner had been announced in the next day’s blog post. I would have loved to see what choices they made, when applicable, of prizes!
The twelve days of Christmas has been exciting and inspiring! Connecting with others is so energizing. The only way I can think of to improve it is for my schedule to allow better participation! Thank you to the Liberty Jane folks for a lovely return to a very old Christmas tradition!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a blessing. Thanks to everyone who was involved.
The twelve days of Christmas have been inspiring, a way of jump starting me into being more creative this year. What could be better is a list of winners on the blog post itself, that way we could oo and ah over who won. Thanks for doing this.
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun! I agree with Linda’ s comment above! Can’t wait to see if I win something!
The twelve days of Christmas was wonderful! I had fun looking forward to everyone else’s responses to the statements. I got a lot of good tips, ideas, and information. It could be better if we had more interaction with each other on the tips part.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and interesting but would be even better next year if I could win!” Thanks for the opportunities and all your wonderful patterns!
The twelve days of Christmas have been fun. I can not think of any way to make it better. Thanks for doing this for all of us.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! Next year it would be even better if I could win one of those days! Ha!! Thank you for this great giveaway!! We love LJP!!
Th 12 days of Christmas is a great idea. Since I’m new to this community I’m not sure what would make it even better. I’ve looked at a lot of patterns and read the posts, it is all very interesting and I’m enjoying everything so far. I love reading what other doll collector’s have to say.
The 12 days of Christmas has been keeping me checking my email each morning to see if I have won anything and to see what the next day’s blog post will be but it would be better next year if you keep it going all year surprising us with something new to create each day!
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting…I love it after Christmas, each day something new! It’s fun reading about other’s doll adventures. Next year, maybe a discount code for participation…say 25 percent off a pattern. Thanks again for great doll fun and patterns!
The 12 days of Christmas have been the first thing I check every morning, and have gotten me more conneccted with LJC such as the design contest. To improve it, I would love another fabric giveaway or maybe like a ‘sneak preview’ of a pattern that is in the works.
The 12 days of Christmas was fun to participate in. I love how it was after the chaos of Christmas, for me anyways. I can’t think of a way to improve it. Except to win next time ;). I loved how the number of prizes went with the number day of the giveaway. Love the patterns. Thanks for sharing!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AMAZING but would be even better next year if I could win
Thanks for the Fun Liberty Jane.
it’s been great, but would be even better if you gave away doll notions one day.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun:) but would be even better next year if you followed the 12 days of Christmas theme. 1 prize on 1st day and so on:) it was great the way it was though:) thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if more winners were chosen!
The Twelve Days of Christmas were awesome! I think the only thing that would make it better next year is if you posted the winners in one place, as I noticed that sometimes they weren’t posted until a few days later. But that may have been just me. Thanks so much for doing this!
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting, but would be even better if you posted the winners each day.
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting and amazingly generous, It couldn’t possibly get better … unless I was one of the lucky winners!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been beyond exciting. I love all your stuff and the chance to win a part of the Liberty Jane world is enough for me. How awesome that you inspire so many seamstresses. I am signed up for your Design Academy and can’t wait!
As always the 12 days of Christmas have been great other than winning not sure how to make it better. I love the days that share thoughts of other seamstresses. Maybe a day which look at small business New Years resolutions. I’m sure we all have 1 or 2. Have a great 2014!
The 12 days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would even be better…..I think it’s a very generous giveaway as is. I see on Pinterest other sewers doing their thing with your patterns and it inspires me to go to your website…click on a pattern …download and get to work. Thanks…..looking forward to new designs!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been inspiring! I’ve loved reading what commenters have shared. It would be even better if you followed up with each winner in a blog post so that they could share any projects they end up making with the items they’ve won.
The 12 Day’s of, Christmas has been a lil down 4 me,the whole month Dec kinda down. My sweet mummy passed Aug 23rd,but i cant seem 2 get passed or over, or deal w/ very well!
I gave both of my mum’s sewing machine’s away.1 i got$40.00 for 2 help me w/ the funeral bill+ she wanted 2, be cremated,SO i do have her w/ me!I sewed 2bag’s in my church + i think they came out pretty good.But,i am saving up 2buy a sewing machine.If u could recomand a brand,i would be thankful!
i luv all LJ +PF stuff would love 2Win anything by ya”ll,thankyou!Cinnamon
I am so sorry about your mom. Losing a mom is tough and the best I can tell you from experience is that it will take time to heal. It took me a very long time. The grieving and healing process will happen for you, in your own time. Hang in there sweetie. God Bless you!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been nice, but would be even better next year if I got to spend more time with friends!
The twelve days of Christmas has been great fun. I enjoyed posting and trying to win great prizes. I enjoyed the interaction with other people who enjoy making doll clothes. The ideas are very inspirational. Thanks LJ Clothing for such cute patterns. I do agree that the ones who participated should win something—a free pattern to all would be fun. Where do you find the list of winners? I would think it should be posted on a daily basis and should have been on the Twelve Days of Christmas daily page. Perhaps this could be a change for next year. Thanks for all you do.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to see what ideas you can come up with every day for give aways and as for how to make it better next year….wow, you’re already so generous I hate to say give away more prizes!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if all the winners comments were posted in one spot. I loved each day of the contest. I love seeing all of Liberty Jane patterns in one spot where I can print them off. Then I can look at them all and decide what pattern I need next and put a check on the ones I have so I don’t have to look through my patterns to see if I have it. Thanks so much for the past 12 days.
Has been FUN and would be even better next year if I would WIN!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been amazing; but, next year will be better with more ideas and suggestions.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun. Next year I’d like to see more shoe and fabric giveaways. You guys are the best!!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been tremendously and generous! but would be even better next year if you just gave turorials or simple patterns so we can enter the contest by submitting a work of art. Reall, you have been more than generous in your give aways this year. It has been fun to look forward to it each day and I really liked the sewing tip day! Thank you!
The 12 days of Christmas have been exceptional but next year would be even better well I think u so a great job as is. Thank you for the opportunity to participate everyday!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome. You are sooooo generous. But it would be even better next year if a reminder email went out each day for those who tend to be forgetful like me. LOL
The 12 days of Christmas has been so fun to follow! I’ve enjoyed getting to know Liberty Jane in the past year, sewing some doll clothes for my daughter, and seeing all the fun patterns come out from your talented designers. Honestly I’m not sure how it could be better, can’t wait to see what the next year brings
The 12 days of Christmas give always are so much fun. It is something to look forward to and jump start my season of sewing during the winter months. I would love to see give aways of some of specialty notions used in making doll clothes. You are so generous in your prizes and throughout the year with information. Thanks for all your hard work!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year obviously if I could win! It has been fun and it is very generous of you to do this! I love your patterns and I am so glad I found your website! Thank you and a Happy New Year to you!
I’ve enjoyed the Twelve Days of Christmas as much as I did last year and I’m not sure how you’d improve? Your generosity is very much appreciated! I LOVE the product/tips/tricks and resource-sharing posts and treasure many helpful comments. I’ve referred several ladies to LJC and know you’ll continue to grow this wonderful resource that encourages so many (young & old) to share/improve our sewing skills. Thanks so much, Cinnamon & Team, and cheers for a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous 2014!
The 12 days of Christmas has been just too much fun. I check in first thing each morning and really can’t think of anything to make it better. Your generosity is appreciated and Congratulations to all you Lucky winners…
The 12 Days of Christmas has been good but next year it would be even better if you offer more pre-made clothing and shoes.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great, but it would be even better if I won.
Seriously, this is a neat contest and I look forward to next year’s!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun. It would be better next year if there could be more winners. (For example: instead of one winner winning two gifts have two winners win one gift each) Thanks for a fun contest!
P.S. It would be nice to have one place to look and see who the winners are.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun to enter and I really don’t know how you could make it better. I wish I could have won it all!!! But congratulations to those who did win!! I feel like a winner just knowing Liberty Jane!! Thanks and looking forward to next years 12 Days of Christmas!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been educational and would be nice you would give away a month of premium partnership.
