2nd Day of Christmas – 2013

Dec 26

day 2 iconHi everyone,

Welcome to Day 2 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration!

One of the parts I love about sewing is learning new things and passing along my knowledge to others. This past year I had the opportunity to write and photograph the content for the new Idiots Guides: Sewing book. The book is designed for beginners, filled with full color illustrations, step by step photo’s, and dozen’s of fun projects to practice the skills learned. Both Melinda and Karin (from The Liberty Jane Team) worked with me to create all the cute projects featured in the book…

[Giveaway ENDED - Congrats to LaDonna and Rebecca they will each receive an autographed copy of Cinnamon's Sewing Book!]

Today we are giving away TWO physical copies of The book Idiots Guides: Sewing by Cinnamon Miles (that’s me!).

This book is such an amazing resource!  You find it at your local book store or online at Amazon. It is available in print and just recently released in the kindle version!


sewing book promo

We are giving away two separate copies, two winners will be selected. Each copy will be autographed by Cinnamon too!

To enter simply respond to this post and complete this sentence:

“The first sewing project I made was…(insert here) “

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific), today, 12/26/2013.

See more of the book in this video below…

One entry per person.

No purchase necessary, void where prohibited.

The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment.

We will choose a winner and modify this post tomorrow to let everyone know who won.

Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

Happy Holidays,

Cinnamon, & The Liberty Jane Team

PS. Thanks to everyone who participated in yesterdays giveaway! There were over 700 comments – Wow! The winner of the red JANES shoes is Olivia, she’s been contacted by email – congrats!


  1. sherry Boyette /

    an apron

  2. Sewing the patterns are so easy to do. They fit so well and look so great on your Doll, can imagine using any other patterns for your American Doll . Thanks for such a great product.

    • I love all the sewing items that make your sewing easier and professional looking. It is fun to sew doll clothes. Sewing for your doll is quick and it teaches you for bigger items.

  3. Phyllis /

    So long ago I am not sure I remember. I am sure it was doll clothes.

  4. Barbie doll clothes from a panel with a child’s Singer hand crack machine (1964). I was 8 years old. I still have that machine!

  5. The first thing I made was a Gathered Skirt.
    On a treadle sewing machine.

  6. the first sewing project was: most likely a disaster, I must have been somewhere around 7 so like Phyllis must have been for my dolls, and here I am 63 years later still making doll clothes.
    thank you for such great patterns

  7. Jennifer Stiff /

    An apron

  8. The first sewing project I made was a doll jacket. I was around 7 years old and didn’t have a pattern and just started cutting it out. I was so proud of it and still have the jacket today. The jacket is over 50 years old now. You are never to old to play with dolls.

  9. Melanie Leigh /

    Barbie doll clothes when I was 8 on a chain stitch machine. My mom taught me how to lock the stitches and I still own these clothes.

  10. Samantha Place /

    A bag for the front of my bike. I made it in home ec because I was going on a week long bike trip with my youth group over the summer.

  11. sandra meese /

    My first sewing project was an A-line skirt. I ended up sewing the zipper in backwards and you had to zip it with your hand down the inside of the skirt!!

  12. Kathi Abrams /

    An apron I made in Home economics in 7th grade. 1963

  13. Betsy McCall doll clothes.

  14. The first sewing project I made was a hemmed dish towel made from feed sacks.

  15. janet smith /

    The first sewing project I made was a set of pillowcases for my mother — embroidered with bluebirds. Haven’t thought of that in 50 years!

  16. The first piece of clothing I remember sewing all by myself was a dress – with a zipper – when I was ten years old. I probably sewed parts of things with mom’s help prior to that, but it is too long ago to remember!

  17. Marilyn /

    I need help! This sounds perfect!

  18. virginia /

    Doll clothes for a Strawberry Shortcake doll.

  19. The first sewing project I made was a dress for my Barbie doll. Like many children my first project was sewn by hand. My first machine project was a skirt sewn for myself in Home Ec. I remember being totally happy creating the Barbie dress with no assistance at all, but I remain grateful to this day to the teacher who frustrated me on an almost daily basis by making me learn how to sew following “rules” to the letter.

  20. Linda Koenig /

    The first sewing project I made was a apron.

  21. Julie Milliron /

    the first thing I made was a halter top for myself and my grandmother showed me, gave me a basket of scraps and set up her sewing machine. I was in heaven.

  22. Michelle /

    The first sewing project I made was a pair of shorts. They came out fine but the pattern was horrible. I can’t believe I actually wore them!

  23. The first sewing project I made was a barbie doll dress.

  24. Carol P. Meadows /

    The first sewing project I made was hemming a batch of dish towels made from feed sacks. It was in the late ’40′s when I was about 5 years old. My Mother started me out on this simple project so I could learn how to use her Singer Sewing Machine. From there on, it’s all history: I’ve never stopped sewing!

  25. Francine /

    An absolutely hideous jumper in 7th grade home ec.

  26. My first sewing project was purple corduroy flared-bottom pants. My friends thought thy were groovy…..even though this was the 90s.

  27. doll clothes, but too long ago to remember the specific piece. I do still a few of the hand-sewn as well as machine-sewn pieces. And, as they say, ‘history repeats itself’, except now we have your fabulous couture patterns to sew and our dolls are fashionably dressed! Oh how I wish my Mom were still here to ‘play dolls’ and sew with me!

  28. Lisa Lindemann /

    I a owl pillow in 7th grade…circa 1977, with felt and hand embroidery techniques learned in home-ec class

  29. Laurel Petrich /

    The first sewing project I made was a doll dress made from old ribbons.

  30. I was in 8th grade and I made a pink apron with a plastic hoop for a waist band. I still have it. When I look at it I realize just how far I have come since the class. There weren’t ANY straight seams at that time ha ha!

  31. Chris Saunders /

    …a gingham apron as a learn to sew project with 4H.

  32. Kristie Dowling /

    First project was a card tablecloth — hand painted fruit and hand stitched edges.

  33. The first project I sewed was in home economics in the eight grade. We had to make our own dress for graduation. Mine was purple and white Swiss dot with a huge can can underskirt…hmm that really dates me doesn’t it?

  34. The first sewing project I made was…
    More than 50 years ago when I was about 8 years old, my grandmother taught me how to sew a simple doll dress pattern made by tracing around the doll, adding a seam allowance, and sewing it by hand. My vision of it finished was not how it turned out but I was hooked and eager to learn more.