I have enjoyed the Twelve Days of Christmas because of all the information I have received. It is also great so hear ideas from the wonderful community of creative people that you have brought together. I have really enjoyed “getting to know” you and Jason through your websites. I love that you share your information and enable creativity. Next year? Keep up the good work. You might remind people that you not only have great patterns and clothes, you also have some awesome business building ideas. Thank you.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME but would be even better next year if there were more winners!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to see all of the fun prizes and different comments. I agree with most, next year it would be fun if I win! =)
It’s Ben great. It will be even better if you do it again next year. And, if zi win it will really, really be great.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if the winners were posted at the same time as the next days blog. I loved seeing all the resources and info you posted especially your shopping trip Cinnamon! You guys are so generous with your giveaways and the comments are so inspiring and informative. Congrats to the winners and thank you for a wonderful 12 Days Of Christmas!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun, extending the happy Christmas feelings a few more days. The only things that could make it better would be if I won or if all the winners were listed in one place so that it’s easier to see who won along with what they won.
Thanks for doing this again. Happy New Year!
The twelve days of christmas has been amazing this year compared to last but would be even better next year if you offered a free pattern (that you do not already offer) to everyone on like the first day or something it would be a fun way to start off the giveaway. Thanks for holding it again!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome, but would be even better next year if there were more opportunities to win!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been diffacult with hubby hurt but would be even better next year if I could have new patterns to sew my doll some clothes”
The twelve days of Christmas has been cool but would be even better if I remember to sign up every day!
The 12 days of Christmas have been so much fun to see and read people’s comments, but would be even better next year with more design tips and tricks to share. Thanks for all your work!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic! It would be even better if you posted winners at the same time as posting the next day’s contest. Thanks so much for the fun giveaway!
Agreed I had a hard time locating the winners:)
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if more patterns were given away and more people had chances to win each giveaway. Thanks for the fun patterns and designs!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if I got to win a prize!^_^
The 12 Days of Christmas has been an awesome way for me to see just how many people out there enjoys sewing as much as I do but would be better with doing this same concept several times a year for the other holidays. Plus Liberty Jane offers such wonderful designs and ideas already that the only missing is more doll patterns!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been loads of fun but would be even better next year if you gave away more patterns and/or a spot in the design academy! Thanks for all that you do!
This is the third year, I’ve participated in the 12 Days of Christmas and once again it has been so much fun–I love reading comments. It would be even better next year if I won! Thank you!!!!1
12 days of Christmas has been a blast! Would be better if winners were announced daily next year:) thanks so much!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun, but would be even better next year if I won a prize (or two!) — thanks for your generosity this season! I would love to see the projects created by each winner.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very fun and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it but would be even better next year if maybe there was more winners and it would be the best next year if i won something!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to watch and participate, but would be even better next year if my name were chosen. One gift could be a free entry to your design course. I took it a while back and learned so much.
12 days of xmas was a lot of fun this year and I learned
“stuff”. You and Jason are so generous with your experience and knowledge, and I appreciate it so much. It would be better next year only if it had more days!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a wonderful way of letting LJ customers know we are appreciated! Not many businesses offer this kind of give away for its blog readers. It would be even better next year if you could make announcements of winners stand out a bit more. Some days I had trouble finding who won in the original blog post
Thank you for giving your readers this wonderful opportunity to win!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and eyeopening but would be even better next year if … wait a minute, it couldn’t have been any better. You had excellent variety in your ‘gifts’ and certainly lots of winners. It was a fun idea and I looked forward each day to the new ‘gift’ and to seeing who won on the previous day.
Thank you very much for running this contest! You are to be congratulated!!!
the 12 days of christmas has been a very interesting ride and really if we read all the comments we do learn so much-both sewing and human nature wise–I LOVE PEOPLE!!!! how to make it better? ask more questions about sewing techniques maybe! have a fantabulous year everyone!
Hi Fay, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! It would be even better next year if you would send out daily e-mail reminders.
This years twelve days of Christmas was great! Next year I think that there should be a better variety of prizes
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and interesting, as well as encouraging to get started on those adorable patterns I purchased.
The 12 Days of Christmas was so much fun. Don’t think you need to change a thing. Thanks for all the great info. So much fun reading all the comments. Happy sewing to all in 2014!
The 12 Days of Christmas have been great, but I think that they would be even better with more non-sewing prizes. Overall, I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to participating next year.
Awesome !!!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a fun time each day, but would be even better next year if I could win!! Just a little humor there; I think it is a fun time and you are very generous with your gifts. I would like to see a spot where the winners are posted so we oould tell who wins (or maybe there is a spot and I just didn’t see it.) I guess I have not been a winner since I have not received any notice or seen my name anywhere. I love your patterns and the extra things you do just makes it more enjoyable to go to your site to see what is going on. Thanks for all you do.
I agree. In the first days, you could go back the previous day and see who won, but in the last few days I couldn’t find who the winners were anywhere.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to participate in and helped to make the indoor time pass more quickly (because of lots of cold & snow!) but would be even better next year if more winners! The prizes are great and I really hope I win the 12th day of Christmas prizes! Never can have too many LBJ patterns. THANK YOU!
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if I lucked into winning something!
The 12 days of Christmas has been inspiring. Next year it might be better if you send more email reminders as the giveaway goes on.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome! I loved it just like like last years. Your kindness and generosity are boundless. But it would be even better next year if you just do it again!
Thank you so much for sharing your success with others.
The 12 days of Christmas give-aways have been so much fun to follow. It would be nice to do this more than once a year, or even put out a new pattern each day. I love your patterns and would be thrilled to win this give-away.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been helpful and informative but would be even better next year if it included more tips, ideas, or free patterns.
The 12 days of Christmas giveaways have been fantastic but they could be even better next year if you just do it again!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful! But would be even better next year if you were to do something informative each day too for those of us who don’t win. Like a mini pattern or a sewing tip straight from Cinnamon.
Thanks for doing such great giveaways!
The 12 days of Christmas has been wonderful, reading all the ideas from other crafters. I would like more tips and hints for beginners
The 12 Days of Christmas giveaways have been fantastic! It is so much fun and I love that you do it. I like the idea of the “buy one get one free” prize or perhaps a new free pattern for everyone.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to participate in. It would be even better next year if a doll could be included in the giveaway on one day at least.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting and inspirational (nothing like a little hope and support to get a seamstress sewing) but would be even better next year if my sewing room was completely organized and ready to go!
Thank you for being you and encouraging doll seamstresses everywhere!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun. It would be better next year if I won.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun and a real challenge but would be even better next year if there were patterns for 16″ Sasha dolls.
This has been wonderful. What a dream winning 12 patterns would be. Probably take me till Jan 31st to decide. Thanks for all your work an this project!
more furniture patterns!!
and dresses!!
matching for girls and dolls::):)
The Twelve Days of Christmas have been fun! Of course, everyone would love to win, but at least we had the chance. These patterns would keep me sewing for a long time.
Happy New Year!
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways has been so awesome! I guess like most people said, the only way it would be better is if I won
Thanks for doing these giveaways; it is so generous of you
The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway has been awesome this year! I really can’t think of how it could be improved, unless I won one of the prizes
The twelve days of Christams has bee fun to see what prize would be awarded each and and would be better next year if more prizes were awarded so there would be more winners…maybe even me! I love making clothes for my granddaughters doll.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! I don’t know how to improve it. I would LOVE to win the patterns! Good luck everyone.
the 12 days of christmas have been fun but it would be great to give away more patterns…..
I have enjoyed my Christmas this year, especially when Santa arrived at my granddaughters house on Christmas morning. Such excitement and the lovely dolls clothes made from Liberty Jane patterns were a firm favourite. Next year will be even better as I should have my shop up and running by then and beretired from the day job. How precious is time to do the things we love.
Your 12 Days of Christmas gave been enlightening…. Love the comments… So many fun people… Such a good community of sewers and creative people. Always learn something new! You seem to have a handle on what we need and like… Keep up the good work..
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful, but would be even better next year if the giveaways were advertised better.
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun…the anticipation of checking my inbox to see if I won, insert sad face here because I haven’t!! I honestly dont have any suggestions for improvements because how can you improve on someone’s pure generosity!! You’re giving away things for FREE juat because you want to and that’s amazing!! Ok wait, I thought of one thing that would make it even better next year…..if I won lol!!! Thank you so much for the 12 Days of Christmas, and all your inspiration year round!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun as usual, even though I haven’t won anything, lol! I love reading everyone’s comments and learn new tricks and tips! Thanks for putting this together for another year!