  35. My first sewing project was a monkey pillow case :)

  36. The first project I made was a doll quilt. My great aunt was teaching me to sew and I did more ripping out than sewing.

  37. Kathy Thomason /

    The first project I made was a dress in HomeEc class in 9th grade. Been sold ever since on sewing!

  38. Lori-anne Mcdonell /

    In 1978 I made doll clothes with my grandma

  39. A nightgown for sewing class in 7th grade! that was 40 or so years ago. Having fun ever since!

  40. Myra in Sweden /

    The first sewing project I made was probably an apron in home ec.

    I was so proud when in 8th grade I had a simple skirt and blouse put on display for all to see in the school hallway. Since then I’ve been sewing lots for myself and my family – now it’s mainly American Girl doll clothes for my granddaughters. They each received the Idiots Guides: Sewing for Christmas and I would LOVE to have a copy for myself.

  41. a bag! Love that I can download the patterns and start right away on a project! Thanks!

  42. The first sewing project i did waas a little pillow by hand when i was about 7 and i hand embroidered a little horse on it.

  43. First project was a sleeveless top very basic design I made up. I did not have a pattern. I drew it on brown paper bags that I had cut apart to use as pattern paper. The fabric was a floral cotton fabric with different shades of small pink flowers. I sewed it by hand as I did not own a machine. I think I was about 7 years old.

  44. Rita Bankes /

    I remember distinctly, a bea bag and tea towel for a 4- project when I was 8!:)

  45. The first sewing project I made was a pillow. I made it with my late grandmother, who taught me all the basics of sewing.

  46. Brbara Martens /

    Tthe first “machine” sewing project I made was a reversible blanket for my doll. I was 8–I don’t remember the first hand sewing project I made–but there were many, as my mom wouldn’t let me use her sewing machine until I was 8!

  47. The first sewing project was an apron in home ec class in middle school.

  48. I have sewn for as long as I can remember. Making doll clothes by hand that my mom had cut out for me was probably my first project.

    • Cinnamon & Team /

      Hi LaDonna, Guess what? You won one of the autographed sewing books! We will contact you through email for all the details – Congrats!

  49. Deb Smith /

    Barbie clothes

  50. Sheilah Marhias /

    My first sewing project I completed was a dress for my Barbie! I drafted a “pattern” & made the dress, at the ripe old age of 5!!! :)

  51. I first started sewing more than 40 years ago. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately if I really think about it), I have absolutely no memory of it. Considering that I taught myself to sew by buying a Simplicity pattern and following the instructions in the primer, I’m sure that whatever it was I made was not fit to wear. I do recall that as I continued to experiment, I got better and the first project I actually remember completing was a dress and cape that I wore for Easter.

  52. Penny Wilkinson /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron for my mother. It was a surprise but I had to go ask her how to do each step, so it probably wasn’t much of a surprise.

  53. Sharon Thomas /

    The first sewing project I made was doll clothes by hand, but an apron by machine. This is a book I would love to give my 13 year old granddaughter. We work on her sewing skills when she comes to visit every summer.

  54. The first sewing project I made was a skirt for myself when about 8 years old. My grandmother was my first sewing teacher and I’ll always treasure the times we spent together.

  55. Terry Knuffke-Tolbert /

    The first thing I sewed was a pair of shorts in the seventh grade. I went to catholic school and we made shorts to go under our uniform skirts to wear during p.e.

  56. Jane Wolfson /

    The first sewing project I made on the sewing machine was a zip-up culotte one-piece. My friend’s mother offered to teach me to sew and said to pick any pattern and fabric I liked. So I pickd one with a zipper and crotch seams which had to be matched. When she saw what I had chosen, she didn’t say a thing. When I finished, she told me that I had chosen a difficult garment for a beginner. By then I was hooked.

  57. The first sewing project I made was barbie doll clothes.

  58. The first sewing project I made was a blue and white gingham apron in my 8th-grade home economics class.

  59. Marguerite Sundstrom /

    My first sewing project was a yellow and white checked gingham apron that went around my waist. I made it in home economics class in 9th grade.

  60. June wicks /

    My firs t item I sewed was a doll dress and I sewed it on a treadle machine.

  61. My first sewing project was an embroidered potholder, but my favorite was the A-line skirt in home-ec class! Got me started on a life long hobby!

  62. My first sewing project was hand sewing fabric samples into a little quilt. My sister hand sewed a shirt that she begged to wear to school…. It fell apart shortly after she got there!

  63. a skirt and scarf for my 4H project

  64. Susanne Ascue /

    The first project I made was clothes for my troll doll when I was little

  65. Marilyn /

    My first project was a simple skirt in home ec class way back in the 50′s. Now I am excited to watch my granddaughter make her first project with the new sewing machine I gave her for Christmas.

  66. Carole Schneider /

    My very first sewing project was a doll dress when I was about seven years old. I couldn’t understand why the sleeve was so crooked! The underarm seam was in the completely wrong place! My mother would allow my sister and I to use her machine whenever we wanted tobut with six kids to keep up with she didn’t have much time to help us.

  67. First sewing project ever was when I was 7 and Mom showed me how to make a tiny skirt (gathered and hand-hemmed) for a little Cinderella puppet project I had to do. First sewing from a pattern project was a ruffled skirt at about age 12 or 13. I love sewing for dolls SEW much better than sewing for myself or other humans though! And 18 inch dolls are the most fun and what I concentrate on now. I think even seasoned seamstresses could learn from Cinnamon’s book.

  68. Sophie T /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron for my Sindy doll. I still have it!

  69. Carol Page /

    The first sewing project I made was a felt coat for Midge (Barbie’s red haired friend)…looking back, the red felt clashed with her red hair… The woven braid trim was too large scale for the doll and the snaps were too thick… But hey, at 9 years old as far as I was concerned she HAD a coat!

  70. The first sewing project I made was a purse.

  71. sherry mattson /

    The first sewing project I made was a skirt. i was 5-years-old and got my very own hand-cranked sewing machine for christmas. i took the dollar my great aunt gave me and walked to the five and dime to buy 1/2 yd of turquoise and white striped fabric. i then used my sewing machine to make a tube and hem, then put elastic in the waist. my very own skirt!

  72. The first thing I remember sewing was a Barbie dress with scraps of material my Grandmother gave me. I still have it!

  73. The first thing I made was doll clothes and they were by hand because I did not have a machine. I followed in my mom’ sand grandma’s steps because they were sewers.

  74. The first sewing project I made was a gathered skirt. I was in third grade and my mom showed me how but made sure I did the work. I wore it to school….many, many years ago.

  75. The first sewing project I ever made was a dress for me. It turned out SO bad! But I wore it anyway. I put so much work into it be damned if I wouldn’t wear it! I was in second grade.

  76. Sonya Hemmings /

    My first sewing project was a purple wrap-around skirt that I made in home-ec class.

  77. The first sewing project I made was a simple pair of capris, out of blue cotton printed with white flowers. I love wearing them when it’s warm enough!

  78. my very first was a by-hand made with my own pattern doll dress for a 7 inch fashion doll that my mom got free with a coupon. I was about six and had “designed” the dress (lots of ruffles and lace)and presented the design to my Grammy to make up. When she saw it, she said “If you’re clever enough to request something like this, you’re clever enough to learn how to start sewing for yourself!” The bodice was all one piece (no side seams) with holes cut into it for the simple “tube” sleeves. Boy, was I clueless. Grammy helped tho, and I finished it. Don’t have the doll anymore but (40 years later) still have the dress!

  79. Nannette /

    First sewing project was an apron in Home Ec . . . . MANY years ago. :-)

  80. My first sewing project was a cell phone case.

  81. The first sewing project I made was a dirndl skirt for my 8th grade home economics class. My dad wouldn’t let me make it as short as I wanted (bless him), but it was still quite stylish for 1970!

  82. The first sewing projects I made were baby bibs and burp cloths for my first born.

  83. a skirt and shirt for my Barbie doll. For the skirt, I cut out a circle and then cut a small circle in the center for the waistline. For the top, took a rectangle of cloth folded in 1/4th of the fabric from each side and cut an armhole in each of those folds. Sounds crude and so simplistic by I was only about 6 years old. Not much actual sewing involved; mostly cutting.

  84. The first sewing project I made was a red brushed denim wrap around skirt.

  85. The first sewing project I did was a little red and white pinstripe blouse with PeterPan collar abd puffed sleaves. Do most people remember their first project I wonder.

  86. The first thing I ever sewed was a blue tank top for my doll, except the fabric stretched when I was sewing it, and it became two sizes larger than I wanted it to be!

  87. Melanie Melancon /

    “The first sewing project I made was…a maternity top in 1968 when I was pregnant for my first child. Been sewing ever since.

  88. Tandika Star /

    The first sewing project I made was when I was about 8. I had a tiny plastic dog (less than 2″). It was a greyhound. I salvaged tiny pieces of fabric from the trash in my Mom’s sewing area and made little “coats” for it. I kept the dog and it’s clothes in an empty matchbox! I guess I’ve been dressing all types of toys and dolls ever since!

  89. Catherine Sanders /

    The first sewing project I made was a bean bag frog 30 years ago :)

  90. Pretty Fairy /

    The first sewing project I made was a jacket!

  91. The first sewing project I made was a felt doll coat for a Madame Alexander doll. I was 7 or 8 at the time. I made it on my mom’s featherweight machine, under close supervision. :D That was more than 50 years ago now…

    Thanks for doing this, Cinnamon. Just found your site, and I’m really enjoying it!

  92. Colleen B /

    The first sewing project I made was a pair of pyjama pants.

  93. Claire Milne /

    The first sewing project I made was a needle case. The first doll sewing project I made was a copy of Princess Diana’s “going away” outfit after her wedding to Prince Charles!

  94. IMy first sewing project was a hymn book cover at school!

  95. Doll clothes about 1948 when I was 6 on my mother’s black Singer treadle operated sewing machine.

  96. Made my first doll dress 63 years ago. I was six when my grandmother taught me to make doll clothes out of scraps of feed sacks. The scraps were from dresses she made me!

  97. The first sewing project I made was a doll quilt which I made by hand sewing in the early 60′s. My mother helped me make it. She was very protective of her sewing machine and I didn’t get to sew on it until I was in high school. When I was small she could look at a dress in the Sears Catalog and make one for me by making her own pattern. My mother which was 94 and my husband passed away recently within a few hours. I stayed with him all night and walked him to the hearse. I then went straight to check on my mother and found her dying. I held her hand as she passed. I told her my husband was already in heaven to greet her.

  98. The first sewing project I made was a cloth diaper for my daughter! I found an awesome pattern that walked the very beginner through it. I loved being able to sew something so cute & useful!

  99. The first sewing project I made was a pair of otpajamas….although they never truly got finished. :)

  100. My first sewing project was in 4-h at nine years old. I chose a pleated skirt. Dont know what I was thinking, it took me forever.I won a blue ribbon at state fair so I guess it was worth it.

  101. My first sewing project was a simple elastic skirt made in home-ec class

  102. The first thing I sewed was a patchwork skirt.

  103. The first sewing project I made was a small pillow for my doll when I was 2 and a half. My mom sat me on her lap and gave me a scrap of fabric that I folded in half and put under her sewing machine. She pushed the treadle and helped me guide it in a …somewhat strait line, then she let me put stuffing in. We stitched up the hole where we put in the stuffing and then I had my very own pillow that I still have to this day, raw edges and all.

  104. The first sewing project I made was a blue A line skirt in my 7th grade Home Economics class.

  105. Sharlyn /

    My first sewing project was a roll up tool caddy in 7th grade sewing class. I still have it to remind me of how far I’ve come! ;)

  106. Catherine /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron for my American Girl dolls when I was 8 :)

  107. When I was little I would sit at my mothers feet and take her scraps of fabric and hand stitch doll clothes for my dolls. When I got a sewing machine for Christmas when I was 7 my first project with it was pillow cases.

  108. My first project was an apron I made with my mom’ s help. If I recall correctly she helped a lot.

  109. My first project was a royal blue a line skirt in 7th grade home ec in Hawaii. Purely by accident it happened to fit and I had to model it in the school fashion/deportment? Show. In those days we had to show proper sitting technique, modest skirt length, knees folded at the ankles only, hands folded demurely in the lap. This was1961 and modesty was well on its way out the door and into history.

  110. The first sewing project I made was … a gorgeous wool plaid, satin-lined cape with hood. It took so much work and almost 6 months to finish. I had to learn tons in order to get it done. Then I had to find the perfect button closure for it. When it was done, I envisioned me wearing it to school in the winter and on elegant evenings out. Who knew I was allergic to wool? Wore it once and eventually had to give it away. Wish I had it now to share with my daughter though.