The 12 days has been fun, it is fun to read what others have written! Hmmmm hard to say if it could be better, would love to see more fashion for thin 18 inch dolls or fashion for Kidz N Cats
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting, but would be even better next year if there were more chances to win.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been the most exciting fun I have had all holiday, (sad to say) but would be even better next year if…I don’t think your company could make this any better, other than to add more days, LOL“
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun. I’ve enjoyed learning from other people’s comments. Of course it would be better if I would have won
Perhaps adding 12 dolly tutorials for the 12 Days?
The twelve days of Christmas has been so exciting! It gives me something to look forward to each day. It would have been better if you had given away a bigger ‘grand prize’ to wrap it up, like a customized AG doll with a Liberty Jane outfit.
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome! I’ve gathered up lots of good information that I can put to use in the new year. I like Tamara’s idea of adding some tutorials, but I’ve been very happy with everything!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to anticipate each day, and has given reason to think about things pertaining to sewing, and to HOPE one may be a winner! I’d like to suggest it would be better only if there could be more winners, but guess that’s not possible!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a fun way to round out the holidays! Thank you for offering this, but would be even better next year if some sponsors chipped in and offered samples of notions and fabric that would go perfect with a certain LBJ pattern. Maybe offer a pattern, the fabric for that pattern and the notions needed as a prize for each day. Regardless of what you offer, it is fun to read the daily replies. Thanks for your generosity!
The 12 days of Christmas has been interesting and informative, especially the day we got to list resources we use. I looked at websites I have known about before! I come from a non-winning family so just entering is fun for me. I have participated in this wonderful contest for several years and think it just gets better every year. The only thing I can think to add to next year would be a separate running listing of who won the prizes so you can still have your family time and Britex trips without having to worry about posting the winners for us each day.
Thank you for running this gift for all of us!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if you gave us more wonderful websites for supplies. That was my favorite day so far, everyone got to win!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome – you have been incredibly generous with the gifts. I can’t think of anything to make it better.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been a truly fantastic giveaway. Like many others, the only thing I can think of to make it better would be if I actually won something. But I’m one of those people who could buy 99 out of 100 of all the raffle tickets being offered and the person who bought only 1 raffle ticket out of the 100 would be the winner.
The twelve days of Christmas have been a pleasure to look forward to each day. I think you have done your best to give prizes and patterns to many people. Well done Liberty Jane!
The 12 days of Christmas has been difficult this year as I’ve been ill, but will be even better next year as I’m really working to get well. How generous of you and how delightful to hope one might win!
The twelve days of Christmas has been great!! Even without winning anything, I have gained lots of new ideas and tips!! I can’t think of any improvement for next year- it was well ran and fair to all :). Thanks!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if on one day everyone won a prize like a free pattern.
The twelve days of Christmas was fun but it would be even better if you gave away a chance to do the design academy for free. There are alike of us who don’t even have that much to spend but would really like to take it anyway.
The 12 days of christmas giveaway has been super fun even though I have yet to win anything. I think that it could be even better if you could list all the winners in a blog post.
The 12 dats of christmas giveaway has been great. I think what could make it better is if on the final day everyone who entered got a prize like a free pattern. Or if you gave away a free design academy to someone .
The 12 days of Christmas were wonderful. I can’t think of a single thing to make it better. Thanks for doing this and for all your great patterns.
The twelve days of Christmas have been delightful. Next year could be even better if I won a prize! jk, it was terrific, I can’t think of any improvements. Thank you for the fun and the tips.
The 12 days of Christmas has been educational and a good review of your line. Next year? Perhaps an increased of numbers that could be selected to win an item?
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if you announced the winner in a separate post either on here or the Facebook page.“
The 12 days of Christmas has been something to look forward to each day. I’ve enjoyed learning what notions and supplies you use. I REALLY WANT TO WIN 12 PATTERNS! I admit I am not very computer smart, but I have not seen readily available , the winners from each day. That’s my suggestion for improvement…tell us dumbies where to find those results.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun again this year. My favorite day was when everyone shared their shopping resources. It would be even better next year if each day a different pattern was a dollar off for that day only. It would jumpstart my enthusiasm for sewing in the new year and I’m sure you’d appreciate alot of extra sales during the 12 days. Thank you for the exciting 12 days again this year, I look forward to it.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if… Hmm… I’m not sure.. This has been a lot of fun.
The Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway has been so much fun, but it would be better next year if you gave away a year’s subscription to your business site! I have really enjoyed working with you guys!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun to follow but would be even better next year if more people won smaller prizes.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been fantastic! But I think they would be even better if the number of winners increased with each day all the way through(8 winners for day 8, 9 winners for day 9, etc.).
Has bben great. I hope that I can do alot before next year if we have the 12 days of Christmas. It’s been fun
The 12 Days of Christmas have been an awesome tradition. I think they would be even better next year if they were easier to find — for some reason they only appeared on FB once every few days. (It’s probably a FB problem but I couldn’t think of a “would be better” unless it was that I won.)
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting and interesting, but would be even better next year if every one got 1 free pattern ;). I really enjoyed reading the tips and comments.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun! But next year would be better if more days were like the 12th day, multiple winners. Would increase everyone’s odds and I’m sure everyone would love that!
My favorite day is always the one with sewing tips and this year the day with places to find fabric and notions was great too. I also liked the question about what sewing machine people used. Next time it would be fun to know how that machine makes sewing better or easier!
One last thing, last year you replied after each person’s comment that they won. I think people got into that and congratulated them,etc. It seemed like it started that way this year, but by New Year’s Day I didn’t see it anymore.
Hi, I think the twelve days of Christmas was wonderful as always. I agree with other posts that its
hard to find the winners names, maybe post it at the beginning of the next days question. It would be great to give away a little something to all who enter all 12 days, as you know we all like to win.
Thanks again Cinnamon and team……….
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun with the possibility of winning but would be better next year if there were two winners a day with one comment being chosen at random and one comment that you selected that made you smile. Thanks for doing this for all your fans. :))))))
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun to watch. It would be better next year if I wona free pattern. Lol.
The 12 Days of Christmas at LJC has been awesome! I love the anticipation to see who wins your special goodies, but I also enjoy reading other guests comments. Thanks for such a fun game!! And how could you possibly make it better? It’s fabulous as it is.
The 12 days of Christmas has been great but would be even better if I could be one of the winners. I love reading the posts. I only wish my name could be posted as “congrats to….”
The 12 Days of Christmas has been entertaining, but would be even better next year if there were more days of pattern giveaways!
The12 days of Christmas has been amazing. The only thing I would improve upon would be if I won something. I keep hoping each day, but it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe today?
keep on doing what you’ve been doing. Thanks.
The LJ 12days of Christmas have been amazing..I’ve learned a great deal by reading posts from other contestants….it would be even more amazing next year if I could just win…sigh
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome and very informative with ideas to use in the years to come. I would be great if at the end of the contest, you offer a free pattern to everyone. But I still have enjoyed the contest.
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun as it is my FIRST year involved in this great community of American Girl Doll enthusiasts. I have been astonished with how much you give away, so I certainly won’t be one of those who wish you would give away more. I think I might join those who would like to find the names of the previous winners a little more easily. Thank you so much for your generosity. You are a “class act” all the way.
The 12 days of Christmas was really fun this year. Next year it would be nice to see a spot in the design academy up for grabs.
12 days of Christmas has been great, but next time would be great if I could win one time. Thanks
The LJC Twelve Days of Christmas has been fun…and generous to those lucky winners. I think a fun response next year might be to post a photo of a product made with a LJC pattern or a photo of any doll pattern project. Seeing how other people choose fabrics and trims is very interesting and inspiring.
As others have said, seeing the names of winners posted would be interesting. I realize that the deadline for entering is 12:00, and you may have an automatic posting of each day’s entry question. Perhaps there could be a link in the 12 Days folder for Winners. On that same link, add each day’s winners, so that by the end of the 12 days, all winners would be posted together. You could add those winners’ names at a time more appropriate to someone sleeping and running a business.