  111. My first sewing project is a very distant memory, since I started sewing when I was eight. I do remember sewing clothes for my Crissy doll. I recently found them in the attic and had a good chuckle!

  112. I’m not really sure what my first project was, but started making doll clothes when I was 6. One of my first sewing machine projects was an apron for a Christmas present.

  113. First sewing project: a cotton tote bag. Does anybody remember those middle school things?

  114. Marjory W. /

    …..as I recall, a skirt for my Toni doll.

  115. My first sewing project was a coral and grey baseball tee with distressed skinny jeans

  116. The first sewing project I made was a cute little elastic waist skirt made out of very bright calico patterned fabric. I was about 9 years old.:)

  117. deb townsend /

    great gift for begingers

  118. The first sewing project I made was a pair of coulottes and a tie-front shirt – I was 11 and I thought that was the coolest ever! I think I wore it all of once.

  119. The first sewing project I made was a jump suit for myself. I was about 10 years old. I was so proud that I could see and it turned into something. My aunt put me into a beginners sewing class, I enjoyed it very much.

  120. The first sewing project I made was a maternity top. My friend was an excellent seamstress and she made me one and gave me the pattern and fabric and told me to make one for myself. I was hooked on sewing. I sewed for my children, grandchildren but I love making the doll clothes. When the grand daughters get them their faces light up with excitement!!!!

  121. Andrée Bergeron /

    The first sewing project I made was—-I don’t remember.

  122. Donna Root /

    Babydoll Clothes when I was little.

  123. My first sewing project was a hand-sewn bathrobe made out of white flannel with pink rosebuds–for my Barbie doll. My mother gave me a tricked out sewing basket for my 10th birthday filled with supplies, and the pattern and material for the robe were part of the package. She helped me to read the pattern, and showed me how to cut it out and pin the pieces together. I progressed to a machine, but I still enjoy hand-sewing.

  124. A pillowcase dress!

  125. My first sewing project was a mauve eyelet dress I sewed for my Grade 8 Graduation..

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  127. Brenda Sweeney /

    First thing I made was doll clothes for a vinyl baby doll 53 yrs ago

  128. Linda H Miller /

    When I was 7, I made a “jacket” for my Betsy Wetsy. I remember that my sisters asked me who helped me and I said “No one. I did it myself.” They said “Who sewed the shoulder and side seams?”. I said, “I did on mom’s machine.” They said, “But you’re not allowed to use the sewing machine.” And I said, “I know, but I did it when no one was around to yell.”

  129. The first thing I made was a sun dress for my doll. I was 10 years old and I still like to make doll clothes. Only now it’s for my 7 year old grand daughter

  130. The first sewing project I ever made was most likely a dress for my doll. Mom sewed and always encouraged us to do so – I and all my sisters started with needle and thread and not the sewing machine itself, though we eventually did graduate to doing that.

  131. The first thing I made was a sun dress for my doll. I was 10. I still make doll clothes, only it’s for my 7 year old grand daughter.

  132. My first sewing project was an apron made in 7th grade in Home Economics class. My grandmother was a seamstress and I learned a lot about sewing from her.

  133. The first sewing project I ever made was a pin cushion!

  134. Been sewing a long long time love making 18 doll clothes for my 2 10year old granddaughters

  135. Melinda Cieslinski /

    This one is sooo easy ;) “The first sewing project I made was…” after watching my dear, dear grandmother make a Barbie Doll outfit. She made it look so easy!! (It hadn’t even dawned on me at this age that Grandma was the town’s professional seamstress!!) I sat down with some fabric scraps and scissors and needle/thread and “designed” my first outfit. My sewing wasn’t gorgeous to say the least. Grandma had told me if I would take a nap she would “reinforce” some of my seams for me. Well needless to say, she created magic by the time I woke up!! What a confidence builder she was, telling everyone I had made that outfit!! Ah, I want to be that type of grandma ;)

    Melinda C.

  136. Debra T /

    My first sewing project was…Barbie clothes! Sometimes sewn right on to the Barbie – looked great and fit well but not reuseable! I’ve come a long way from then….

  137. Fran Stroud /

    My first project was probably doll clothes but the biggest one was my 4th grade 4-H apron. It was yellow and white gingham checked. My mom made me a new dress to wear when I had to model it for the judges. There were many other identical aprons in the contest. This was the only option for a 4th grader to enter. We all had to use the same pattern. I placed 2nd and was so proud. I still have that apron!

  138. Monya Duvall /

    The first thing I sewed was a pillow in 7th grade home etc and I loved it :-)

  139. The first sewing project I made was a blouse when I was about 10 years old. I entered into the fair for 4-H. My mom always sewed things for me, and I continue to sew for myself and my children. October is my biggest sewing month- got to have those original costumes! But there are plenty of doll clothes, and other things, to make all year long.

  140. The first sewing project I made was doll clothes for my Barbies!! Since I did not know how to use a sewing machine, I did everything by hand. It’s still a lot of fun to find the old vintage Barbie patterns on the Internet!!

  141. The first project I made was a top for my doll with my little hand crank sewing machine that I received for Christmas when I was 4 or 5.

  142. Rachel K. /

    I can’t remember. I think it was a small stuffed rabbit my Grandma helped me make, but I’m not sure.

  143. Chris Walden /

    The first sewing project I made was soooo long ago, that I just honestly don’t remember what it was! :)

  144. sewing doll clothes with my grandmother on an old Singer peddle sewing machine!

  145. The first sewing project I ever made was a green drawstring apron when I was about eight-years-old in 4-H. My leader, Mrs. Krum, was a stickler for perfect seams and straight stitching. I quickly learned to use a seam-ripper well. :)

  146. My first sewing project was a pocket apron I made for 4-H in 5th grade. I was 10 and I still have it. It’s 39 years old!

  147. The first sewing project I made while learning to use a sewing machine was an apron. It was a sad attempt… even I could see that, so I embellished the life out of that ugly, ugly garment with embroidered pockets and my teacher was so impressed she gave me an ‘A’ for the project! Whew! Awesome save… never give up on your dreams.

  148. Rebecca George /

    In 4-H the first year (age 10 back then) we started with hand sewing things for our sewing boxes, then made an apron, a laundry bag and a gathered skirt using a sewing machine. All of these items went to the county fair. The next year the project was pajamas with something called a “flat felt seam”??? By time in junior high making most of my own clothes through 4-H club and competitions. But never doll clothes! Now that is all I do!

    • Cinnamon & Team /

      Hi Rebecca, Guess what? You won one of the autographed sewing books! We will contact you through email for all the details – Congrats!

  149. The first sewing project I ever made….

    Handsewn Christmas ornaments as gifts for family made from scraps. They even put them on their trees, and my sister gave me back the little rag doll I made her just a few years ago. She actually kept it over 15 years!!
    My first machine sewn item was a hideous two tone tunic sweatshirt with a tiger in the front. I cringe now, but back in the late ’80′s, I thought it was cool.

  150. Carol Bartlow /

    The first sewing project I made was…a simple summer blouse for myself. I was 9 years old. That was over 50 years ago and there has been constant sewing going on since. I am in the process of teaching my DGD8 how to sew and this book would really be a help for me teaching and her understanding. Thanks so much.

  151. Ellen Bierlein /

    The first sewing project I made was a dark green cotton duck circle skirt and green and yellow floral print blouse for my 4-H sewing project and pin. I was 8 and it was the 1st time I was allowed to use the sewing machine by myself. I still have the pin and blue ribbon I won in the juniors division, tucked away in my memory box. That was in 1955 and I have been sewing ever since.

  152. My first sewing project was a gathered skirt complete with waistband that I hand sewed for my doll…under the expert eyes of my grandmother. Loved that skirt…and my grandmother of course.

  153. Rosalind Carey /

    The first sewing project I made was the free tank top. It was so easy, and it turned out great

  154. Colleen /

    The first sewing project I made was a sweatshirt.

  155. Dawn Jetchick /

    The first project I made on a real sewing machine was an A-line shift with a floppy ruffle collar. I had sewn the collar on wrong side out and not sure the zipper was too straight but boy was I proud of it. Wore it to school several times. I have learned a few things since then.

  156. Lori K. /

    The first sewing project I made was pillows in the shape of my initials back in 6th grade Home Ec class!

  157. The first sewing project I made was a bag made in home ec in middle school , it was red and burgundy.

  158. Sharon Ryder /

    Pajama Pants in the summer of 1973. I remember vividly as it was the summer after I’d graduated high school.

  159. Melanie /

    The first project I made (mostly independently) was a double bed quilt, made out of squares my late grandmother had already cut. I was 9 years old. I sewed the top together and my other grandma helped me tie it and bound it for me. I still use it on my bed and I’m 37 years old! It’s ugly, but warm. :)

  160. The first sewing project I made was a jumper when I was about 10 years old. I made it for a 4-H project. I don’t think I ever wore it as it turned out too small.

  161. Holly Dare /

    The first sewing project I completed was a flaired skirt for junior high home ex class. That was it, I was hooked! And I have been sewing ever since. That was %&@ years ago, and I still love it!

  162. Jeanne Marshall /

    The first sewing project I made was a skirt for my Barbie doll.

  163. Bella Rose /

    The first sewing project I made was a pillow plushie for my doll.

  164. The first sewing project I made was a little flowery pillow at camp. :) it was really tiny and cute!

  165. Judith Martinez /

    The first sewing project I ever made was an apron.

  166. Candice Lacy /

    The first sewing project I made was a dirndl skirt with an elastic waist and hand hemmed–at age six! My great aunt Florence taught me that and so many things. She was my sewing inspiration and I miss her very much. She’d love sewing for American Girl dolls!

  167. I remember a lot of projects I worked on as a kid. I would sit by my Mom and put my finger on the “circle” of the sewing machine and feel the whirr of it as it turned around and around as my Mom sewed. When it was time for me to learn how to sew, my Mom, an avid quilter, cut up some squares for us to design our own quilts. With straight stitches and easy piecing, we’d sew up lap quilts in no time. I remember laying the lines of stitched blocks on the floor and pinning them together (I felt this took FOREVER!!) and then sitting and stitching them together on the machine, my Mom watching close by. Its been a whirl since then! Can’t stop now:)

  168. cindi perron /

    My first sewing project was a triangle head scarf and something else (!) in my 7th grade home ec class (anyone remember those??); I was smitten from the first stitch!!

  169. The first sewing project I made was a stuffed bunny family made out of terry cloth. I was probably about 10 yrs old and I was so proud! Looking back my mom must have helped me quite a bit :)

  170. Katie Casiglia /

    It was either a doll pillow or a wrap skirt for my barbie that I made without a pattern. The first REAL project I made was a drawstring bag for 4H. I remember the instructions being AWFUL for a beginner.

  171. Carol K /

    Barbie doll clothes with my sisters.

  172. The first sewing project I made was a top for my doll. It was sewn by hand and was the classic collarless, dolman type sleeve garment. LOL! The first machine sewn items were an apron and a horrible gathered skirt made in 7th grade home ec. class. We were required to wear the skirt to school one day. Yikes!

  173. The first sewing project I made was a set of beanbags.

  174. The first sewing project I made was clothes for my Debbie doll. I remember sewing the clothes by hand.

  175. Emy LeFevre /

    The first sewing project I made was a drawstring bag to hold my patterns and books from my first sewing class.

  176. Barbie doll clothes with my grandmother, when I was like 9 or 10 years old…

  177. Ashley A. /

    The first sewing project I ever made was a cloth doll for a dollhouse. It was from a library book that taught kids how to sew. It was the Daddy doll, and my mom made him a top hat with the lid from a lipstick tube and ribbon. It was over twenty years ago, but I still have him in my treasures.

  178. The first sewing project I made was a doll-sized tank top using the LJC free pattern.

  179. Rhondda Fanning /

    This is a great reference book . I would love to win a copy to give to my daughter- in-law .

  180. The first sewing project I made was in 4th grade. I made a dress for my troll doll. I didn’t have a pattern and it was all sewn by hand. My mother always sewed so watching her sew is what gave me the confidence to sew myself. I taught my son and daughter to sew, and I now spend time teaching my grandchildren.

  181. The first sewing project I made was a girl’s short cotton nightgown, I think the fabric was more of a quilter’s cotton & most likely not of high quality. It was cute … until I wore it… the fabric wasn’t the most comfortable and some of the seams tore the very first night. It was unwearable almost immediately, and a big disappointment. I didn’t do any more garment sewing until I had toddlers of my own to sew for many years later.

  182. Susan BC /

    My first sewing project was…a wrap-around skirt that even featured a buttonhole!