Someone else asked for a reminder email. She must not have seen the “notify me of new posts by email” line to be checked below.
Thanks for your products. Happy New Year!
The 12 days of Christmas was great. Lots of wonderful ideas. Next year would be enhanced with a clothing contest. Entries from the readers uploaded and then the winning patterns is published and available for purchase. Thanks
The 12 days of Christmas was great lots of great giveaways. It would be wonderful if we new who the winners were from the day before and maybe a freebie pattern in the mix too.
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome but would be better if I won the patterns and made sure my granddaughters and friends dolls were very fashionably dressed. Love LJ patterns.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun and I will miss it
The thing that will make it even better next year is if I can sign up for next year’s Design Academy! Then the 12 Days will be a fantastic run-up to the course. Thank you to everyone in the team for running the 12 Days; it’s been my second year taking part and it really got me inspired again xxx
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better if I could have won. However, I did enjoy learning some different tips about making doll clothes especially the sites to purchase fabrics and trims. Thanks so much for sharing!
As a newbie, I was amazed at your 12 days of Christmas and how generous you are with information and gifts. Can’t really think of how to make it better other than my internet NOT messing up on me in the middle of it…
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and exciting to wait for the prizes. Maybe next year, as the 12th day gift, you could have a meetup, or a TinyChat!
I’m new to this blog, but what I have seen of it, it sounds wonderful! I will be around next in time to participate with the whole 12 days of Christmas. This is a fantastic idea and I am so glad I stumbled onto the Liberty Jane site! Happy New ear to youall and God bless!
The 12 days of Christmas has been informative and fun. I haven’t won anything, but I love your patterns. Thanks
The 12 days of Christmas has been a lot of fun to see what people could win, but would be better next year if I would be one of the lucky winners!
I would love to win this one today.
the 12 days of christmas has been fun. I would like to see more patterns to give away and more chances to win. I really like participating in the 12 days of christmas every year.
The 12 days of Christmas have been fabulous, but next year it would be better if you gave us a behind the scenes look at LJC with every giveaway.
Hi Willsbardgirl, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and enlightening, but would be even better next year if a coupon code was offered as a consolation prize for everyone else who did not win a drawing. More savings for your loyal followers and increased holiday sales for Liberty Jane!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and thought provoking. never thought about some of the questions before. next year more thought provoking questions (what’s my favorite sewing project, if i were a fabric or pattern or trim, what and why)and of course better if i win!
The 12 days of giveaways have been so exciting and fun. I wish there would be multiple winners per day though.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been AWESOME but would be even better next year if the questions were something a little less predictable or easy to answer.
I would love to know more sewing tips/favorite stuff, etc…maybe what your favorite LJ pattern is and why? That might be a fun question.
Thanks for all the fun!!!
Hi Jess, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
Na 12 dni Vánoc bylo vše kouzelné. Pokud bude i příští rok tak si přeji zúčastnit se každý den. Určitě bych měla radost kdybych vyhrála, díky Vašim stránkám se raduji pokaždé když je navštívím a přeji příští rok hodně obdivovatelek a spoustu nápadů.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been GREAT, but would be even better next year if I had known about it earlier.“ This may have been because I am an newbie to Liberty Jane, and didn’t get the message when it started. Thank you so VERY much for doing this. You didn’t have to, but you made a lot of people happy. It was fun, and there was something in it for everyone when you gave us valuable information like good sources. God bless YOU and YOURS in this New Year!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if I won! LOL, Better for me anyway! On a more serious note, I like the days when there are multiple winners, and would like to see the program extended. I wish it was easier to see the winner list. Thanks for your generosity!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun as it extended the anticipation of possibly getting some more gifts. It would be even better, if there were multiple winners per day.
The “Twelve Days of Christmas” has been fun. It would be interesting to know for whom most people create the doll garments–self, friend, daughter, granddaughter, and the occasions–just because, birthday, other gift.
Including at least one pattern a day would be exciting for 2014. I have enjoyed browsing through your patterns over and over again, and look forward to creating more outfits from them in 2014.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been something to look forward to each day, but would be even better next year if I won one of the days as I would be ready to start using my prize having resolved to complete all projects this year.
I love the “12 days of Christmas” ! Thank you so much for doing this. My grand daughters are so excited to begin sewing clothes for their American Girl dolls.!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great! I don’t know how you could make it better; you are very generous with the prizes offered.
The 12 Days of Giveaways have been fast-paced and fierce. Next year, it would be better if there were American Girl sewing items in it, such as a play sewing machine and dress form.
The 12 days of Christmas has been wonderful…..but would be even greater if I won!!!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun. It has been interesting reading the other comments. I learned a few things. Don’t change anything.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been something to look forward to each day, but would be even better next year because I will be able to travel and visit family because this year I got a 7 week Yorkie puppy right before Christmas and could not leave her alone to go out of town and could not take her with us…and she will be out of the puppy chewing stage and will be able to wear handmade dog clothes that I will be sewing for her.
The twelve days of Christmas was enjoyable…you have been generous and it was fun reading the different levels of sewing interests.
Next year I would like to see some items that are collectables as prizes. Something made by you or one of your designers. Include a certificate that says who designed it and who made it…I think that would be so unique. Maybe a book on how to work at a home base business successfully could be enticing .
Excellent remark
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun reading all the posts!! It would be better next year if I won!! Lol!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun! It would be even better next year if you had a coupon code for everyone to enjoy. I love all your patterns, & a chance to win some extra Liberty Jane goodies was wonderful. Congrats to all the winners!
The 12 days of Christmas was exciting, and I look forward to another chance next year. I can’t think of anything that should be changed! Thanks for doing these giveaways!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been an eye opener for me as it has been bursting with great ideas and comments from Cinnamon and her team as well as many doll lovers/sewers. I’m not sure what you could do to make it better next year, maybe a temporary posting board that was available during the 12 days for pictures of readers current or recent projects.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if we had Christmas in July
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better next year if most days had multiple winners and opportunities to win all of the days. I do not think Day 9′s winner was stated either.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been fun, but would be even better if you offered more hard to find notions as prizes.
The twelve days of Christmas has been wonderful. And would be better next year if you had the twelve days of Christmas starting the 1st of December. Next year I would like to see some items that are collectables as prizes. Something made by you or one of your designers. Include a certificate that says who designed it and who made it…I think that would be so unique. Maybe a book on how to work at a home base business successfully. Congrats to all the winners I hope to win next year!
Traditionally, the 12 days of Christmas starts on Christmas day and ends today, which is likely why they chose to run the contest when they did.
“The 12 Days of Christmas Contest has been EXTRAORDINARY but would be even better next year if …
I would love to be original BUT – honestly – your contest doesn’t need improvements. All of the day’s prizes are remarkable… Exactly what any seamstress (doll lover) would love. “
May God Bless you in your future endeavors! I’ve enjoyed all the comments. ❤
This was my first year for 12 days of Christmas. It has been awesome. Lot of good comments and some suggestions that help with one of my problems. Don’t how it could be better only by everyone winning. In a way we do just by all the comments. I am also new to Liberty Jane but it has inspired me and can’t wait to get some serious sewing done. Thank you
The 12 Days of Christmas was great as it is (of course, I’d have loved to have won a pattern or two, but who wouldn’t have. :)). I really wouldn’t change anything, except to include at least one pattern with each prize, for those days that didn’t actually include a pattern. I’m new to the world of AG Dolls (my daughter just got one for Christmas) and although I will never be extreme about sewing for her, I have discovered how much fun it is and I’ve already made a few outfits for her (both have included at least 1 LJ pattern). I LOVE LJ patterns – they’re so modern and trendy.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been confusing. I couldn’t seem to find out where the giveaway was posted. I believe it would be better if I was more computer savy.
12 days of Christmas was totally great this year! Next year you guys should giveaway more of the physical items. =)
The 12 days of Christmas has been interesting seeing the comments. I don’t know how a giveaway could be better.
The 12 Days of Christmas was very nice. You are great to do it as I’m sure it’s a lot of work. I’d like a list of winners posted and it might be nice to offer a 3.99 pattern download to those who join in on all 12 days. Looking forward to all the new things coming up in 2014 from LJ.