  183. A pillow in sewing class in 7th grade. :)

  184. tlmr@hotmail.com /

    I honestly can’t remember what I first sewed by hand as child but with my present (grandma’s) sewing machine the first thing I made was a dress up skirt for my daughter.

  185. Elizabeth Peake /

    My first sewing project was a long pink (pre) quilted bathrobe that had bound buttonholes with a deep pink satin collar, pink satin covered buttons and pink satin trim on the pocket that I made in 5th grade. I remember it clearly!

  186. I made doll clothes for my doll that I got for Christmas 1964, I had just turned 10 and in December and had not yet received a Barbie Doll. So without a pattern I just started cutting things out and my mom showed me how to use her singer machine, it just had forward and reverse straight stitching. And the first thing I sewed was my finger right through the nail. I just screamed and my mom ran and lifted the needle out of my finger. But soon I was right back at it and never again did I sew my finger and now I am making doll clothes for my granddaughters with the help of Cinnamon and her wonderful patterns and ideas.

  187. linda furman /

    I thought everyone’s first sewing experience was same as mine, making doll clothes! Mama sewed our clothes so it seemed ntural for me to make clothes for my dolls.

  188. My sister and I made outfits and swimsuits for all our Barbies out of a cut up red sweater.

  189. My first sewing project was a swimsuit coverup when I was 8 yrs old for a 4-h project.

  190. Lynne Neave /

    An apron by hand in primary school.

  191. The first sewing project I made was a Barbie doll dress!

  192. sherelyn /

    The first thing I sewed was a dress for a babrbie doll.

  193. The first sewing project I made was a series of pillows for my Kelly dolls!

  194. Linda D /

    My first sewing project was making little elves out of red, green and white felt for my mother at Christmas. I was pretty young, but I remember that I sewed little bells on the tips of their hats and she hung them up every Christmas.

  195. The first sewing project I made was a denim tote bag for school in the 4th grade.

  196. The first sewing project I made was a bag with my initials embroidered on. :)

  197. Katie M. /

    All I’ve ever sewn is a doll pillow case, and I’ve been dying for something like this so I could learn how to sew actual clothes!! Would love to win this!!! (:

  198. Lauren M /

    The first thing I ever sewed was a drawstring bag to hold all of my future sewing projects!

  199. Linda Peterson /

    The first sewing project I did was handkerchief for my Dad. Mom tore up old sheets and I hemmed them. I was 6 at the time.

  200. Deb mckenna /

    My first sewing project was with my Nonna 55 years ago. She was a seamstress and we sewed dolls clothes

  201. The first sewing project I made was an A line dress to match my older sisters dress. The fabric is probably back in style again!! LOL!

  202. Felicia /

    The first sewing project for me was the liberty Jane t-shirt, then the jeans and the tank top and the hoodie. Thank you for being such a great teacher with your patterns Cinnamon!

  203. Lani Magnuson /

    My first project was a pillow case.

  204. My first sewing project was Barbie clothes!
    My grandmother was too frustrated to sew them so I tried. We were both in tears!

  205. Karen Rudicil /

    Doll clothes! My mother bought me a small Singer model-kid size when I was 5. We sewed side-by-side for years; me making doll clothes while she made clothes for me and her. My mother has been gone for many years, but the time we spent together sewing is some of my favorite memories.

  206. Dolly Walter /

    My first sewing projects was a pair of cloth shoes for my doll when I was 9 years old. All hand sewn just like my grandmother showed me!

  207. The first sewing project I made was an elastic-waist skirt. :-)

  208. Carol Childress /

    The first sewing project I ever made was a jumper for myself. I was 12 years old and it had ruffles at the top of the straps, patch pockets, a gathered skirt, and a zipper. Looking back, my teacher must have been nuts to let me try all that on a first project. But it turned out great!

  209. Jessica /

    The first sewing project I made was a red doll made out of fabric scraps.

  210. The first sewing project I made was a black and white polka dot crop top in junior high home ec. I remember that one arm hole ended up smaller than the other and don’t recall ever wearing it. I’m afraid the stitches would have fallen out in the wash!

  211. “The first sewing project I made was…” a quilted pillow. I just learned how to sew this past semester in school.

  212. The first sewing project I made was when I was when I was about 10. I used to make doll clothes with pinking shears just cutting holes for the arms and neck to fit my dolls.
    Blessed year to all!

  213. Clare Russell /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron in Home Economics class, circa 1977, which is a class my daughter will never have.

  214. The first sewing project I made was with the help of my mum at the age of about seven. I hand sewed an outfit for my doll. It was a skirt and blouse. My youngest daughter still uses it for her dolls.

  215. The first sewing project I ever made was when I was 14. I made a pair of hawiian shorts in home ec class. I used to wear them all the time!

  216. The first sewing project I ever did was shorts for home ec. They were ugly but I wore them anyway.

  217. Sherry Carrigan /

    “The first sewing project I made was…a knit shirt in Home Econimics way back in the day. After completing the first, I made several more at home.

  218. Angelique Johnson /

    My first project was clothing for my cabbage patch doll.

  219. Karen Storey /

    My first sewing project was a skirt in Home Economics in school. Love your patterns and making doll clothes for my granddaughters American Girls! They love them!

  220. The first sewing project I remember making was black layered skirt for myself.

  221. Andrea S. /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron in home ec in 6th? 7th? grade.

  222. The first sewing project I made was the amazing Liberty Jane swimsuit! I really enjoyed making it. Now, I can really sew because I got a sewing machine for Christmas! :)

  223. That is a hard one .. but I would say a Barbie doll dress.. when I saw little my mom gave me her scraps and lace bits,, I was only allowed a hand needle.. but I sure made lots of doll clothes.

  224. For hand sewing my first project was a bracelet in preschool where we had to cut out a button hole and sew on a button for the “clasp.” My first sewing project on a machine were three little pillows for my AG doll that I made out of the scraps of fabric left over from my pillowcase.

  225. Cynthia /

    my first sewing project was a stuffed elephant

  226. Lori Straley /

    The First sewing project I made was a dress for my Barbie. I was 8 or 9 and couldn’t use my Mom’s sewing machine yet so I hand sewed it. Used fabric from my own dress. Found out that Mom did not appreciate me cutting up my clothes to make doll clothes. She told me I could have her scraps. 45 years later I still cut up clothes to make other things though. Don’t tell Mom.