I loved the 12 days of Christmas this year! It was fun to enter, see who won, and read the other comments. I think that it would be even more fun if you released a craft tutorial every day with the post. I love to make things for my doll!
The 12 Days Of Christmas Has Been A Delight!!!!You Do It Perfectly! I´ve Never Actually Been A Winner But It Is Still Great Fun And Inspiring!!!!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been blessed with family and friends but would be even better next year if I could devote all my time sewing with Liberty Jane doll clothes patterns. That would be the best way to spend my time!
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting even though I have not won anything. It would be nice to have more patterns as prizes. I have been trying to get them all.
The twelve days of Christmas have been great! To improve next year how about showcasing some of the wonderful designers of Pixie Faire? Happy New Year!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been nice but would be even better next year if there was some way to actually win. Everyday hundreds enter and there are less than 78 prizes. Maybe 12 winners on the 12 day like you are doing, and 11 winners on the 11th day, etc. not one winner getting 11 things. as someone above mentioned, if someone enters then they might automatically win a smaller prize like a few percent off a pattern or item.
The 12 days of Christmas have been fun.I’ve in joyed ready everyone’s response. I can’t think of anything that would make it better. I’m looking forward to next years 12 days of Christmas now that I know about it. Thank and have a wonderful year.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a great experience reflecting on the many aspects of why I love to sew for dolls so much but would be even better next year if a new free pattern for everybody would be revealed!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if more doll clothes actually made by Liberty Jane were prizes… I’m not much of a seamstress and I LOVE Liberty Jane’s clothes! This giveaway has been very exciting! Thank you, Liberty Jane!
It would be wonderful to have that many of your patterns I have 7 dolls that are 18″ tall but they are from 5 different manufacturers so they are limited on how much they can share. my grand daughters have AG dolls and my daughter has Madam Alexander and kids n kats and I sew for all of them. it is fun to sew for the dolls.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been FANTASTIC” This is my first year enjoying this tradition by Liberty Jane & Crew. You have been most generous with gifts and resources. It’s hard to answer the second part with what could be better without sounding ungrateful to your staff. But I do agree with a couple of people that suggest BOGO or 25% discount on a pattern-of-the-day so that you are not loosing out on income during that giveaway… or a Design Academy discount offer. You have done such a GREAT JOB at sponsoring this contest and reading ALL the comment each day has been a prize in itself. THANK YOU so much for the opportunity to join this community of AG doll lovers/creators, and I look forward to next year’s occasion ( Now that I know about it) PS….. I am secretly picking out my favorite patterns JUST in case of a win. LOL
The 12 days of christmas has been awesome!! It would be even better if more people had the oportunity to win. I have never won one of these things ever, and wish it was finally my day!!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been a nice diversion on the gloomy days following the hub bub of the holidays
The 12 days of Christmas has been really awesome and fun, I can’t really think of anything to do better next year, because this is the first time iv’e really done something like this.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun to follow and enter each day, even though I haven’t won anything (I
didn’t really expect too because I have never been lucky in contests). I have been content to eagerly check my email each day to find out what the give away was, submit my comments and read all the other comments submitted. I learned some tips, how others feel about certain subjects and I just like being connected to a community of sewers/doll lovers.
It would be even better next year if…. is a hard phrase to finish because I am not sure how something this generous and fun can be improved on.
Thank you and Happy New Year with even more success for LBJ in the coming year! God’s blessings to all.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun but would be even better next year if maybe a pattern a day were offered to download free or at a reduced price for that day only. I would have also enjoyed being able to download your sewing book as an e-book at a reduced rate – bought 2 of the paperback edition as Christmas gifts this year but would love to have the e-book edition for myself.
Thanks for a wonderful opportunity to participate in this event.
Your Twelve Days of Christmas contest has been great, but I didn’t find it until the 8th day, so I’m not sure what you might do to improve it.
I have loved the 12 Days of Christmas! It’s been a fun thing to look forward to every day – answering the day’s question and thinking “maybe I’ll win!” But the best part of it is having a connection with other women (and girls!) who love to sew, knit and crochet for dolls. I haven’t had time to read every single entry but have scanned and read selected entries over the past week and a half. My only wish is that we could all sit down together over a cup of coffee and have a show-and-tell of our latest projects. Thank you Cinnamon for your hard work and all you offer to support us in our creative endeavours!
The 12 days of christmas were amazing and exciting but would be even better next year was if I got a chance to win one of your amazing prizes
Thanks for inventing the 12days of christmas and for all the prizes u provide
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been an utter delight and tremendous success for Liberty Jane, but would be even better next year if more folks could participate.“ It has been fun reading the posts and learning things. Congratulations to all who have won. These 12 patterns would be an awesome way to start the year’s sewing. Thank you all!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fabulous and fun. It will be better next year if I win. I loved all the exciting outfits that I saw. I feel like a kid in a candy store whenever I visit your site.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great!!! I enjoy reading the posts and seeing what other people say and enjoy doing. I am excited in the morning to check my email and see what is happening. My favorite post was the information about buying cloth and accessories. Thanks for the info. I am looking forward to visiting the fabric store someday. I don’t think you could do much to improve the contest!!! Thanks for all your hard work in preparing the contest. Love it,
The 12 days of Christmas has been so much fun, something to look forward too for the great prized and fun and informative comments left by everyone. It would be even better next year if I won a prize!:0) But even if I don’t win I still look forward to it just for the anticipation on something new each day.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been inspirational and fun! I can’t think of a single thing that would make next year better… except winning, of course!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and informative (from others’ posts). I can’t think of anything that would make it better next year except if I would win something (LOL). I really treasure the links you gave. I have been wondering where to get zippers, etc. in doll sizes. Thank you!
The 12 Days of Christmas was a wonderful treat for us all, but it would have been better if I had won!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and enlightening, but it would be even better if some of us participated with you. Not sue how to arrange it, but if I had managed to come up with a good enough design, idea or outfit to be worthy I’d be happy to share. What a way to grow in the spirit of the season!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been very wonderful. You’ve been generous in your giveaways, but would be even better next year if I won something.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been fun, even if I did not win. It is nice to know that so many women out there are sewing for dolls, just like me. Thanks for the gifts.
The only way I can think of to improve the 12 Days of Christmas this year is for me to have won! ^__^ I was a winner last year and am still happy and proud about that. Thank you Cinnamon and staff for all your good work. I especially enjoyed the day of tips!
Have a great 2014
I would love to win some of those amazing patterns! I have downloaded some already and they are wonderful.
Thank you
Susan Sokolowski
I will be one busy Nana with this prize! Thanx for your generosity!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been informative and fun but would be even better next year if I happen to win. LOL How bout getting your suppliers to team up with you and offer every thing it takes to make one complete outfit.
The 12 Days Of Christmas has been fun! Can it get any better?
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if there were more shoes available for BC ink dolls or any patterns for the 24 inch my twinn dolls.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome!!! but would be even better next year if I could learn to sew so I can make some awesome clothes for my daughter’s American girl doll.
The 12 days of Christmas event has been exciting! It would be even better (this is tuff because you have had such great offers, however….) if I had won at least once! Thanks Liberty Jane!
Next year’s 12 days of Christmas would be even better if there was a doll giveaway!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been inspiring, but it would be even better next year if the posts were more regular timing wise.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been EPIC!!!! xD but would be even better if you also gave away non-LJC clothing patterns!
Hi Sapphire, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 Days of Christmas have been fun and informative. It would be even better next year if there was some kind of consolation prize for those who enter. Thanks for all you do!
The 12 days of christmas has been awesome, next year would be even better if you did it again
thank you so much!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been not very exciting. I would like to see the chance to win something that is not already available to buy — like a pattern that is only available to contest winners now and then everyone else could buy maybe later in the year. It was nice to have the chance to win something but it was not special….”
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been very exciting (and generous) but would be even better next year if There were more fabrics and patterns given as prizes. “
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic, but would be even better next year if you picked me to win!
The 12 days of Christmas has been amazing, but would be even better next year if I could make 12 new outfits for my granddaughter’s dolls with LJC patterns
The 12 days of christmas has been great. Thank you for the chance to win some fun stuff
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great fun as usual but would be even better next year if even more prizes are offered. Everyone cannot win, but it is always great when you feel you have a better chance!