  227. June Hubbard Nuisker /

    My first sewing project was a suite for a teenage doll…

  228. “The first sewing project I made was…a dress for my daughter “

  229. donna cotterman /

    My father taught me to sew and the first thing I made alone was fringed place-mats and pillowcases with crocheted edges. Way back in the 1950′s

  230. A pillow

  231. Veronica P /

    My first sewing project was a skirt and top.

  232. The first sewing project I made was a handmade quilt in elementary school. We were supposed to be showing how the colonists made their own quilts/clothing. It took me forever to make.

  233. My first sewing project was making a doll t-shirt. It didn’t turn out very well.

  234. Crystal Drummond /

    At age 10 my mother attempted to teach me to sew a dress for 4H. I believe she still has the unfinished project 30 years later. I discovered quilting and fell in love. Now iI am learning children’s clothes for my daughters and doll clothes for them.

  235. sheila foery /

    “The first sewing project I made was…doll clothes for my Skipper doll” my mother told me “see what you can do if you try ” Have been sewing and loving dolls ever since :)

  236. The first sewing project I made was an apron in 4-H!

  237. Elizabeth Howell /

    My first sewing project we an outfit for my niece. I made her a little top that tied in the back and shorts to match. She was adorable in it! I was so proud, since I have made several other items including my wedding dress.

  238. The first thing I ever sewed was a baby quilt top.

  239. The first sewing project I made was a stuffed bear in high school.

  240. Love the idea of a beginners sewing book.
    The first sewing project I made was a skirt that I had to make for sewing class then wear in a fashion show hat our class put on.

  241. valerie /

    The first thing i made was a simple little phone case. It was very simple one piece of fleece and another piece of fabric. Then a little button to close it up ;)

  242. the first sewing project i made was a pillow case for home ec. in jr high

  243. Brenda Rhodes /

    That has been Way too long ago. I made a gore skirt in school and the teacher didn’t show me that I had sewn some of the gores wrong side out. Never finished it nor wore it. I did better on my own, made myself a cropped top and my baby cousin corduroy overalls and jacket. None of those were my first.

  244. Bonnie Jeannerat /

    The first project I ever made was a doll’s red skirt with yellow flowers when I was 11 on an old Singer treadle maching that didn’t work very well. My grandmother finished it by hand.

  245. My first sewing project was a set of table mats. Starting in fourth grade, we had home economics and I learned a lot of my skills in sewing back then.

  246. I made a potholder. It was a requirement for 4-H sewing. I was about 6 yrs old.

  247. Cindy P. /

    My first project was so long ago I don’t remember it. I’m sure it was doll clothes we were heavy into dolls at my house as kids. I remember in home economics the teacher was impressed I could read and follow a pattern without any help.

  248. Jana Leonard /

    The earliest thing I remember sewing was clothes for my Skipper doll…I used scraps from the clothes my Mom made for me.

  249. My first completed sewing project was an apron in Home Economics class in high school.

  250. Heather /

    The first sewing project I made was a doll shirt!

  251. Barb Walster /

    A dress in Home Ec. I was so bad at the zipper that my teacher took it away from me and did it herself. Now I love putting in invisible zippers.

  252. My first sewing projects were Barbie clothes. Then in junior high home ec class my first project was an apron. I still have it– 45? years old!

  253. The first sewing project I made was a pillow case with the help of my sweet grandma! I picked out the fabric, it was a flannel with pink poodles, Eiffel towers, and French names written in cursive like “Mimi”, “Coco” & so forth. That was a special pillow!

  254. Michelle slider /

    My first sewing project was a pillow case type dress for my Barbie doll and I used my holly hobby child’s sewing machine. I was hooked! :)

  255. Gail Meucci /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron in a 7th grade Home Economics class in 1949. I wore it proudly for many years.

  256. “The first sewing project I made was a scarf. My mom helped me with it.

  257. Kristin /

    “The first sewing project I made was a barbie dress when I was 12 years old.

  258. Charlie /

    “The first sewing project I made was a hem job.

  259. Michelle Hayes /

    My 1st sewing project was when I was about 8, my mother and I went to special homeschooling mother/daughter quilting sessions where we learned to quilt together. We had a lot of fun!

  260. Christy /

    The first sewing project I made was a pair of shorts for 4H. They were elastic waistband and had to be machine and hand sewn.

  261. Terri Haines /

    The first sewing project I made was a potholer.

  262. Bonnie Neff /

    It was Barbie clothes when I was 7 years old. 53 years ago.lol

  263. The first sewing project I made was a tiny doll quilt that I made when I was 7 years old. I got rid of it when I was 12 because I was “too old for toys” so I got rid of a bunch of stuff that I wish I hadn’t.

  264. My first sewing project was that same 4-H apron so many have listed. The material was from a feed sack and when the ends of the placket didn’t line up did I ask for help, oh no, I just cut it off. Thought my aunt who was helping me would wring my neck. Don’t remember what place I got but I still have that apron. Thanks for bring up a memory.

  265. Kate Dornbusch /

    My first sewing project was an apron with 4 pockets across the bottom. My Mother taught me my first skills, then my wonderful homemaking teacher.

  266. Bobijo Speerstra /

    My first sewing project was a purple velvet cape for a Barbie doll. I still have it.

  267. Letitia W /

    beautiful blue gown for my 8 inch Ginny doll- – so many years ago. I’ve been sewing ever since.

    • Letitia W /

      So sorry, I have a duplicate entry and can’t delete it. I’m not sure how I did that.

  268. The first sewing project I made was an apron for my home economics class in 9th grade.

  269. Letitia W /

    In my eyes, it was the most beautiful blue gown for my 8 inch Ginny doll. I was eleven years old. It was a very long ago and I have been sewing ever since!

  270. I started sewing when I was 9, making dresses for my doll, they weren’t fancy but I was proud…. now I make fancy costumes…

  271. My first sewing project was a dress for my Madame Alexander doll. She was 8″ and a hand me down doll that had no clothes. I used scraps from my mother’s scrap box and drew a pattern on a brown paper grocery sack.

  272. barbara stimpert /

    The first sewing project I made was a simple skirt for my daughter…it took her being born to get bit by the sewing bug! Now we sew lots of clothes for her and her dolls!

  273. Ann Van Doren /

    The first sewing project I made was a border print gathered skirt when I was about 12 years old. I made several more and wore them to school until my older brother told me I looked “frumpy.” I stopped sewing for a while after that but luckily decided to try again in high school home ec class and have been sewing ever since (50+ years).