Another prize which can be great is the design course, that will be great to win!
The 10th day giving a list of resources was a great idea, even if I cannot use it as is (I live in South Africa). It made my thoughts go and think of similar local stores, so yes, it was gift to everyone!
Well, now I hold thumbs for todays 12 patterns! I can really use it!!
Thanks again for your generosity, it is always appreciated!
I really like the patterns & like the antciapation of each day next year would be nice if the winners were easier to know. Also maybe have special deals everyone could partitpate in – special discount or pattern . Thank you
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if there were a discount code available at least one of the days. Thanks for the giveaway!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun to see things that I haven’t looked at before but would be even better next year if there were things that everyone could win – like a buy one get one free pattern offer etc.
I think Cinnamon & Team have taken the 12 Days of Christmas to a new level through their very trendy giveaways, effort and willingness to share their knowledge but would be even better next year if those who participate could understand that we’ve ALL already won and appreciate that we even have a chance to win a bonus gift prize! LJC and Pixie Faire have consistently provided quality patterns, clothing, FREE Tutorials, Resource Lists and Design Academy to us who are sewing for our granddaughters or supplementing our income. Thank you for providing us an opportunity to become successful! To reply to some previous comments of the same number of winners as the day of the contest, in addition to what you already do, why not pick additional winners to get a discount (BuyOneGetOne or Buy 5 Get One) on patterns. (i.e. on Day 11; 1 winner gets 11 sewing items mailed PLUS 11 other winners would get Pixies Faire discount) To me having a total of 78 different winners is really asking a lot of Cinnamon who has to provide the gifts and mail them…let us be appreciative and grateful for what she so generously offers!
What a great idea. I love your clothes/styles. Keeping my fingers crossed that I win.
…..if I would win something!
The contest prizes were great. I could not find the winner in the next day’s post every time, though. Love your patterns!
I love the patterns, and would be pleased to add 12 more to my collection.
The Twelve Days of Christmas was GRAND!!! As usual you outdid yourselves. Maybe next year a special outfit just for the Twelve Days. That would be a wonderful win for some lucky person.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun but would be more fun for my 6 year old daughter and I if we won.
The Twelve Days of Christmas was a wonderful idea… Definitely got my mind going on what projects I want to get sewing on soon – only thing that would make it better would be if I could be one of the winners!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been energizing to my creative juices, but would be even better next year if I had a trunk full of clothes to show how I used my prize from this year. Hopefully…
Hi Kathy, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
I love the 12 days of Christmas. They are always very informative. I always hope to win but over the years have still not seen that happen. There are just so many follers that the chances are so slim. But I will still join in if only for the information. Next year I hope to see more of your patterns given out, that way maybe more of us might have a better chance to win. Thanks for all you have done it makes my sewing more fun. I hope to be able to see the winners better next year also. I’ve had a hard time loggin in to see them. Good Luck to everyone and have a great next year.
The 12 days of Christmas have been busy it would be even better next year if we could slow down and celebrate in some small way everyday.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantabulous but would be even better next year if the design contest was connected to this!“
The 12 days of Christmas was a great idea! Next year would be better if I am able to participate the first 11 days and not just the 12th!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun but next year would be better if I remembered to entered everyday!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and interesting. It would be even better ( really is awesome the way it is but…). Some sorta of discount for those that don’t win, or a larger number of people could win a buy one get one type of thing.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been rewarding. The greatest gift was being given a special list of “go to” places. Better next year? By doing something along the lines of the song the 12 days of christmas where each day is incrementally more. Or perhaps somehow if we donate 1.00, that dollar would be turned into a gift/organization for unfortunate children, bringing them cheer. Think how much money could be raised. Perhaps we could be given a –specially designed for the “12 days” “free pattern. Boy could we make a difference!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been FUN! Thank you for the generosity – but would be even better next year if there were special patterns on sale each day or coupon codes.
The 12 days of Christmas have had a lot of cool giveaways, but next year it would be nice to somehow receive a daily reminder with notification of the prize so I would remember to enter.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful and fun but would be even better next year if The previous days winner was named in the newest post.“
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun but would be even better next year if I could remember to enter every day and maybe even win“
The 12 days of Christmas has been exciting, fun and enormously generous. Next year maybe a people’s choice day would be fun. Where the readers get to vote on their favorite post and the most votes win.
Hi Felicia, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 Days of Christmas Contest has been educational as well as fun! Thanks for the information about your favorite vendors and thanks to everyone else for your helpful sewing tips. I would not change a thing for next year.
the 12 days of Christmas give away is such a great idea. maybevone of the prizes next year could be an entry to the design acadmey
I have really enjoyed the Twelve Days of Christmas. It is nice to read all the comments fillled with such great ideas and creativity. I just wish I had remembered to enter more often!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been entertaining and educational but would be even better next year by continuing the tradition.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if there were more pattern giveaways.
The 12 days of Christmas has been wonderful Thanks for all your generosity. But it would be even better next year if you would send out emails every day for about a week before the 12 days start to let people know it is coming. Also, send out a email every day announcing the winner and adding the names every day in case some one does not get the first ones. Would like to see more tutorials for sewing the patterns.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been busy, but good, but would be even better next year if I could get each of my 3 granddaughters an American Girl doll for Christmas this year.
The twelve day of Christmas has been a lot of fun the only way to improve it next year would be to pick me as a winner. Tee Hee
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if you had daily reminders….i think i forgot a few days….but it’s such a generous giveaway…thanks!
This was my first year with the 12 days of Christmas and I thought it was a unique way to involve members of the community. A possible improvement for next year would be to use the Facebook page as a way to enter the daily giveaways.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome with visits from out of state kids and grandkids,but would be even better next year if I had some new Liberty Jane patterns to make beautiful outfits for my Granddaughter’s American Girl dolls.
LOVE your unique patterns! Thank you for your generosity.
The 12 days of Christmas give-a-ways have been fun. Thank you. Can’t think of a thing that you could do to improve on the concepts.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and doesn’t need to improve as we are lucky that it even happens at all. Thank you.
The 12 days of Christmas has been very informative and helpful but time consuming to read all the comments!, next year it would be helpful if there was a separate posting to show the winners or at least some easier way to see the winners.
The twelve days of Christmas was awesome but it would be even better if there were 36 days! But really what a super opportunity to add some new patterns to my collection!
The 12 days of Christmas has been very fun! I think the only way to make it better would be to find a way to have more winners. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s comments.
Hi Allison, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 days of Christmas was great!! It made me think, appreciate how much I enjoy you and your site…your patterns!! I am grateful for being able to do something that I enjoy so much!!
Only thing I think of that would make it better next year is winning!!!
The 12 days of Christmas has been so generous and fun. The only thing to make it better would be winning
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a total WOW, but would be even better next year if I win every time! Seriously, you could not have made it better or more exciting! Liberty Jane is an inspiration in dolly fashion design, small business and giving back
The 12 Days of Christmas has been amazing but would be even better next year if we got a free one on one with Cinnamon.
12 days of Christmas would be great to start my pattern collection for the year. My twin daughters would LOVE for their mommy to have a great start to years of pattern collecting. Thanks
Hi Judy, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The twelve days of Christmas this year has been fun for the “contestants” (us) and a great marketing tool for Liberty Jane! Very creative. It would be even better next year if you offered a “winners choice” prize whereby the winner could select any “x” number of items (e.g. day 10 would be 10 items, day 2 would be 2 items, etc.)of their choice – patterns, outfits, notions, books, etc.
The 12 days of Christmas is exciting to see what you are going to give away – love it. The first thing that came to my mind that I would like, is to win, but that sound selfish. Thank you for sharing your products – keep up the good work.
The 12 days of christmas has been fun and I have enjoyed reading all the comments. Of course I would love to have won a prize, but realky can’t think of anything you could have done to make it better.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been so inspirational – I love seeing the comments and have enjoyed the spark of inspiration the great prizes/materials/free ideas create in me! It would be even better next year if there were more pattern giveaways. Sewing doll clothes has been such a nourishing, enriching activity I have shared with my daughters, and we are always wishing we had more fun patterns. Blessings to your entire team in the New Year, and keep up the good work!