  274. Karen Martin /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron in Home Ec class. Mine was red gingham. That was so long ago.

  275. My first project was an apron I made for 4-H.

  276. Gerri Graugnard /

    The first sewing project I made was an A-line skirt for 4H. I was 9 yrs old.

  277. The first sewing project I ever made was a decorative cushion in second grade. We used fabric paint to decorate them.

  278. tracy evans /

    .. a pillow.. but i plan on taking some intro lessons soon…

  279. The first sewing project I made was at drawstring bookbag I made in school in the fifth grade.

  280. Rebecca Murry /

    The first project I made was a jumper during a 4H summer class. I had been taught hand work such as cross stitch before taking the 4H class.

  281. Julie Koppleberger /

    “The first sewing project I made was… a pillow in Home Ec class when I was in Junior High “

  282. The 1st project I made was a dress that I wish I could fit in now,,,,,

  283. Tamara Shepard /

    The first sewing project I made was a huge pillow in Home Ec class in middle school. That was a LONG time ago!! LOL Would love a chance to win your book! Hope your Christmas was wonderful! :)

  284. the first sewing project I made was pajama pants for my kiddos

  285. nancy speich /

    I think my first sewing project was doll clothes, but that was a while back. I remember playing with Mom’s scraps and trying to come up with something.

  286. the first sewing project I made all alone was a tie dyed skateboard pillow but I’ve been sewing with my mom as long as I can remember

  287. It was a shirt in a 7th grade sewing class. I was so proud of it, everything was looking great until I had to sew the collar. A classmate didn’t want to leave the sewing machine, so she grabbed my collar and sewed it herself. Needless to say she stitched it wrong so it didn’t fit and I had to finish it up to be graded that day, so I squished it on the shirt all wrinkly. It messed up my grade but I was thankful my hair covered it up and no one could see it!

  288. Jennifer /

    A skirt that was to short that my mom wouldn’t let me out of the house in.

  289. My first sewing project was a hot pad for a Mother’s day gift when I was in the 4th grade. It was terrible, definitely not square, and I’m sure my mom would have burnt her fingers if she had ever tried to use it.

  290. The first sewing project I ever made was my wedding dress! Well, the first project I ever finished. I took a class to learn the basics and never completely finished the sample garments. But I learned!

  291. Vickie Ballard /

    I first learned to sew in my Home Ec class…we made dresses for ourselves….actually turned out great!!

  292. Desiree /

    The first sewing project I made was a pillowcase in middle school home economics class.

  293. The first sewing project I made was a patchwork pillow that I sewed by hand when I was about nine or ten. I actually learned how from an American Girl Kirsten book.

    ~Alisha L.

  294. Allison B. /

    My first sewing project was a Barbie doll dress, when I was about 9 years old. I made it up as I went, and I recently showed it to my daughter. She tried not to laugh!

  295. Mary Helmers /

    The first sewing project I made was a domino print skirt made in Home Ec class in junior high school.

  296. Hand sewn doll clothes in the 50′s. Made doll clothes in the 70′s? Now it’s the next century and I’m back to sewing doll clothes!

  297. Candy Rice /

    An apron in my first Home Ec Sewing Class in 7th grade.

  298. An apron. I was 5 and my mom had been saving an extra pre-printed apron from her home ec. class for me to learn on.

  299. cathy neal /

    the first thing I remember sewing was holder for hot rolls in home ec class.

  300. Grammi Sharon /

    The first thing I can remember was sewing simple doll clothes for Barbie with my Mom.

  301. Olivia Walker /

    The first sewing project I ever made was a dress. I sewed it with a friend who was teaching me to read a pattern. Purple and white floral with a HUGE bow in the back. Lol!

  302. Danette Romero /

    The first sewing project I made an apron Home Economics in junior high.

  303. Diane O. /

    The first sewing project I made was an apron in Home Economics class in 7th grade (ages ago).

  304. I think a cotton swimsuit made from pink or blue gingham. The details are a bit fuzzy since it was a long time ago.

  305. Winter Boomershine /

    The first sewing project I made was a doll skirt.

  306. Rachel Bonin /

    My first sewing projec was clothes for my Barbie Dolls. I was 10 and Cher Bono was my inspiration.

  307. Cheryl Root MacMillan /

    A doll t-shirt with one of your patterns!

  308. My first memories of were with my Grandma, using her vintage singer machine and making clothes for my Chatty Kathy, Barbie and Troll dolls. I learned to love the arts of sewing, knitting, and crochet, her love of homemade clothing, rugs, and quilts. She taught me the worth of all things hand made. I would like to pass it on to my grandchildren. I believe they would love to hear it from you, Cinnamon, through your book.

  309. The first sewing project I made was ajumper.

  310. My first sewing project was a sun dress in sewing 101 in high school.

  311. Mary Ann /

    The first thing I ever made was a skirt.

  312. The first sewing project I made was a doll dress cut from scraps and hand sewn at my mom’s knee.

  313. The first project I ever made was a pair if purple twill pants with hand prints on them . The fabric , pattern , and all supplies cames as a christmas gift from my mother . I was in the fifth grade.

  314. The first sewing project I made was a pair of cut off jeans. I cut my favorite jeans and hand stitched a hem and stitched a few heart patches on the pockets. I loves my new shorts!

  315. Lucia Spraakman /

    I would love to win this book.
    Greetings Lucia

  316. My first sewing projects were initial pillows! I recently found the same pattern, now vintage at our local thrift store and just had to buy it for my daughter!

  317. The first sewing project I made was a blouse.

  318. Giving this a 3rd try. I was 6 when I made a potholder for 4-H. Been sewing ever since.

  319. The first sewing machine I ever used was a industrial sewing machine making barbie doll clothes for a company with my mother oh so many years ago.

  320. My daughter is learning to sew for her daughters and their dolls. I would love for her to have your book. She needs more confidence in herself and your patterns are so clearly explained and easy to understand.

  321. The first sewing project I made was a dress to wear in the 7th grade.

  322. the first sewing project i made was: a sundress in 7th grade HomeEc class..out of some funky cutrain material but it was shimmery and i loved it sooo much! my sewing machine and my teacher did not lite it!!

  323. Cindy Felker /

    The first sewing project was a dress for myself

  324. The first thing I made was a dress for my Barbie doll, all sewn by hand. I was 10 yrs. old. I always liked to make doll clothes. When I was 12 my mom finally let me use her machine. I still enjoy hand sewing.

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