I loved it this year…had not participated before. Not being too computer savvy I missed several days, however. I love, love, love your patterns.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been lots of fun and it has been interesting to see all of the comments, but would be even better next year if I could be one of the lucky winners.. all of the prizes were great!
I agree that it would be improved if I won…but seriously…maybe partnering with some of the people that use your patterns to give away more outfits from your patterns…
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting to see what others say about their sewing experiences but would be even better next year if I would be a winner, (I am sure others feel that same way.)” Thank you for sharing what Liberty Jane has to offer and giving us all the chance to win.
The 12 days of Christmas has been interesting, but it would be even better next year if my sewing skills improved.
The twelve day off Christmas has been wonderful. It would be better if I found out on the 1st day and could win 12 new patterns to sew for my granddaughters while I stay home and take care of my husband after his two upcoming heart surgerys
happy new year. To all
The Twelve Days has been great. I love the chance to win (even if I didn’t!) and the links you gave for everyone was great. I just ordered from Zipper That Doll. Maybe include some sewing tips for everyone next year? Although I learned a lot from all the comments people left too. Great job this year.
Beautiful fashions!
Please don’t change a thing! This was my 2nd year to participate each day. We all won on Friday when you gave the list of resources!!! There was one site that was exactly what I needed. Hadn’t been able to find a source and bam! there it was.
If all those who responded asking for more free patterns would shop at Pixie Faire they would earn free patterns. I love watching my points total grow each time I buy a pattern.
Loved reading comments from everyone. It took some time but I’ve read them every day.
Thanks for a fun time, and I can’t wait for next year.
Just thank you, thank you, thank you. No improvement; just gratitude for all the prizes given out. Each day was exciting and fun and added anticipation to the 12days after Christmas.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun. It’s given me the opportunity to enter a contest every day, and I have a hard time finding contests to enter, but this is a way for me to know for sure there is always a contest. But would be even better next year if you possible had multiply winners. More people would get the chance to win prizes.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and informative regarding patterns I had not noticed before. It would be even better next year if (same as ideas from above) the number of winners matches the number of the day we were celebrating (i.e. 12th day = 12 winners). Otherwise, it is totally awesome and inspiring!!!
Thank you all!!!
I came into the contest late. Will have to look back and see what it is all about….but would still like to win!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas have been great. It would be nice to see a few more free patterns then merchandise.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if as suggested the number of winners corresponded to the number of days. Only a single prize to each winner but the number of winners would increase the chances of winning and the fun of the anticipation.” A fun thing to do!
The prizes are really nice.
The 12 days of Christmas have been great, but would be even better next year if the winners for each day were easier to find or were emailed directly and if a doll was included in one of the days prizes!!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been GENEROUS! but would be even better next year if I WON EVERYDAY:)”
The 12 days of Christmas has been truly wonderful having a chance to enter for the contests but it would be even better next year if more people won each day. This has been a joy and I thank you all so much for having these giveaways.
Love it just made the Penny Lane jacket. Love to choose the Miss Lily dress.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if more people could win prizes
The 12 days of Christmas is a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays as well as enjoy some awesome doll fashion. I can’t think of any way to improve it. I am amazed at the things you can create in such small patterns. Maybe next year have a daily email to remind us about each day. Life gets busy and I totally forgot about checking back each day.
Hi Deana, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and VERY generous – it could only be better if we could all win :-). I also like the idea of one winner on day one, two winners day two, three winners day three, etc.
12 days of Christmas this year has been amazing! It would be even better next year if we could nominate people to win! Not sure how that would work. Thanks for your generosity!
The 12 days of Christmas giveaways have been great, but next year would be better if I checked my email more and didn’t miss entering most of them!
The 12 days of Christmas has been magical, but would be even better next year if I was on vacation from work spending every moment with my family.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been great but would be even better next year if I could win.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun but would be even better next year if there was a pattern coupon for everyone.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been enjoyable but would be even better next year if there were even more prizes and winners!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and the prizes have been great. I really do not know of a way to improve it.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful looking forward to each day and what it brings but would be even better next year if it went on for many more days. i know it’s a lot to ask, but it wold be so much fun for us.
The 12 Days of Christmas has really been fun. Hope you do it again next year. Thanks.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been lovely but would be even better next year if it were 24 days of Christmas!
Also, it would be fun to have more dolly clothing giveaways.
The 12 days of Christmas has been excellent, but would be better next year if I started entering before the end.
The 12 Days of Christmas have been awesome!!! I think it would be really cool if next year you give away an outfit that has already been made, because not everyone has time to sew. Myself included. XD
And it would have been nice if i had actually entered every day. oh well, next year.
Keep being awesome!!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, exciting, and informative. Checking the blog for the next exciting give-away has really been a bright spot in my day. Thank you so much! I do wish I had won something though…I guess I still have one more chance! As far as how to improve for next year…well it was already so great! But I would take advantage of a BOGO deal like others have suggested. Or another suggestion would be to add a new variation to an existing pattern, maybe even one of the free patterns. Just an idea! And thank you so much for all the great giveaways, and thanks to everyone who participated and added wonderful ideas & tidbits!
The twelve days of Christmas has been great as always but would be much better next year if I wasn’t on vacation and could enter more than a few days.
The 12Days of Christmas has been fun to look forward to each day. But it would be better next year if… nothing is coming to mind.
The 12 days of Christmas has been awesome (even though I Didn’t win anything haha!) but it would be even better if it was the 25 days of Christmas! Hahaha (;
I really hope I win this. My New Year’s resolution is to learn how to sew (I just bought your book, Cinnamon!) so this would be a great start!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been good, but I wasn’t able to do much this year.
. Next year, though. I don’t have much to improve for next year. Maybe if more people could win each day.:)
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun, but would be better next year if I won a prize!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, and shows the generosity in the hearts of the Liberty Jane Co. It only could have been better, if I won something as I have never won anything in my life!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and exciting. It’s fun to think about having a chance to win and also keeps the Christmas spirit alive seeing your generosity put into it. But would be even better next year if you keep on doing the same. Yes like others it would be fun to have more days or more doll clothes but just knowing you would be wiling to do it another year and just because you are that good hearted makes me feel that it could be better but only if you do the same as you did this year, keeping it for the joy of Christmas!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been entertaining reading and fun!It would be better next year if it returned
and if it were easier to see who won the previous day and where they are from.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be better next year if there were more chances to win!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been exciting! I think it would be better next year if maybe some (or a select few) of the subscribers made a special outfit to donate for the giveaways. Not sure how you would pick, but it might be fun!
The 12 Days of Christmas was wonderful and I enjoyed all of the resources, patterns, shoes, etc. that were given away as prizes. To make it better next year maybe give a pattern each day or a LJ doll outfit or maybe a gift certificate for a specified amount. Whatever it is you do will be an added bonus. Like others who have commented I would love to win one of the prizes. Thank you and happy new year!
It has been a fun way to kick off the New Year and get inspired! After Christmas always leaves in a slump. Enjoyed the comments, inspiring people (gosh there are others like me out there), and your creative business. You have done a great job and I love your patterns. I think of good designs but suck at pattern drafting so you have saved me a lot of grief. It would be fun next year to have one post for pictures of what people have created. Their best doll creation for the year! Went to fabric store today for thread and of course found more fun dolly fabric. At least doll yardage doesn’t require a lot, so you can buy more! Lol
They have been fun!
The twelve days of Chrustmas has been fun. It would be interesting to know how you select the winners. And , like so many others, of course I’d love to win!!!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a lot of fun, but would be even better next year if there were more winners, lol. Seriously though, I totally enjoyed the opportunity you offered throughout these past 12 days.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been an extra special and fun event but would be even better next year if more persons had an opportunity to win. Offering a single pattern to 12 persons or discount to use when purchasing patterns. It would give us more hopes of winning a prize. Thanks for all you wonderful patterns.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been really exciting but would be even better next year if everyone got a free pattern.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been really fun! I wouldnt change a thing!
The 12 days of Christmas have been very busy, but would like warmer weather next year! (I live in MN and it is now -19 with a wind chill of -45).
Hi Elaine, Guess what? You are one of the 12 winners of the 12th day of Christmas! You will get to chose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been great, but would be even better next year if I got emails or another type of alert. I only got reminders on 2 days this year (which I find weird since I have been subscribed to your newsletter for a long time & I also follow you on Pinterest). Thank you for your generosity!
I’m obviously a dork, I totally missed the place to enter my email on the 12 days home page! I am using my phone only (kids have had the computer all through Christmas break), but I still wonder why I got a few emails, but not the rest.
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun again this year, however I would like to have a daily reminder to sign up – this time of year is so hectic, and I’m not always thinking to go to the 12 days of Christmas posts (it didn’t help that I was sick for part of it, either!)
As other posters have said, I’m in agreement that there should be more people winning, rather than one person wins the entire day, other than day one. With the HUNDREDS of entries you get, it’s near impossible to be chosen. I have chosen this year (when I remembered to check the contest) not to enter if it’s something I’m not excited to win. If we all did that, there would be a better chance for those who truly wanted to win a specific giveaway to do so.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been fun and a great way to look at the things you have at Liberty Jane. I think it would be even better if everyone was a winner. Then I realize that everyone is a winner when we get to see the awesome doll clothes and try out the free patterns and tutorials.
The 12 days of Christmas were really fun even though I didn’t win a prize (at least not yet.) I enjoyed reading comments and learning from them. It was also fun to wake up and look at the post each day! I am not sure if it was just my computer, but it seemed to take several days to post some of the winners. Maybe it was just because you all were so busy with the holidays! Perhaps you could do a Twelve Days of Christmas in July too (Christmas in July!) That would be fun!
….fun, but would be even better next year if I won! Haha!
no seriously, I really don’t think it can be any better. You were very generous with all the prizes, and it was so much fun! Thank you!
The 12 days of Christmas has been fun and. It would be better year if I made more of the stuff!
The twelve days of Christmas has been fun, but it would be better next year if I win.
The twelve days of Christmas has been great fun, and you have inspired me to start thinking about sewing for my dolls. I really cannot think of anything realistic that would make it any better next year.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been a great reminder that I really need to get creative this year and Liberty Jane Patterns are a great way to start, but it would be even better next year if I remembered to check my emails more often and enter every day!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been generous but would be even better next year if there were more days haha.;) Thank you once again for everything! This is very generous and kind!
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been super fun! But it would be better next year if everyone won with a special offer of the day
The 12 days of Christmas has been as fun as always, but it would be even better next year if you came up with some kind of pop up for my phone that would remind me to enter every day instead of just a few days like this year. Grrrrrrrrr, I kept forgetting.
I was so excited to have come across “The 12 Days of Christmas”. I am new to making doll clothes and your daily giveaways gave me a chance to win some fun items. The only thing that might be included in the future is to have a daily notice to newsletter subscribers. Bookmarking helped but some days I almost forgot to get in on the fun. Thanks for a great experience!
The 12 days of Christmas is very has fun as always, i enjoy reading the posts and love the sewing tips you provide. It would be even better next year if you give a pattern away to everybody on a day. Thank you for your generosity. Loved the little starbucks cups you gave away last year.
The 12 Days of Christmas has been awesome but would be even better next year if I actually won something
The twelve days of Christmas was great and very nice for you to do it. It would be better next year if there were more winners maybe. For instance instead of 1 winner winning 12 patterns, maybe break it up to four winners winning 3 patterns each. something like that. Also would be nice to see the winners names in one place. Thanks for your generosity!
The 12 days of Christmas is a clever idea , It would be better next year if you gave away outfits and gift cards.
The 12 days of Christmas has been both fun and informative. I’ve enjoyed sharing and pursuing other’s comments and helpful hints, but it would be even better if there was an email sent out every day to remind you to enter:)
The 12 days have been fun to follow. Next year would be better if maybe the winner could have a choice of attending the 2014 Design Academy or the patterns. All are awesome wins!
the 12 day give away has been great! Next year would be better if the winner could attend the Design Academy!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been wonderful but would be even better next year if everyone received a pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!
I think the Twelve Days of Christmas have been very inspiring . Thank you , Cinnamon for your generosity and also to everyone for kindly sharing their ideas . I also think it was a great idea to have it after Christmas . I would not have been able to participate before Christmas – too much preparation to do for Christmas . I feel very motivated having participated and now that the Festive Season is over my mind is clear and I am ready to take on new projects . I think next year would be better if I calmly sat down and read what was required instead of rushing to respond before thinking thriough the question . The prizes have been very desirable . I didn’t win anything but I gained so much more knowledge and feel so much more motivated to sew .
The twelve days of Christmas were fun and u think that they were great just th way they were.
I think the 12 days of Christmas has been a great way to spend some downtime after holiday whirlwind. I have enjoyed reading the comments and posting a few of my own. I was not diligent and post every day. I am Not sure I would change anything. I like that each day is a surprise gift with varying numbers of winners. What is the fun of “opening” a gift if you already know what you are getting? I, like other commenters, never win anything but it is always fun to try. Thank a bunch for all the fun!
Hi Joan, Guess what? You are a winner now! You will get to chhose 12 patterns from the Liberty jane Collection. We will contact you through email with the details – congrats!
The twelve days of Christmas have been thrilling and and would be even better in 2014 if everyone that didn’t win bought a pattern, made an outfit up, gave it to a local children charity for a special little girl!
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun. I don’t know how it could be better next year unless I won LOL
This is soooo awesome, love your patterns !
The 12 days of Christmas was a great idea and it would have been better if I had won
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been so much fun to enter each day but would be even better next year if at least one pattern was offered along with the other amazing prizes each day. It has been so fun to check in each day.
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been happy, sad, busy, quiet, and a great way to reconnect with friends, but would be even better next year if I could just get in gear and decide what gifts to make and start them earlier. But, you know, sometimes you just can’t get a feel for the “right” gift until Christmas is almost here!“
“The 12 Days of Christmas has been fantastic but would be even better next year if I would be a winner and win a prize.“
The 12 days of Christmas was fun and I liked reading the comments of others. The only way it could be better is if there were more winners and it was easier to find the list.
The 12 days of Christmas have been inspiring, to say the least! I love seeing what others are doing- I love creating patterns of my own, too! Next year, I’ll see what’s going on sooner- I really only picked up about day 6!
The 12 days of Christmas have been great but it would be even better if I had won. Or there were more winners or give away more ready made outfits.
Thank you for doing this but the only way it could be better is it I win the patterns..
Love your creative give-aways! My suggestion wish list is for more personal input–I love hearing about what people are wishing for in the doll pattern and clothing world.
What fun to choose!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been incredible but would be even better next year because I will know about it before it’s almost over! I only discovered Liberty Jane on the tail end of the 12 days of Christmas as my daughter just received a doll this Christmas.
The 12 days of Christmas has been great but it would be even better next year when I have more sewing experience.
The Twelve Days of Christmas has been a great idea, but it would be even better next year if y’all also released a new pattern on each day of The Twelve Days of Christmas.
The twelve days of christmas have been wonderful trying to make my daughter doll clothes. Next year will be even better when i have learned more about making them.
The 12 days of Christmas has been great..as usual! But if would be even better next year if more people could win…hahaha…yes, including me! Thanks Cinnamon for continuing this each year.
The 12 days of Christmas were a disappointment for me but would be just perfect if I could be a prize winner!
The 12 Days of Christmas has been a treat.
The comments & prizes have been neat.
But to win the 12 patterns would be a great feat.
My granddaughter would think her mama’s was absolutely awesome!!!!
Very generous for the entire promotion but Wow for day twelve! Loved the way it was set up but really liked some of the suggestions for improvements too. The patterns would finally get me working towards my goal of starting a little doll clothes business! Best regards for the new year.
I just wanted to WISH ALL of Liberty Jane’s final 12 WINNERS a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS — know you ladies will have sooo much fun picking out your 12 patterns and even more fun creating fabulous doll fashions with them in the next few months! ENJOY!!!
Thanks for all the fabulous input from Cinnamon and so many of you on these Twelve Days of Christmas posts!!! See you all next year right back here — Happy 2014!!!